Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

The lecturer gave a little time to the "applicants" to decide whether they had questions or not, and proposed the next "chapter":

– The Gospel of Luke. It contains the greatest variety of parables and descriptions of events. The Gospel of John is… perhaps, I would say, the most interesting and diverse. It repeats and supplements the previous three Gospels, and it already shows the censorship and propaganda, if I may say so, that has passed since the time of the events described. I say this because it emphasizes the perception of Jesus as Love, Truth, Word and Light in the world. This is where you must properly, in a sort of Nietzschean way, understand with pure reason. The way I have suggested to you, for an unbiased perception. That is, you must feel yourselves not only not Christians, not only not religious, but also not inhabitants of the planet in question. You must be unbiased statists. Why? Because this whole story described in the book of Bereshit (the book of Genesis – the first book of the Torah, the Old Testament and the whole Bible), may Gods and believers forgive me, and most of all – believers in Christ… by the way, I can't help saying again, the very question "do you believe?" has a different meaning than the one formed in minds now… and even then, as well as the story described in this book.

The listeners were a little puzzled by the strange way of constructing the lecturer's speech: the incompleteness of the first part of the sentence and the Christian theologian's use of the name Bereshit instead of the Book of Genesis. However, the professor himself apparently thought that everything should be clear to everyone. He continued by explaining the second part of the sentence:

– Initially, it had a meaning: do you believe in the Immaculate Conception, in the resurrection from the dead, in the divine election and divinity of Christ? That is, it was something new, as a religion for the lower, let's say simpler, common people. As sad as it is, we humans usurp everything, because before Christ, God was for the rich. People were considered equal before God strictly on the caste principle. Later, of course, everything was perverted again – a king, tsar, emperor or other ruler was appointed to rule over people with God's blessing.

He made a cocky "ts" sound with a curl of his lips that rustled clearly on the airwaves, while showing an "ok" gesture with his fingers and blinking one eye.

– I'm sorry, why do we see some decorations of religious scenes in paintings? I'd like to see the faces with whom in the group.

It was a ringing female voice, so I didn't have to specify whose it was. However, they decided to make a joke.

– And you, Venus, what shape are you in at the moment? – Mars asked.

Knowing his mischievous disposition, most chuckled. There was a chuckle on the air, which did not embarrass the lady in the least.

– Oh, my goodness. By the way, I'm supposed to be the Magdalene. So I might as well get erotic. I have nothing to be embarrassed about.

– All right, let's get on with it… it's business as usual.

– An hour," Mercury hinted as if wanting a speedy conclusion.

– By the way, who will be Maria? – A woman's voice sounded again.

– You will be. It's not like we can send all the characters. Remember, your purpose is to correct the course of history. That's why you may not have to go into Maria's mind," Ruthra explained.

And then a wave of understanding of the presence of an invisible observer swept through everyone's consciousness, or somehow the subjects had forgotten about it. It was Rangit who reminded of himself and his capabilities.

– Let's continue, I'll try not to take too long. Yes, by the way, about how and what to see and perceive – that's also part of the program, so let's test mental communication, that is, silent communication, – Nomor suggested. – Ready?

The audience was silent.

– We focus on John. In his Gospel, Jesus' identity is more openly presented by the narrator as not of this world, and parallels are drawn between the Father and the Son. I recommend to study it in detail, it will help you when in the program you directly have to join the ranks of Jesus' followers with a sermon. Though for the beginning I would advise you to start with studying the summary of the Gospel of Luke, which is full of events of the life of Jesus Christ, descriptions of miracles and healings, and includes many individual parables and popular Gospel quotations. A few words about it now. A summary of the Gospel of Luke. So, what you'll find in it....

Two predictions by an angel about the births of Jesus by Mary and John the Baptist to Zechariah and Elizabeth. Zechariah did not believe and became numb for 9 months. Mary asked the angel for details and visited Elizabeth.

The birth of Jesus in the cave of Bethlehem. The joyful appearance of the angels to the shepherds. Circumcision of Jesus. The sacrifice for the firstborn, the prophecies of Simeon and Anna. Jesus at the age of 12 was lost in the Jerusalem temple for three days.

John baptizes, washing the people in the Jordan River, preaching the doctrine of repentance. He denounces King Herod and is imprisoned. Thunder at Jesus' baptism, the Holy Spirit from Heaven. Jesus is 30 years old, thought to be the son of Joseph.

Jesus interprets the Old Testament in the synagogues, some like it and others are furious. Heal the sick, Peter's mother-in-law.

The calling of the apostles Peter, James and John with the promise of catching people. Healing a leper and lowering a paralyzed man from a roof with forgiveness of sins.

Elects 12 apostles. Preaches the commandments.

Jesus confirms to John the Baptist that He is the Messiah. Glorifies John in front of everyone, but rebukes the Pharisees. Forgives the sinner.

Jesus calmed the storm, drove a legion of demons into pigs, and raised Jairus' daughter.

Jesus told the 70 disciples to preach, to heal from demons, to spend the night with the worthy, to eat everything.

The Lord's Prayer.

Keep the commandments, give all to the poor, you will find Heaven. About death and resurrection.

The glorification of Jesus as He entered Jerusalem on a donkey. Jesus drove the merchants and shoppers out of the Temple.

Give God's things to God and taxes to Caesar.

The preparation of the Passover, the Last Supper. Drink wine and eat bread in remembrance of Jesus. The new covenant is in the blood for you. Judas kisses and Jesus is seized at night in the garden, Peter denied. Sanhedrin sentenced to condemnation.

Jesus is accused before Pilate, but Pilate disagrees and sends him to Herod. Herod finds no guilt. The crowd demands death. Crucifixion of Jesus and the villains. Jesus dies in an eclipse and is buried in a cave by Joseph.

On Sunday it appeared that the cave tomb was empty. An angel told the women that Jesus was alive. The resurrected Jesus appeared to the two disciples, the eleven apostles, eating fish and honey. Ascension of Jesus. The disciples praise God in the Temple.

…I see this abbreviated interpretation says little to those who know the Gospel story, and little to those who do not know the Gospel story. So I will spend a more informative time with my story. So: The New Testament. The Gospels. Preliminary information. The word "gospel" means "good news," "pleasant, joyful, good news." It is the name given to the first four books of the New Testament that recount the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The vast majority of Christians honor him as the son of God. Except that it turns out to be a curious situation. It is as if he is his own father and his own son. Though in ancient religions there were many sons of God. Every little king called himself a son of God. Who had a strong power and could create a succession, respectively, to prolong his personality cult even after his death, was later honored, so to speak, voluntarily and compulsorily as a son of God. I will even go a little ahead and say that Christianity and established itself in the broad masses, because it proclaimed God for the middle and below average strata of the population. Simply put, for laborers and slaves. For understanding I will explain – slaves were not supposed not only to have property, but also to have God, God's patronage. It was a kind of insult to the powerful and rich, because it put the slave on the level of nobility. For the most part, this was the main motive for the persecution of Christ. Before the coming of the Son of God to the earth, people visualized God as an all-powerful Creator, a formidable Judge, and an unapproachable glory. Jesus Christ gave a new concept of God as a close, merciful and loving Father. Here again, however, there are some ambiguities. If Herod's tyranny and Pilate's dictates were in place at that time, how could Christ help the oppressed, the disadvantaged, the handicapped, the sick, and anyone in need? It is understandable if it was help as verbal comfort, but in that case it would not have been difficult for many to speak beautiful and pleasant words. After all, there were a great many itinerant and non-itinerant preachers in those days. In the ancient world it was a kind of political declaration and even a fashion. There was no professional medicine, and science was like something from the realm of fantasy. Therefore, the one who could cure any disease, the more severe, and even if he could apply something scientific, knowledge of astronomy or chemical interaction of metals – this person was automatically endowed with a supernatural, divine aura. I will tell a little about the origin of the Gospel text. Yes, by the way, of course, all this is not my personal interpretation, in some places I will quote different sources, so perhaps I will repeat myself somewhere. After our peculiar lecture, I will drop the files for public access, or rather, they will be written to your internal artificial memory, in disputable situations you will always be able to consider the opinions.
