Or in delight refrain’d.
When up to heav’n his thoughts he pil’d,
From fervent lips fair Michal smil’d,
As blush to to blush she stood;
And chose herself the queen, and gave
Her utmost from her heart, "so brave,
"And plays his hymns so good."
The pillars of the Lord are seven,
Which stand from earth to topmost heav’n;
His wisdom drew the plan;
His WORD accomplish’d the design,
From brightest gem to deepest mine,
From CHRIST enthron’d to man.
Alpha, the cause of causes, first
In station, fountain, whence the burst
Of light, and blaze of day;
Whence bold attempt, and brave advance,
Have motion, life, and ordinance,
And heav’n itself its stay.
Gamma supports the glorious arch
On which angelic legions march,
And is with sapphires pav’d;
Thence the fleet clouds are sent adrift,
And thence the painted folds, that lift
The crimson veil, are wav’d.
Eta with living sculpture breathes,
With verdant carvings, flow’ry wreathes
Of never-wasting bloom;
In strong relief his goodly base
All instruments of labour grace,
The trowel, spade, and loom.
Next Theta stands to the Supreme —
Who form’d, in number, sign, and scheme,
Th’illustrious lights that are;
And one address’d his saffron robe,
And one, clad in a silver globe,
Held rule with ev’ry star.
Iota’s tun’d to choral hymns
Of those that fly, while he that swims
In thankful safety lurks;
And foot, and chapitre, and niche,
The various histories enrich
Of God’s recorded works.
Sigma presents the social droves,
With him that solitary roves,
And man of all the chief;
Fair on whose face, and stately frame,
Did God impress his hallow’d name,
For ocular belief.
Stands sacred to the day of rest,
For gratitude and thought;
Which bless’d the world upon his pole,
And gave the universe his goal,
And clos’d th’infernal draught.
O DAVID, scholar of the Lord!
Such is thy science, whence reward
And infinite degree;
O strength, O sweetness, lasting ripe!
God’s harp thy symbol and thy type
The lion and the bee!
There is but One who ne’er rebell’d
But One by passion unimpell’d,
By pleasures unintice’t;
He from himself his semblance sent,
Grand object of his own content,
And saw the God in CHRIST.
Tell them I am, JEHOVA said
To MOSES; while earth heard in dread,
And smitten to the heart,
At once above, beneath, around,
All nature, without voice or sound,
Replied, O Lord, THOU ART.
Thou art-to give and to confirm,
For each his talent and his term;
All flesh thy bounties share:
Thou shalt not call thy brother fool;
The porches of the Christian school
Are meekness, peace, and pray’r.
Open, and naked of offence,
Man’s made of mercy, soul, and sense;
God arm’d the snail and wilk;
Be good to him that pulls thy plough;
Due food and care, due rest, allow
For her that yields thee milk.
Rise up before the hoary head,
And God’s benign commandment dread,
Which says thou shalt not die:
"Not as I will, but as thou wilt,"