From now on, it's time to deal with the "numerical" quatrain. The main rule of all prophecies – quatrains – everything must be explained unambiguously and undeniably.
6-97 Cinq & quarante degres ciel bruslera,
Feu approucher de la grand cite' neufue,
Instant grand flamme esparse saultera,
Quant on vouldra des Normans faire preuue.
. Five and forty degrees the sky will light up
The fire is approaching the big new city,
Instantly a great flame will spread,
When they want proof from the Normans.
After the events that happened on September 11, 2001 in the USA, this quatrain was probably not missed by any news agency in the world. Thanks to the press, Nostradamus confirmed his title of the greatest prophet of all time. And it does not matter that there are some inconsistencies in the quatrain, and New York is not located at the forty-fifth degree of latitude. All that was required was to “correctly” translate the quatrain, correcting it a little. I think this prophecy is not about those events.
The word " degre '" is not only "degree", but also "level", "degree", "step". "Heaven" in this quatrain is the 43rd in the Centuries. Taking into account the line of quatrain 6-2 – "… and three heavens in witnesses …" – "heavens" becomes 45.
The "city" in this quatrain is the 62nd in a row. Perhaps, taking into account the phrase "… two cities …" from quatrain 2-6 – 63rd. "Fire" – 54th. The distance is great. Where is the rapprochement promised by the Author?
Nostradamus will keep his word, but according to the results of all ten Centuries. Both " cite '( s )" and " feu ( s , x )" would be ranked 79. Or, given "two cities" from 2-6, " cite '" is one more.
It's time to work with the last, seventh, Centuria of the first Prophecy Cycle.
7-12 Le grand puisne' fera fin de la guerre,
Aux Dieux assemble les excuses:
Cahors, Moissac iront long de la serre,
Reffus Lestore, les Agennois razes.
Great junior will end the war
Gathering the apologetic before the Gods:
Cahors, Moissac will go far from the dungeon,
Non-acceptance Lecture, shaven saplings.
The last war – " guerre " of the first seven Centuries – in quatrain 7-37. TO to that plot And costs take a closer look .
7-36 Dieu le ciel tout le diuin verbe a` l'vnde,
Pourte' par rouges sept razes a` Bisance:
Contre les oingtz trois cens de Trebisonde,
Deux loix mettront, & horreur, puis credence.
7-37 Dix enuoyes, chef de ne f mettre a` mort,
D'vn aduerty, en classe guerre ouuerte…
In quatrain 7-36, and the last "God" – " Dieu " of the first cycle, personifying the entire assembly of the Gods of the seven Centuries, and the last, seventh "shaved", which was described earlier. And, of course, "younger" – " puis + ne ".
The next quatrain 7-13 is expected to count "years", so it should not be skipped either.
7-13 De la cite' marine & tributaire,
La teste raze prendra la satrapie:
Chasser sordide qui puis sera contraire,
Par quatorze ans tiendra la tyrannie.
From the city of the sea and tributary,
A shaved head will capture the satrapy:
Exiled dirty, who then will be against,
For fourteen years tyranny will endure.
Within the framework of the first seven Centuries, the task from the fourth line will not be solved. Fifteen full years – “ an ( s )”, starting from now, will be gathered in quatrain 10-91. During this time, "tyrants" and "tyrannies" will remind themselves more than once, the last one at the end of the fourteenth year, in quatrain 10-90.
Nostradamus hardly mentions the queen in the first seven Centuries . And now, almost at the end, he remembers and involves in his game.
7-16 Entree profonde par la grand Royne faicte,
Rendra le lieu puissant inaccessible: L'armee des trois lyons sera deffaicte, Faisant dedans cas hideux & terrible.
Entry deep through the great Queen is made,
Returning a powerful, inaccessible place:
An army of three lions will be defeated
Having created an incident inside disgusting and terrible.
The rarity of mention, in this case – even at hand. Below is a section on which the entrance is revealed – " En + tr + ee " and a powerful place – " LIEV ". IN first line quatrain 3-88 – yes the word "armee".
3-88 … I sles saisies de mer ayde fermee,
Ton traditeur en terre nagera.
3-89 En ce temps la sera frus tr e Cypres,
De son secours de ceulx de mer Eg ee :
V ieux trucides, mais par masles & lyphres,
Seduict leur roy, royne plus oultragee.
-90 L e grand Satyre & Tigre de Hyrcanie…
With an army of three lions, everything is also simple, however, as indicated in the last two lines of quatrain 7-16, it is broken, it is not completely assembled, creating a kind of incident. Only " ARMEe ". Here is another entry – " entree ", as a linking word. I draw your attention to the fact that the site is already from the eighth Centuria.
8-34 Apres victoire du Lyon au Lyon
Sus la montaigne de IV RA Secatombe
Delues & brodes septieme million Lyon , Vlme a Mausol mort & tombe.
8-35 Dedans l' entree de Garonne & Bayse
E t la forest non loing de Damazan…
And the next quatrain under consideration conceals its clues in the second cycle of the Prophecies.