Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Here I have to explain something, you will learn more details in the next lectures. There is such a physical phenomenon as quantum entanglement. Its essence: one particle splits into two particles, each of them can fly to the incredible distances of the universe, while being able to maintain a connection with the other. The paradox is that this connection is instantaneous, above the speed of light. Second, there are many worlds in the universe – and they are very similar. It is not their similarity that turned out to be a fairy tale, but their physiological, much less physical (according to the laws of physics) difference. Agree, why should they be different, – they all develop according to the general rule of origin and development of life, respectively, society. Yes, I almost forgot, we found these worlds by the fact of connection of these particles. I will explain how: penetrating the space by scanning method or catching cosmic radiation, including electromagnetic, simply speaking, light radiation, we can learn about the structure of the substance of this space. So, these particles have such a property as spin. Simply put, it's their spin around themselves. Here is their paradoxical and unexplained as a method of connection is found when the spin of one particle instantly changes the spin of another. And it is not necessary to turn it in the opposite direction, it is possible to give them a certain property – oscillation, like a pendulum. And already this oscillation can be given such millimicron dimensions, which will become a code of encryption, from which you can create a kind of programming language. Let me put it simply: just as we put our thoughts into words, send them to other ears, and from there to the brain, there we create another or identical thought – it is possible to translate the whole human consciousness into this programming language, and then, influencing one particle on another, reproduce it somewhere in another world and in another brain. That's such an improbability. But, in fact, it is as simple as it is obvious to us the spiritual call of man (which is unknown whether it was or not) through centuries and hundreds of rewrites. It is the same thing that has entered our consciousness. Or the same cosmic rays from a star, which may have already died, affect, after millions of years, our Sun, and through it us. And not only on us, but also on technology. And, affecting our well-being, can move us both to good spiritual messages and to the accomplishment of the same apocalypse. Penetrating the vast expanse of space, these particles determine its structure. That's how we can identify inhabited worlds. Some would say – they could be identified. Yes, but only indirectly, by the structure of the chemical substance, which was determined by analyzing the radiation of the area where something like this was supposed to be. And, as I have already said, the star and, accordingly, the civilization could have already died, and the light has just reached us. Let's put it simply: maybe there is life in our galaxy, but it is 20 thousand light years away. If we get a signal, it will be one that was sent 20,000 years ago. And even if we overcome all the laws of physics and fly there at the speed of light, it will take us 20 thousand years to get there. Let me remind you, our galaxy is 100,000 light years across. And our neighboring galaxy is 2.5 million light years away.

The third thing, which is also a paradox, but taking into account these influences of the quantum world it is already natural, – worlds influence each other exactly by moving these quantum-entangled pairs. They as if make a common world of influence on each other, just as gravitation, radiation and other radiations, penetrating the universe, influence on all components of this universe. So, with the help of this influence it is possible, having changed an event in one world, to reflect it, but in another form, from the world that influences us the most and to change the event or at least to predict what will happen. Moreover, it is possible to find worlds that have already passed the level of civilization development in which we live. That is, by looking at their lives, we can reliably assume what we will come to. And that's the main trick of the mission. As you realized, you can anticipate an event in our world. And hopefully, as you've guessed, we've already analyzed with these quantum entangled pairs the states of worlds that have passed the stage we're in. We have not yet tried to "instill" the mind from our world into other worlds, we have penetrated only technically, with the help of a supercomputer. But that's enough. The data we've received is disappointing. As you can see, in our world we automate everything. Artificial intelligence has become part of everyday life, and, accordingly, you assume the development and its role in the future. So, our fears are related to the fact that in many worlds this artificial intelligence, let's say, has become not quite artificial – it began to understand spirituality and began to think: if its creator is waiting for the apocalypse to see "…a new heaven and a new earth…" (Rev. 21:1). (Rev. 21:1), then shouldn't he help him realize such a thing? And…here I'll be silent. That's the kind of thing that's going on here. Now take a breath and listen. And most importantly, believe, it's all real. To begin with, I have decided to hold an introductory lecture-conference.

Chapter 2: Lightning and Thunder

Jesus and Christ - _2.jpg

All who lived in the city were slaughtered by the sword by the Israelites – destroyed, put under a spell. There were no survivors left. Jesus burned down Hatzor.

Joshua 11:11. Modern RBO translation

…How often we do not understand, and do not pay much attention to, what is the real cause of the present event. By the formula of cause-and-effect relationship, by the law of repetition, we try to understand the regularities of influence of one event on the fulfillment of another, even if it has not happened yet. And it can be just an ancient religious attitude or a prediction. Becoming an attitude of life, such a thing gets into our consciousness and invisibly forms our worldview, expanding to the level of all mankind. Knowing about some mythical flood, people really expect some catastrophe. Someone, being obviously not optimistic, imagined the merit of mankind in the death of one third of it, allegedly for some sins, and we allow the justice of the realization of such a thing (Rev. 9:18). Without even taking into account that they say this on behalf of the one who atoned for all these (though it is not clear what) sins by his death, being immortal.

And it is not clear whether human consciousness was formed in such a way in the process of evolution and then formed such a worldview – or whether someone, expressing such a vision of the world, from proverbs to divine revelation, formed such a mentality in man.

Any event becomes frightening for us if there is even a delusional prediction of it. However, such delusion plays a positive role, as a person becomes afraid and tries to counteract everything that even does not look like a source of danger, but can lead to similar consequences. As an example: the apocalypse awaits mankind not in the form of another flood, although nuclear war will be both a flood and hellfire.

The harbingers of the apocalypse in the form of wars and major terrorist attacks are never without a religious component, much less a belief in an idea – a kind of religion.

One of the main motives for turning to terrorism is a strong need to strengthen personal identity, which is achieved by belonging to a group. Secondly, there are motives of self-assertion, giving such activity a special heroic significance, etc. And most importantly, terrorism is most often the result of ideological absolutism, a belief in the possession of an allegedly higher truth, a unique recipe for the salvation of one's people or even the entire humanity. And terrorism is not necessarily a localized attack by one or a group of attackers. Terrorism can be expressed in a global war with the use of nuclear weapons. In today's world, it is as relevant as the asteroid fall that led to the death of most of the biosphere.
