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Now let's ask ourselves: are there the same criteria that are inherent in all living beings? The answer is, of course there are! From warm-bloodedness to carbon content in the body. Then let's ask: why is only a human being, and not all human beings are – well, let's smile – reasonable? Let's try to find an answer. And there is no direct answer. Let's conclude: there is some universal system with unknown laws (not fully understood by us), according to which all living things will have something similar and… here I will tell you – pay attention! – there are not only many worlds, but they are also identical by common criteria. After all, agree, we all, the inhabitants of the Earth, are different not only in appearance, but also in essence – twins have differences, what to speak of differences between races, much less between man and the bacteria that live inside him. However, we are all united by a universe called "life".

Now, after we have admitted that there are many worlds and they can be our exact copies, and by historical time they can "live" in different epochs, which the Earth civilization has passed (and some of them can live in the future, which has not come for us yet), it is time to understand how we can penetrate into them. Someone will say – impossible, but I will reveal to you the super secret of my patented method based on the conversion of human consciousness through the impact on the change of the degree of spin of one particle to another in the experiment of quantum entangled pairs. Tangled? Complicated? Now I will explain what is this miracle, or rather, unexplained by science yet – the paradox of quantum entangled pairs. So, the concept of "quantum entanglement" means this: if two quantum particles (they can be electrons, photons) are interdependent (entangled), the connection is preserved even if they are separated in different parts of the universe. More: there are two important concepts in quantum physics – spin and superposition. To put it very simply, it is spin and all variants of the direction of spin. Now let me explain the main point of quantum entanglement: if we measure the spin of one of the photons, let's say it turns out to be positive (for example, it spins clockwise), then the spin of the second photon is necessarily negative (it spins in the opposite direction). The paradox itself consists in the following: if you take and forcibly change the spin of one particle, the second will change direction, and it will do it without any determinable connection, and at any distance and instantly (!!!), even if they are separated to different ends of the universe. This is the basis of my discovery. The essence of it – in the hypothesis, which is proved by experiment – from the moment of the birth of the Universe these particles disperse in incredible quantity in all possible directions. And it follows from this: it is enough to influence a large number of particles here (one of a pair) – and somewhere in the far reaches of the Universe their second parts will catch this influence. And two technologies are based on this: the first one is to determine the presence of parallel (identical to ours) worlds; the second one is to record human consciousness into a special digital matrix, which, influencing the changes of spin of these particles (minimal change of their degree of rotation), influences its twin particle in these worlds, and at the corresponding conversion influences the consciousness, and in fact – changes it. To put it simply: just like a thought, we translate it first into words, and then into radio waves and then into words, which will be the material for thoughts again – this chain of transformations transfers information from one brain to another. The paradox of the technology is that it is not speech, text, or image that is transmitted, but the totality of information that constitutes the concept of the human "I", i.e. consciousness itself, and is embodied in the other brain as it is, itself. This is such a "miraculous" transmigration of souls. There is nothing mystical and magical in this description. After all, since ancient times we have been transmitting to each other what is in our consciousness with the same words, texts and images.

Now a couple of words about inadequate imagination of people concerning time travel, if someone does not take into account the hackneyed example "you can find your ancestor, kill him and not be born", it is still correctable, – concerning mental disorder. If one does not realize that everything (!), the whole universe, must return to the past state, then I will call it "anti-empirical delusion". The overwhelming reasonable part of the inhabitants of the planet Earth is ill with this mental disorder, for few people realize that the movement backward in time is the process of movement in the opposite direction not only, for example, of the Sun's orbit, but also of the electron along the atom's orbit… and many other things in the opposite direction.

Now I will try to link what I have said in a chain concerning my theory about parallel worlds. In order not to make it too long, I will tell you directly: you cannot return to the past within one linear history of life, but you can, for example, find yourself in a society that lives, both in terms of technology and world perception, at the level of the times of your ancestors. In the same way, "living in the Stone Age", for example, a resident of a northern Sentinel Island, can theoretically fly into space, including as a pilot, i.e. jump eras and eras. All this we do not perceive as time travel, because it all happens in one world, on one plane – in one space-time location, i.e. now and here on Earth. However, if we imagine the universe as one object, the worlds will be prototypes of countries and territories, of which there are many on our planet. After all, once there was beyond the limits of human imagination the structure of our world as something whole and at the same time heterogeneous. I have given all this as an aperitif example. The main "dish" is the following: you cannot move in time in one life cycle of a civilization, but you can find yourself in a civilization at another level of historical epoch. And now a specialty from Chef Rutra: you can't time travel in one world, but you can find yourself in worlds that are in other historical epochs relative to yours. And now the cherry on the cake: they can be completely identical! That is, you can meet both your ancestor and yourself there, and it will be the present time for that world.

Moving on. Teleportation, or the ability to instantly move people and objects from one place to another, is a skill that can change the direction of civilization and affect the fate of countries and peoples. The transportation system of today will completely change with the advent of such technology. Further you, my dear listeners, have enough imagination to imagine everything by yourselves.

A few more words to feed the imagination. Let me say in advance: I have to repeat some things from lecture to lecture. So, teleportation and science fiction. We find the first mention of teleportation in a work of science fiction in Edward Page Mitchell's short story "The Man Without a Body," published in 1877. In this story, a certain scientist discovered a way to disassemble a cat into atoms and transmit them over telegraph wires. Unfortunately, the moment the scientist tried to teleport himself, the power supply stopped. As a result, only his head was successfully teleported. There's a funny movie called The Fly. It clearly demonstrates what can happen if the teleportation process goes wrong. A scientist successfully teleports himself within a room, but by accident his atoms get mixed with atoms of a fly, which accidentally got into the teleportation laboratory. As a result, the scientist turns into a grotesque monster – a half-man, half-fly.
