Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

I tightened my grip, a thrill biting at me when his cocks jumped against my fingers. He’d stopped thrusting his finger inside me, as if he was no longer capable of movement – of anything – while I stroked him.

That aroused me more than I would have thought possible. That I’d brought this massive beast of a man, a powerful alien, an immortal, to his literal knees just by touching him. Breathless with that rush of power and pussy aching for release, I started grinding myself against his hand, slowly at first, and then with a feral, frenzied abandon. His finger was still inside me, so large it was like a cock all on its own, and I rolled myself on him, riding him. Even in the dark, I could see the desperate burn of his eye watching the place his finger disappeared into my body.

Paska. Shit, Skalla, I’m close,” I whimpered.

Without warning, Skalla wrenched his hand away from me and shoved me onto my back. He captured my wrists, pinning my hands above my head, crushed his chest to mine, and fitted his pelvis between my spread legs. My heart gave one long, agonized throb, pulsing in every point of my body, as I anticipated the furious shove of one of his cocks inside me.

But he didn’t penetrate me. He shunted his hips against mine, grinding, until his cocks became separated by my body. His smaller, upper cock was trapped between our pelvises, rolling maddeningly over my clit, while the large cock was forced downwards, its shaft settling snugly along the cleft of my ass. Skalla tossed his head back, his neck corded with tension, and I wondered if forcing his cocks so wide apart like this was hurting him. His breath sounded like drops of rain falling onto scalding metal – hiss after hiss after hiss – as he began to ride my body.

He wasn’t even inside me, and already I was overwhelmed by him. I was entirely lost to everything except the swollen, brutal spread of his cocks, the two shafts tense as a set of jaws held open across my pussy and ass, throbbing to snap shut and bite. His cocks were trying to drive back towards each other to achieve a more comfortable angle, each one compressing against my flesh, the pressure made even harder by the crushing, urgent roll of Skallagrim’s hips against mine. Though I was mostly pinned, I tried to meet his movements. There was so little give in the position that all I managed were ecstatic little twitches against his onslaught.

There was no elegant word to describe the way Skalla mounted me. It was humping, pure and simple. Primal and needy and so fierce that the mattress was shoved back and forth and the bedframe smacked up against the wall, a rapid drumbeat of wood on wood. And behind that drumbeat was the sound of slick flesh on flesh, my whimpering, and Skalla’s hissing groans.

And then, the sound of tearing, and the sudden sensation of give beneath my ass. It took me a whoozy moment to realize it wasn’t part of my body that had given way, but the bedding beneath. Skalla’s frenetic pounding had forced the head of his lower cock down with such force that it had punctured the fabric.

He was literally fucking me into the mattress. His lower cock sank deeper and deeper into the fresh hole he’d created beneath me. I thought I felt that shaft gearing up to ejaculate first, swelling and pulsing against my ass as the torn-open mattress admitted his ridged head.

I gasped in triumph to find out I was right. Skalla’s breath hitched, the muscles on his chest turned to stone against my nipples, and then his lower cock exploded, driving downwards and drenching.

It was as if the orgasm was contagious, like it could jump from person to person. Because as soon as that cock began spewing, the viscous heat of my own insides convulsed, then constricted, in shattering climax. But the virulent pleasure wasn’t finished yet, because then it rolled from my pussy up to Skalla’s other cock. Skalla snapped his jaws soundlessly, fangs bared, wings thrust outwards in ecstasy, as his other cock ejected hot semen all over both of us, sealing our bellies together.

I clung to Skalla with rubbery arms, barely able to do anything besides breathe as I tightened and released, over and over, drifting in that blinding orgasm’s wake. I wouldn’t drift too far, though. Because Skalla was here, solid as a boulder, something to anchor myself to and-

And he ripped himself away from me.

His arms wheeled, wings tilting, as he heaved himself off of the bed. Stumbling like a drunkard, he disappeared into the bathroom, closed the door...

And locked it.

I stared at the shut door in disbelief, the heat rushing out of me. Skalla’s ejaculate cooled on my skin, and I wiped it off the best I could with my discarded robe, feeling suddenly cold.

“Skalla?” I called uneasily. There was no reply except the sudden creak of pipes and the rush of water into the bathroom’s tub.

I sat on the ripped bed, cum-soaked robe scrunched in my hands, totally dumbfounded by what had just happened. That had been one of the most intense sexual experiences of my life, and as soon as it was over he was just... done?

“What the hell is happening?”

To keep myself from thinking about it, because thinking about it would lead to inevitable hurt that I wasn’t ready for, I gingerly got to my feet, flicked on the ceiling lights, and surveyed the damage.

The mattress was fucked. Literally and figuratively, I thought ruefully. In the centre was a narrow but deep gash with cotton stuffing spilling out like entrails.

I had absolutely no idea how I was going to explain this to Jolakaia and Zev. Humiliation plagued me just imagining how that might go.

No way. If anyone has to explain it to them, it’s going to be Skallagrim. It’s not like it was my giant alien dick that ruined their bed.

Needing something to keep busy with while Skalla did whatever the hell was apparently so important in the bathroom, I stripped the bedding. Then, I set myself to pulling any soiled cotton out of the mattress. Fucking hell, he’d really let go in there. The mattress had an obvious, saggy dip once I was done disposing of all the Skalla-soaked bits inside. I did my best to redistribute the rest of the clean stuffing, but it still didn’t look right.

I glared at the closed bathroom door and muttered, “Next time, if there even is a next time, we are doing that on the floor. Punch a hole through the floorboards and get a splinter in your dick, see if I care.”

I washed my hands in the cooking area, then scoured the small amount of storage, relieved to find what I needed – a small sewing kit. I repaired the tear in the mattress, then did the same to the bedding.

But even though the whole project took a while, when I was done it felt too soon. Now I had nothing to distract me from the hole Skalla’s absence had created. And this was a hole that I couldn’t sew up.

I chewed my lip, wondering if I should go check on him. But then I heard the sound of the tap turning, and the water’s sluice coming to a stop. He was obviously conscious in there, and able-bodied enough to turn off the water.

He wasn’t sick. He wasn’t injured.

He was just... choosing not to be around me right now.

Well, that was just fine. After all, we barely spent any time apart. This was as good a time as any to get some space... when I was still quivering and wet from what we’d just done.

Yup. Perfectly fine. Just peachy.

I slammed the lights off. I didn’t bother replacing the bedding yet because it would need to be washed. My robe needed washing now as well, and I didn’t want to put on any other clean clothing until I’d had a bath.

Naked and angry – angry so that I wouldn’t fall down a nasty hole of hurt – I flopped on the bed, curled onto my side, and fell into a tense, dreamless sleep.

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