Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

– Oh, you're telling me something very abstruse, and you promised me a simpler story, – Venus was definitely not satisfied, a certain gender loneliness of the person with the code name of the commission member was evident.

– Actually, if you look at religious doctrines from the outside, there is a certain inclination towards dictatorship and totalitarianism," the professor answered her serenely, which definitely suppressed her will.

She made no retort or indignation. He continued in his own way.

– As for Christianity specifically…and since it is from a single root, this is true of all Abrahamic religions as well. I am emphasizing on some places concerning the receipt of teachings and knowledge. I will not quote passages from the text, as I promised, and I do not like it, I think even one episode with the so-called fall into sin is enough. After all, why did God kicked Eve and Adam out of paradise? By the way, do not forget, even better always take into account: biblical stories also carry some hidden, even mystical meaning. I am talking here about Eve and Adam. After all, here we do not mean directly people as two persons. The question is broader. Many of you know the meaning of their names.

– Eve is 'life', Adam is 'man'," a thunderous brutal timbre sounded over the airwaves without announcing his call sign.

It was Rangit, whom everyone already recognized, though he could mimic any voice.

To -clarify a bit, the name Eve means "giver of life," and Adam is not only "man," but also "earth." According to the scripture, according to that very secret meaning, Adam as if personifies the whole human race. In any case, from these positions the meaning of the narrative is already revealed in a different way. It's not just two lovers making a mess, it's a whole system. Not for nothing… yes, I think it is necessary, though you all know it already, to indicate where the beds of secret rivers are. As it is known, Eve tasted, either on the recommendation or on the agreement of a certain creature, which is designated as a serpent, something that is designated as a fruit, namely – an apple. Is that what happened after she tasted it? She became, to say the least, intelligent, insightful, knowledgeable. The most interesting thing is that she was the first to realize. And even more interesting is why and how, because she had no examples, no information. Here, and everywhere in the Bible, in all religious texts, one must take into account sober, so to speak, empirical conclusions, arguments and logical considerations. What I mean is this: in order to properly understand the meaning and draw conclusions, logical consideration is necessary. It is necessary at least to imagine oneself as a complete stranger to the Christian religion, that is, as an adherent of another religion, or better yet, as an atheist, or even better, as a person who does not know about the existence of the biblical stories at all. Otherwise we will have a more one-sided view of events. Well, for example, if you are a Christian, you will more scientifically reveal the essence, make a scientific analysis of religious texts, for example, Hinduism. So, the first thing Eve noticed was that she was naked.

– And she asked for a fur coat," a stray swallow of a mischievous voice suddenly slipped into the monotonous information field.

Strangely enough, the author of the replica turned out to be a representative of the Kurchatov Institute, a Nobel laureate in the field of subatomic particle energy. According to Rutra's classification, he was codenamed Mercury.

Having uttered the remark, he hastened to apologize and designate himself:

– Hopefully, orbital friends will forgive little Mercury's humble banter.

The audience supported him with friendly laughter and turned to listen, for not a single facial muscle on Ffitnop's face was deformed. He gazed serenely into the hall and, when the audience gave in to his hypnotic gaze, he answered:

– According to the legend, there was no need for her to have a fur coat there, but she asked for clothes. Now the question is, how did she know what shame was? I mean, she hid from God. That is, first of all, God here is almost the same as the pagans, walking among his creatures, just like them. Secondly, when he found out that Eve tasted from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and gave her husband a taste, he became angry and drove them out of their comfort zone. That's me putting it in modern terms. Besides, pay attention, there was nothing else to sin with except this fruit. Here I have to make a little disclaimer, but this disclaimer will be a red line through the whole narrative. And I ask you, please, do not lose sight of it. It is very important, because it is only by understanding it that you will be able to grasp the essence of the narrative correctly. And now here it is: all of this is written by people! People! And don't ever forget that. This understanding, interpretation, logic of thinking… even if you believe or admit the divine, even alien, origin of the very idea of this story… all the same it was understood by people, those who wrote it, and before many centuries simply orally transmitted it, in a human way, that is in that logic, which was inherent to them, available to them by the level of development. It may be a little difficult to understand such a representation of the reality of existence, but let us consider the following: God does not perform miracles to please humans. So, sorry, it is better to accept the fact that your interlocutor, neighbor, brother, brother-in-law, matchmaker, whoever, will adhere to another form of reasonable explanation of the metaphysics of the universe.

After saying this, the professor took a breath, took a noticeable sigh, as if what he had said was difficult for him, and, swallowing saliva, continued:

– Complex, perhaps, but in fact simple. It is difficult, but it conveys the essence of the story in the most truthful way in terms of logic and true understanding of what is happening. Be very attentive to this point, because people begin to argue, not taking into account the presence of many versions of the story, many editions of the scripture, and most importantly – the presentation of human understanding. Exactly the presentation of human understanding. And people, keep in mind and the time of origin of history, wrote according to their understanding, their worldview of being, happening and the state of reality. Therefore, when someone argues with someone, say, look, it says this and that, always take into account that this is not a scientific work, not a documentary chronicle, but a free statement, interpretation of what is happening. And another point – not only what is happening. Let some believers forgive me, but religious stories – and I call all biblical stories religious – are largely not reflected in historical chronicles. And if they are, they are told in a completely different chronology and factual reality.

The manner and style of the theologian's speech, and he told his stories, though serene, but very inspired, intrigued the audience and brought novelty to the "powdered" image of a well-known story. There was no question of boredom. They listened to him with interest. Applause was heard to confirm it. At first modest claps of one, and then there was a flurry of emotions. After the hall calmed down, there was silence. As it turned out, from Rangit's unspoken analysis, it was caused by misunderstanding. The one to whom the applause was intended was the one to speak. Even Rutra was surprised by this. After the conference, Ruthra analyzed the cognitive scanning reports of Nomor's reaction and found that he had thought it was sarcastic irony, but later it became clear that his views were shared.

– I, of course, would like to voice a lot of things regarding my conclusions, but, alas, I have a clear task. Therefore, if, of course, you wish, I will try to fly quickly through the obligatory program, and after that… and after that, as they say, there will be another time. I hope you understand me. Let me remind you once again, perhaps someone, and maybe everyone, counted on some romance connected with such a training program, but again, alas, knowledge is knowledge, no matter what position your body is in, it is always the same in the brain and memory. This is also a certain postulate, like the constancy of the speed of light. So, first of all, so to speak, for stimulus, what will information training give you in general terms? It is necessary, as I have already said or hinted… yes, yes, I leave room for your own reflection… So, knowledge of the topic will give you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with answers to popular questions related to repetitions and discrepancies of texts in the Evangelists, the events of Jesus' death and resurrection, the commandments of the Sermon on the Mount, references to John the Baptist, interpretation of parables, and so on. Let's continue with the Gospel of Mark, because it's the shortest, sort of, in terms of our teaching position. But the Gospel of Matthew, perhaps this is my subjective opinion, is the most detailed. It devotes almost seven chapters to the Sermon on the Mount, for example. The Gospel of Matthew is suitable for those who are interested in the theoretical part of the doctrine and the history of the life of Jesus Christ.
