In this quatrain, I noticed the presence of a capital O , and remembered one interesting quatrain that I remember from the distant ninth Centuria.
9-73 Dans Fois entrez Roy ceiulee Turbao,
Et regnera moins reuolu Saturne, Roy Turban blanc Bizance coeur ban, Sol, Mars, Mercure pres la hurne.
Foix will enter the Blue King ( Turbao ?),
And reigns less than the revolution of Saturn,
King Turban white, Byzantium, heart, exile,
Sun, Mars, Mercury near the urn.
I think the King in question appeared in quatrain 2-7, in quatrain 2-30 entered FO + is , indeed, in TVRBAO .
2-29 Passer les monts Apennis, voir la Gaule:
T ranspercera ciel les eaux & neige,
Et chascun frappera de sa gaule.
V n qui les dieux d' A nnibal infernaulx,
F era rena is tre, effrayeur des humains:
O ncq' plus d'horreurs ne plus pire iournaulx,
Qu'auint viendra par B abel aux R omains.
It will be replaced by another king in quatrain 2-36, thus the cycle of Saturn – the period between two " Saturnes " – turns out to be much longer (from 1-83 to 2-48).
There are serious reasons to believe that at least two quatrains describe not events from human life, but a heron one. Frank , franc is the old name for the gray heron. It has been verified without any doubt.
6-87 L'eslection faicte dans Frankfort,
N'aura nul lieu, Milan s'opposera: Le sien plus proche semblera si grand fort, Que oultre le Ryn es mareschz chassera.
Choice made in Frankfurt
Won't get any seat, Milan will be against:
By kinship very close will show such great strength,
What kind of Rhine will drive into the swamps.
" Frankfort " is Frank's fort, i.e. herons. “ Milan ” – also translated as “kite”, the strongest relative of the heron, who drove her into the swamps across the Rhine.
Nothing to add.
In the second quatrain with the same theme – 5-87.
5-87 L'an que Saturne sera hors de seruaige,
Au franc terroir sera d'eaue inunde': De sang Troyen sera son mariage, Et sera seur d'Espaignolz circunder.
In the year when Saturn is out of service,
There will be a flood on the territory of the franc:
From the blood of the Trojan will be his (her) wedding,
And the sister will be surrounded by the Spaniards.
I assure you, we are talking about the heron again. As you know, a wedding is the marriage of two close halves. Herons are absolutely the same. Who could the respected Miss Heron marry? Even with the blood of the Trojan, flowing in the veins, but only for a heron like her))), moreover, with a capital letter – FRANC .
1-19 … Le sang Troyen vexe par les Espaignes :
Par eulx grand nombre en sera faicte tare,
Chef fuict, cache' aux mares dans les saignes.
1-20 Tours, Orleans, Bloys, Angiers , R eims, & N antes,
C ites vexees par subit changement:
Par langues estranges seront tendues tentes,
F leuues, dards Renes, terre & mer tremblement.
"Big streams" from quatrain 1-17 with Irida – very much on topic. You can also work with the collection of the word " SATVRNE " in that area. Not too compact – but everything works.
In quatrain 5-87 Frank's sister is also mentioned. Here she is, surrounded by "Spain", as befits the sisters of the heroes of the heron world.
4-2 … Hespaigne en trouble, marcher gent militaire:
Des plus grand dames en Franc e emmenees.
4-3 D'Arras & Bourges, de Brodes grans enseignes,
Vn plus grand nombre de Gascons batre a` pied,
Ceulx long du Rosne saigneron les Espaignes :
Proche du mont ou Sagonte s'assied.
4-4 L'impotent prince fache, plainctz & querelles,
De rapts & pilles par coqz & par libyques:
Grand est par terre, par mer infinies voilles,
Seur e Italie sera chassant Celtiques.
4-5 Croix, paix, soubs un acccomply divin verbe,
L' Hespaigne & Gaule seront vnis ensemble…
So, France is universally associated with the world-famous rooster, and a direct connection is with the gray heron – the franc.
Finally, why are they all herons? The answer is because it is so obvious.
If such an answer does not suit me, I will have to use heavy artillery))). It is in the form of a hint from the distant tenth Centuria, to which it is still stomping and stomping in a natural way, but what then is the time machine used by Nostradamus for? I rented it for a short time from the Author. He paid not in stamps, but in francs, as it should be. I called him, agreed, of course, from Frankfurt, tried from Milan – the connection was interrupted all the time. Subscriber became unavailable .
10-63 Cydron, Raguse, la cite' au sainct Hieron,
Reuerdira le medicant secours:
Mort fils de Roy par mort de deux heron,
L'Arabe, Ongrie feront vn mesme cours.
Kydonia, Ragusa, city of Saint Hieron,
Medical assistance will be revived:
Death of the King's son due to the death of two herons,
Arabia and Hungary will follow the same path.
First – about a little something else, noticed by me. Both full-fledged "herons", of course, quite by accident, are placed by the Author with a gap of exactly one hundred quatrains (5-87, 6-87). What a coincidence, the eye rejoices.
"Two herons" full-fledged in the Centuries! The author himself claims this. It is so.
Probably, it is noticeable that I, today, intervened in this topic. I could not do otherwise – the topic is good, and the answers were previously intuitively found, but not sufficiently supported by obvious facts, therefore – I could not resist, I inserted the modern "five kopecks". This did not greatly affect the outcome. I was moving, then already, in the right direction … maturing, keeping up, for this book.