Conan slept uneasily in a corner of the balcony above the great hall, tossing and turning (Конан спал беспокойно в углу балкона над большим залом, мечась и ворочаясь) like some wary animal that dimly senses the approach of danger (как какое-то осторожное животное, которое смутно чувствует приближение опасности). Caution had made him suspicious of sleeping in the hall before the wide-open doors (осторожность сделала его подозрительным ко сну в зале = спать в зале перед широко раскрытыми дверьми показалось ему небезопасным; suspicious of — относящийся с недоверием к). Even though the circle of death seemed to bar the denizens of the plains, he did not trust the unseen force that held the beasts at bay (даже хотя круг смерти, казалось, преграждает путь обитателям равнин, он не доверял невидимой силе, которая удержала зверей от загнанной /в тупик/ жертвы).
slept [slept], open [ˈəupn], bay [beɪ]
Conan slept uneasily in a corner of the balcony above the great hall, tossing and turning like some wary animal that dimly senses the approach of danger. Caution had made him suspicious of sleeping in the hall before the wide-open doors. Even though the circle of death seemed to bar the denizens of the plains, he did not trust the unseen force that held the beasts at bay.
A dozen times he started awake, clutching at his sword and probing the soft shadows with his eyes, searching for whatever had aroused him (дюжину раз он просыпался, хватаясь за свой меч и исследуя размытые тени /своими/ глазами, ища = в поисках чего бы то ни было, что пробудило его; awake — бодрствующий, проснувшийся). A dozen times he found nothing in the gloomy vastness of the ancient wreck (дюжину раз он ничего /не/ находил в мрачном пространстве древней развалины). Each time he composed himself for slumber again, however, dim shadows clustered around him, and he half-heard whispering voices (каждый раз он успокаивался для сна снова = готовился заснуть, однако, неясные тени собирались вокруг него, и он почти слышал шепчущие голоса; to compose oneself — успокаиваться, half — наполовину, не полностью, недостаточно, почти, уже почти).
dozen [dʌzn], each [i: tʃ], slumber [ˈslʌmbə]
A dozen times he started awake, clutching at his sword and probing the soft shadows with his eyes, searching for whatever had aroused him. A dozen times he found nothing in the gloomy vastness of the ancient wreck. Each time he composed himself for slumber again, however, dim shadows clustered around him, and he half- heard whispering voices.
Growling a weary curse to his barbaric gods, the Cimmerian damned all shadows and echoes to the eleven scarlet Hells of his mythology and threw himself down again, striving to slumber (прорычав усталое проклятие его варварским богам, киммериец проклял все тени и эхо на одиннадцать алых Адов его мифологии и бросился вниз снова, стремясь ко сну; to throw — бросать). At length he fell into a deep sleep (наконец, он погрузился в глубокий сон). And in that sleep there came upon him a strange dream (и в этом сне снизошло: «там пришло» на него странное сновидение).[21]
weary [ˈwɪərɪ], damn [dæm], sleep [sli: p]
Growling a weary curse to his barbaric gods, the Cimmerian damned all shadows and echoes to the eleven scarlet Hells of his mythology and threw himself down again, striving to slumber. At length he fell into a deep sleep. And in that sleep there came upon him a strange dream.
It seemed that, although his body slept, his spirit waked and was watchful (казалось, что, хотя его тело спало, его дух пробудился и был наблюдающим = наблюдал). To the immaterial eyes of his ka, as the Stygians called it, the gloomy balcony was filled with a dim glow of blood-hued light from some unseen source (для нематериальных глаз его ка, как стигийцы называли это, мрачный балкон был наполнен неясным заревом кровавого света от некоего невидимого источника; hue — краска, оттенок, тон, цвет). This was neither the silvery sheen of the moon, which cast slanting beams into the hall through gaps in the stone, nor the pallid flicker of distant lightning (это было ни серебристое сияние луны, которая отбрасывала косые лучи в зал через щели в камне, ни мертвенно-бледное мерцание далекой молнии). By this sanguine radiance, Conan's spirit could see drifting shadows (с помощью этого кроваво- красного сияния дух Конана мог видеть плывущие тени), which flitted like cloudy bats among the black marble columns (которые порхали, как туманные летучие мыши среди черных мраморных колонн) — shadows with glaring eyes filled with mindless hunger (тени с пылающими глазами, заполненные безумным голодом) — shadows that whispered in an all but inaudible cacophony of mocking laughter and bestial cries (тени, которые шептались в почти неслышимой какофонии насмешливого смеха и зверских криков).
watchful [ˈwɔtʃfʋl], lightning [ˈlaɪtnɪŋ], marble [mɑ: bl]
It seemed that, although his body slept, his spirit waked and was watchful. To the immaterial eyes of his ka, as the Stygians called it, the gloomy balcony was filled with a dim glow of blood-hued light from some unseen source. This was neither the silvery sheen of the moon, which cast slanting beams into the hall through gaps in the stone, nor the pallid flicker of distant lightning. By this sanguine radiance, Conan's spirit could see drifting shadows, which flitted like cloudy bats among the black marble columns — shadows with glaring eyes filled with mindless hunger — shadows that whispered in an all but inaudible cacophony of mocking laughter and bestial cries.
Conan's spirit somehow knew that these whispering shadows were the ghosts of thousands of sentient beings (дух Конана как-то знал, что эти шепчущие тени были привидениями тысяч чувствующих существ), who had died within this ancient structure (которые умерли в этом древнем строении). How he knew this, he could not say, but to his ka it was a plain fact (как он узнал это, он не мог сказать, но для его ка это было очевидным фактом). The unknown people who had raised this enormous ruin — whether the serpent men of Valusian legend or some other forgotten race — had drenched the marble altars of the black castle with the blood of thousands (неизвестный народ, который возвел эту огромную руину — либо люди-змеи из валузийской легенды, либо другая забытая раса — оросила мраморные алтари черного замка кровью тысяч). The ghosts of their victims were chained forever to this castle of terror (духи/привидения их жертв были прикованы навсегда к этому замку ужаса). Perhaps they were held earthbound by some powerful spell of prehuman sorcery (возможно, они были удерживаемы связью с землей с помощью какого-то могущественного заклятия дочеловеческого колдовства = колдовства, существовавшего на земле до появления человека). Perhaps it was the same spell that kept out the beasts of the veldt (возможно, это было то же заклятие, которое удерживало снаружи тварей степи).
these [ði: z], ghost [ɡəust], serpent [ˈsə: pənt]
Conan's spirit somehow knew that these whispering shadows were the ghosts of thousands of sentient beings, who had died within this ancient structure. How he knew this, he could not say, but to his ka it was a plain fact. The unknown people who had raised this enormous ruin — whether the serpent men of Valusian legend or some other forgotten race — had drenched the marble altars of the black castle with the blood of thousands. The ghosts of their victims were chained forever to this castle of terror. Perhaps they were held earthbound by some powerful spell of prehuman sorcery. Perhaps it was the same spell that kept out the beasts of the veldt.