Her lips quirk upward in a smile. “Mating room?”
“Oh, yes, my heart.” My cock grows stiff with the thought of her spread across my bed.
“Then we better hurry back.”
I growl my approval.
The sooner we get back to Edrobaz, the sooner I can hear the sweet sounds my Ni-Kee makes as I bring her pleasure. The sooner I can bury myself in her and wash away the stink of the Roth from her skin and mind.
The Roth stirs on the sled, his wounds already healing, thanks to their biology, and I strike him sharply again.
He sags against his bonds, and satisfaction rolls through me.
“Let’s go home,” my Ni-Kee says, holding my hand like she’s afraid it will disappear. I bring her knuckles to my lips, pressing a kiss there.
Home never sounded so sweet.
Edrobaz sprawls before us, a bustling city unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It’s in perfect harmony with the cloud-top jungle all around it, a meld of technology and nature that leaves me breathless. The city sits just above the cloud line, and the moisture licks at my ankles as we walk, giving the whole place an ethereal, unreal quality. Even without the curling mist, it would still be remarkable.
The trees here are impossibly huge, larger than the skyscrapers at home, towering further than I can see into the clear, blue sky. The air is crisp and clean, faintly pine scented, along with a bevy of other smells that my nose can’t pick out. Archways glitter between them, sky bridges that link the glossy trunks. Small aircraft dart between buildings, silvery, shimmery shapes that defy any Earth laws of aerodynamics. Glass-like windows reflect sunlight in rainbow prisms, casting colorful light across the street.
“Wow.” It’s a feast for the senses, and my brain is overwhelmed.
“Do you like it?” Draz asks, his hand firm at my waist.
“It’s incredible,” I say honestly. This is my home now.
A few Suevans bustle through the streets, stopping to gape at the three of us, the Roth in tow, at the ornate gates.
“First Warlord Draz,” a Suevan warrior calls out. “Welcome home. We sent out two search parties for you. It warms my scales to see you again.”
The warrior’s eyes glance over me, widening slightly as he takes in my disheveled appearance.
“Captain Jacks,” he says, bowing his head and thumping his fist against his side in a gesture of respect. “Your crew will be overjoyed to see you have returned.”
“Did they all make it? Are they all here?” Exhaustion melts away, leaving behind stony resolve. I need to see them immediately, to do my duty as their superior officer and break the news about how poorly we’d be received on Earth if any of them were to leave Sueva.
“Six of your people are here.”
My heart stops. “Who is missing?”
“I do not remember her name. Apologies, Captain Jacks.”
“Fuck,” I mutter, and Draz squeezes my hand.
“Take the Roth to the prison cells under the warrior training grounds,” Draz tells the warrior, who nods brusquely. “Follow tier nine protocols.”
“Understood, Warlord.” The warrior dips his chin in acknowledgment, slamming his fist against his side again.
“Order a guest suite prepared for our southern friends. We have much diplomacy to discuss.”
The warrior beats his fist once more, his tail swishing and eyes narrowed at the former separatist.
“Follow me with the prisoner,” he tells Gerzun. “I will send word of you and the Captain’s arrival,” the warrior adds.
My mind’s tripping over the names and faces of my crew, working overtime in trying to decide who could still be out there in the steamy, dangerous Suevan jungle. Carmen, our scientist, or Tati, our medic, would be the most vulnerable. We’re all trained in every discipline, but while Tati and Carmen are proficient in the skills required of Federation officers, neither have the same aptitude for survival as the rest of us.
I swallow hard, adrenaline sending a wave of nervous energy through me.
“Come, my heart,” Draz says, pulling me close to him. “We will find them. They have two search teams out combing the jungles already. Whoever it is has a Suevan warlord with them. They will be safe.”
“It is my job to keep them safe,” I grit out. “I’ve failed them.”
“You need rest. I have pushed you too hard the last few days.”
“I need to see my crew, Draz. Don’t manhandle me.”
His hands slide over my waist, down to my hips, and lower still. “I do not know this word, man handle. But I do enjoy handling you.”
I can’t help the tiny smile on my lips. “I’m so glad you’re all right, Draz.”
“Come, come. Let us at least see you clean and check your wounds before you see them. You will only cause them stress if they see you in this state. They are safe for now, and everything possible is being done to see your missing member safe, too. Take care of yourself so that you may better take care of them.”
I scuff my boot against the ground, annoyed that he’s right. “Fine.”
“Ah, my stubborn, beautiful mate, I love when you give in to me.” His tone drips with sensuality, and heat rushes through me. “I think you like it, too.”
I raise a finger up, scrunching my nose. “Clean clothes, food, and crew. In that order.”
He does his best Suevan approximation of a pout, and I brush my fingertips across his jaw. “Why am I not on this list?”
“Why?” I ask, batting my eyelashes, knowing I’m playing with fire. “Did you want to come first?”
“Ni-Kee,” he growls, his talons digging into my hips as he pulls me flush against his chest. “You are lucky I am a patient male. Otherwise I would strip your pants from you and take you now, in front of all of Edrobaz.”
My body clenches up as my eyes go wide in surprise. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would.” He sniffs me delicately. “And I think you would like it.”
I swallow hard. “Bath, clothes, food, crew… and then we can discuss the things I like.” I grind into his cock. “At length.”
“I like this new plan,” Draz tells me. “Let’s go home.”
When he hooks his arm under my legs, another under my chest, I don’t fight him. I melt into him instead, wrapping my arms around his neck and sighing contentedly.
I’ll have to be Captain Jacks soon enough.
For now? I’m going to enjoy being his.
I can tackle everything else after.
There are too many things to see to. As soon as we enter my home, my staff rushes us, a million questions on their lips and in their eyes. The zoleh leaps from Ni-Kee’s shoulders in alarm, scurrying up to a high shelf and hiding behind its tails.
“Later,” I tell them. “Bring clothes for my mate and prepare a feast for her. My human needs me.”
They nod, slamming their fists against their sides before scattering.
Ni-kee’s eyes are huge in her face, their luminous green heart-shatteringly beautiful.
I cast a critical gaze over my home. It occupies the topmost quarters of the myza, our tree-top home, closest to the warrior training grounds, a traditional place for the warlord of Edrobaz. The spicy smell of the bark comforts me, as does the familiar, sprawling cylindrical shape.
But will she like it?
If she does not, she can pick whatever home she likes. Even if it is on the ground. Perhaps humans do not like to be so high in the air.
“What do you think?” I scratch my chin, the words gruff.
“I have never seen anything like this.” Her voice is full of wonder, quiet and awed.
“Will you make it your home, my love?”