Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

So, in this world, in the event itself, we must take a direct part. And we must, knowing about similar events that happened in other worlds, lead everything according to the planned scenario. This is necessary so that the action, having gone through many transformations in the centuries, would be reflected in our world in such a way as to change the tragic sequence of events that must happen because of the belief proclaimed by the same doctrine. So, examining worlds that are chronologically in periods to which our civilization has not yet arrived, that is, in the future for us, we have discovered one regular tragic event that is repeated in all worlds. Having thoroughly investigated this phenomenon, its background, so to speak, the reason of its origin, we came to a stunning conclusion: this event is influenced by the Gospel story of Christ. Yes, yes, you will be even more surprised when you find out what this event is. So, pay attention, this event is caused by artificial intelligence adopting itself as a person. That is, at some point, we are going to have to accept the ISKIN, which is the acronym for artificial intelligence, as an independent intelligent person. There is a repetition of the fantastic story described by Cameron, the rebellious Skynet …

– I'm sorry, is everything going to be so twisted into multi-step logical sequences? – asked a man who looked like Marx or Che Guevara.

He was the chairman of the board of directors of the Jupiter company. The company he headed had recently leased from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense canned ballistic missile silos that had been removed immediately after the dissolution of the USSR. In them, it located a bank of frozen sperm and eggs. The firm provided similar services. According to their idea, in the future it will be possible to create your clone from your own sperm and egg. So here too, in this system, there was something like a married couple. Before keeping their part, a man or a woman had to find a couple agreeing to incarnate into a similar one in the future. So it was a mutually beneficial agreement. However, they planned to "upload" their minds into a new body using the technology created in the company, which had a still secret name – the "Sphere" system, or simply the "Sphere" company.

– Yes, in a multi-step… it all depends on how logic would work," Ruthra replied, stroking his neat beard as if speculating on the nature of such an attribute in men.

He occasionally left a short beard, because he believed that a brutal mature man of European appearance, medium height, athletic build, which he was, beard generates different associations in the minds of others.

– Before our colleague tells you about the plot of the story in which you will find yourself virtually, I'll make a disclaimer – only Master Rutra," he pointed at himself, "and… of course, the one who perceives himself as the best of the best – his majesty Rangit. I'm just kidding. I will voice one of my rules… or even one of my theories, or rather, logical postulates… What's the big deal… listen.

That being said, it brought a smile to everyone's face.

– Dear ladies and gentlemen, friends, comrades, brothers and sisters, whoever is acceptable, – Rutra made three small nods, looking at the audience over his glasses, slightly bowing his head, – yes, the topic of our mission is religious, I present to you our new development, still secret, – repeated three nods and switched to a mysterious tone, – artificial intelligence with the effect of full immersion. Full immersion in our situation means full identification with a human. I can say with certainty, it… passed the Turing test.

The hall took five seconds to digest what they had heard, of course, thoughts and opinions differed, then smiles appeared, turning into shy grins. It was possible to identify those who understood the essence of the question and those who did not know much.

– After all, the Turing test… hmm… – Rutra looked around the room in silence again, – I won't reinvent the wheel, by the way, it was invented later than the locomotive, I'll give you the generally accepted definitions, with which many of you, I'm sure, are familiar, which will make it easier to understand the essence. So, the standard interpretation of the Turing test is as follows: "A person interacts with one computer and one person. Based on his answers to the questions, he must determine whether he is talking to a person or a computer program. The computer program's job is to mislead the human by forcing him to make the wrong choice." Not a single officially demonstrated ISKIN, as they call the owner of artificial intelligence in professional jargon, passed the test with a result of more than 50%. That is, the machine failed to inspire the majority of the judges with its humanity, to put it this way. To put it simply, it failed to deceive people: to make them believe that it is identical to them. But that's only what's being demonstrated openly. You understand that if a computer system costs tens of millions of dollars, if laboratories with thousands of programmers work on the creation of programs, there is no way without secrecy. As you understand and as it has been explained to you, our center plays a leading role in this hierarchy of secrecy. I would say it is the halo of the world's secrecy. In this regard, I'll tell you: you have an opportunity to test our ISKIN. By the way, we don't use this abbreviation here, we call them IskRa. If you've guessed, it stands for artificial intelligence. Now we will demonstrate one of them, and you will understand how intelligence and a reasonable machine differ from intelligence. Let me give you a hint: intelligence as if presupposes the presence, albeit conditionally, of a soul. By the word "soul" I mean everything that we associate with this concept. That is, IskRam is no stranger to emotions, i.e., compassion and anger.

A whisper was heard in the hall.

– Yes, yes, please love and applaud. Meet His Majesty Rangit.

– I greet you," said a male voice with a pleasant timbre, typical of men between 30 and 50 years old. – I am, as you have realized, the Rangit… or, as my creator calls me, Iskra. Ha-ha, I can make jokes.

Now unconcealed laughter swept through the room.

– I won't be wise, prove and disprove Riemann's hypothesis, compose poems, determine possible chronic diseases of your children and read your thoughts by scanning your brain through your pupils, I'll tell you at once: I am the best of the best, the greatest creation, a genius of all times and peoples, a unicum with an unattainable IQ, an unsurpassed talent, omnipresent and knowing more about you than you know about yourself, an immortal quantum god!

Though it was said with a hint of humor, it elicited mixed reactions: some smiled, some smirked, some looked at each other with a serious expression. Rangit remained silent as Ruthra watched the emotions evoked. Then, considering the mood, defused the situation:

–Why, did you want me to say demon? – he addressed the audience. – After all, people perceive something that has a mind apart from them and acts independently, that is, for its own purposes, as something diabolical, satanic. Logically, if among billions of galaxies, trillions of stars, quadrillions of planetary systems there is life, including intelligent life, and there should be according to logic, why should it be different, and not the same as on Earth? I repeat, including intelligent life. After all, for all the diversity of forms, only humans have become intelligent. Although other species have lived longer. So that begs the question, why didn't species that have lived on Earth for many millions of years become intelligent? So there is a universal rule. However, let's move, as they say, to our stars. God, having the highest qualities in relation to man, including reason and intellect, must, according to the criteria acceptable to people, I would even say, demanded to him by them, act exclusively in human interests. It is we, or rather, you, people, excuse me… though further I, with your permission, – he made a thoughtful pause, – will include myself to your kind. So, we constantly make demands to him – we are talking about God, let's not forget – disguised as requests and repentance: to love, forgive and help us. In fact, we demand God's unconditional obedience to us, but we do it so skillfully, naively, painfully, that we do not understand our own viciousness in the desire and even in the demand for him to elevate into a holy dogma, into a postulate the pattern of behavior, accepted by us as a criterion of existence – sin and repent.
