Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Instead, I pump my hips into her grip.

“Can I make you come?” she asks, ever so quiet. “Can I watch what happens?”

“I am yours, remember? You claimed victory over me.”

Her throaty chuckle makes my loins tighten. “So I did.” She traces a finger over the head of my cock in teasing circles. “Lie back and let me play with you, then.”

As if I want to leave this moment, ever. I am fully her creature, my mind controlled by her light touches and heady kisses. Vivi’s mouth is on me again, and then she takes me in her grasp and tugs. Her hand tightens as she begins a slow stroking rhythm, pulling on my cock similar to the way I work it when I jerk off, but far more gentle.

I think I can come like this anyhow. Just the fact that it is her hand makes me harder than anything. I rock my hips in time with her hand, my lips playing against hers. “Talk more. I like it when you talk.”

Her mouth curves in a sweet smile and she presses another kiss to my lips. “What kind of talk?”

“I like it when you are fierce and demanding.” Nothing gets me more aroused than seeing her fiery determination. If she snarled at me I might come in an instant.

To my surprise, she leans closer, not quite touching me, and then whispers even as her hand works my cock. “You’re not going to get my pussy until you earn it, Skarr.”

My breath hitches. Kef me.

“Just because resonance says we’re together doesn’t mean I have to just bend over and do whatever you say. If you want me as your mate, you have to show me that I’m your partner. You have to impress me.” Her words are firm. “That means hunting together and working together like equals. But since it’s cold outside, I’ll go easy on you. You’re going to let me play with your cocks—both of them. You’re going to let me work you until I’m done with you, and then you’re going to lick my pussy again.”

Oh kef, I’m going to come. I make a ragged noise, my hips jerking frantically.

“In fact,” my female says in a soft, low voice as she runs her hand over the head of my cock and teases the wetness beading there down my shaft. “I think we’re going to stay in this hut all day. I’m going to learn your body, and you’re going to learn mine, but we’re not going to fuck.”

I groan. “No?”

“No. You’ll know when I decide.”

“You…want to sit on my face?” I ask, breathless and utterly entranced. She’s magnificent like this.

“Maybe I will. You don’t get to decide it. I do.” And she bites my earlobe.

Everything explodes. My release boils over and I clutch her tight to me, growling as she works my primary cock. The climax rolls through me, sharper than it has ever been, and the khui in my chest sings so loud it drowns out everything else.

Her hand, wet with my release, moves to my secondary cock, and she begins to stroke it as well. There is no moment to catch my breath, no moment to recover, and within a matter of moments, I am boiling over anew, coming hard as she works and squeezes my cocks, milking every drop of my release. All the while, her naughty tongue does obscene things to my ear.

When my muscles finally uncoil, my spent cocks begin their slow retreat back into my body. She kisses me again, lingering on my lips. “Breakfast is almost ready. Hope you’re hungry.”

She says it so casually, as if she has not completely remade me in the last few moments. As if I am not, even now, struggling to catch my breath, to think coherently. All I can think about is a future with Vivi at my side.

Vivi touching me.

Vivi demanding I pleasure her as she rides my face.

I…might be the happiest gladiator alive.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Surviving Skarr - img_3


All right, so two cocks isn’t as weird as I initially thought it would be. I’m a little embarrassed that drunken-me ran away the first time. Yes, he does have two cocks, but they both feel normal, the delicate skin over the hard shaft and a bulbous head, just like a regular cock. The only weird thing other than the number is that he doesn’t have balls to play with, but I figure two cocks would keep my hands full anyhow.

We clean up after breakfast, and I warm some water so we can wash. It cools down almost right away, and I hate to hand it over to Skarr. I’m still worried that the temperature here on this planet might be too much for him, but there’s nowhere else for us to go.

Strange that I’m thinking “us” now. Strange also that I don’t hate it.

Skarr pulls the slit in his groin carefully apart, pushing to have his cocks extrude again so he can clean them off. I watch him out of the corner of my eye, fascinated at the unusual workings of his body. His cocks are flushed a deeper shade of green than the rest of him, but they’re…rather pretty. They’re not insanely veiny or fat, just thick and smooth and pleasant, with no wrinkled nutsack dangling underneath. It actually looks…tidy. I decide I like it.

“If you keep watching me touch myself, I’m going to extrude all through the day,” he tells me in a low voice. “And then my magnificent cocks will shrivel off from the cold and you will be sad.”

I snort at that. “First of all, I wouldn’t let them get that cold. And second of all…we’re staying in all day, remember? So you can extrude all you want.”

He gives me a heated look and as I watch, one thick cock pushes out from his groin, followed swiftly by the second. “Now you’ve done it,” he mutters, but he doesn’t seem unhappy at my attention. I bet he’s preening inside, my ridiculous peacock. It makes me smile.

I need to remember that Skarr is a virgin. It was clear when he was going down on me that he was new to things—a fast learner, but definitely new. The thought rouses my protective instincts, weirdly enough. Like it’s another vulnerability of Skarr’s that I’m going to keep secret, as a partner should do. He’s so very proud that anything to puncture a hole in that ego of his would be devastating.

And strangely enough, I don’t feel like taking him down a notch. I’m growing oddly fond of his ridiculous brand of self-hype.

Fooling around in bed also confirmed a few memories for me, too. I’m not a virgin. Or at least, the person I was before was not. I have faint memories of old boyfriends, hotel rooms and nights in cozy tents and a faceless summer fling from Anchorage.

Alaska. All my scattered memories of hiking and skiing and the mountains are suddenly making sense. My dad loved Alaska. Loved the independence of it and having a cabin deep in the woods and coming up for supplies when he had to. That’s where I’ve gotten all my knowledge from. Now I’m remembering that Dad didn’t like the Anchorage boyfriend because he just wanted sex from me.

Turns out Dad was right.

The memory makes me smile instead of frustrating me. I don’t mind that it’s a piecemeal sort of memory because I don’t need details. All I need to know is that I’ve got a lot more experience than Skarr when it comes to this sort of thing. I’m going to have to take the lead if I want him to know how to pleasure me, how to make me come. Luckily he’s eager to learn.

Once we’ve cleaned up, we snuggle under the furs by the fire again. I peek outside and see the snow isn’t going anywhere, so I sit in his lap, naked, his limbs curled around mine as we discuss everything and nothing in particular. We talk about the weather, and I tell him about Alaska, which was so beautiful in the summer and so unforgiving in the winter. I tell him a little about my father, and then I try to explain how skis work to an alien man who has never seen snow before landing here.

It goes about as well as you think.

“I still do not understand,” Skarr says in a grumpy voice, his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. “Two oversized planks on my feet would slow me down, not speed me up.”
