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Answer: Each person keeps memories of past lives in the depths of their subconscious, it is only necessary to find a way to them. You don't need to be someone special, you just need to have an unbending intent. Everything is actually much simpler than it seems. Pictures of past life usually appear already at the first session of recalling, if you follow the instructions of this course exactly.

Question: Interference in the subconscious of a person is dangerous, since it is not given to us from birth. If we learn something forbidden, we will violate the will of God or the universe.

Answer: Not everything is given to us from birth, we learn a lot by repeating the actions of our parents. If our parents remembered past lives, they would have taught us this, as they taught us to walk, talk, read, etc. In society, little attention is paid to such issues, and therefore the very idea of previous lives seems fantastic.

But now the time has come – this is called spiritual progress. If the universe were against it, no one would never ever remember past lives, but there are tens of thousands who remembered, this number includes the authors of this course.

Question: Trance and deep meditation are a dangerous game with our subconscious, we may go crazy and not return to reality.

Answer: By immersing themselves in a light trance, people remember where they are, who they are and what they are doing at the moment. They can easily return to reality if the session needs to be abruptly terminated. During our course, any sharp deviations that threaten mental health are completely excluded, because you control the whole process yourself.

People in everyday life often deal with more than one reality at one and the same time. Have you ever, for example, written an essay or prepared a term paper while listening to loud music or watching a series on TV? Doing that, you perceive three realities at the same time.

The first reality: you are trailing the content of your work that you're thinking about. For example, you are immersed in the history of France, envisioning the kings of the 17th century. The second: your thoughts about yourself. Perhaps in that moment, you're thinking about how great it would be to quickly finish your work and go out with friends. And finally, the third reality: it's the movie playing on the TV, which you hear in the background and can even follow the events happening on the screen. This is a simple example where a person's consciousness perceives three different worlds without experiencing any imbalance.

Remember: every night you transfer your perception into a dream reality, which is characterized by a shift of perception much deeper than trance, but at the same time you easily return to your real life every morning. There exist protective mechanisms in the human body that do not allow you to move deeply into other realities and stay there forever. Our consciousness, like a ball on an elastic band (Yoyo ball), always returns to its original state. Nevertheless, the authors of this book do not advise people with mental disabilities or those who are in a prolonged depression to study this course.

Question: If I see my past deaths, I will experience incredible suffering.

Answer: This is a very persistent block in consciousness, but it easily dissipates in practice. We all died and were reborn many times on Earth, and some people on other planets. Our spirit remembers that we are eternal beings, and therefore the fear of death dissipates. Reviewing past lives can cause a slight sadness, as it happens at the end of a melodrama movie, but it should not seriously affect your feelings. At the end of the course, we give some techniques to weaken the effect of negative factors which may arise when recalling past lives.

If you have read all these detailed answers but still hesitate, start your amazing journey into the past with reviewing your childhood first. Having mastered the techniques of memories, you will be able at first to slip through the time tape into the past of your current life and remember its main moments and important events. Then, after making sure that nothing dangerous is happening to you, feel free to move on to recalling past lives.

 4. Shamanic Practice «The Cave»

Northern shamans enter into a trance in order to communicate with spirit helpers in the Middle World, which is the world of humans on Earth. In their practice and meditations, they pursue different objectives not related to past lives. However, this same practice can be effectively used for recalling past lives or reviewing events from your childhood.

Practical Course. Past Life Recalls - _9.jpg

Where to start

To begin a session, you will need solitude, meditative music, and initial skills in turning off the internal monologue. In the first session, there is no need to set grand objectives or pre-compose a list of many questions (more on that will be discussed in the next chapter). It will be enough to focus on mastering the technique and achieving results. If you don't succeed the first time, don't be discouraged. Remember, you didn’t learn to read and walk at once, it occurred only after you made significant efforts. The same principle applies here: the more you practice, the better the results will be. However, typically, most individuals at once enter into the recollection of their past lives.

So, plan viewing a certain past life. This may be the previous life before the current one, the first on Earth, or the most significant one. Give a task to your subconscious. Get ready to see pictures from another life and remember as much as possible from what you will see.


Suppose you have chosen the previous life before the current one, and are ready to plunge into a light trance. Now take a comfortable position, sitting or lying (your back should have support). If it's noisy around, put on headphones with meditative music, but do not turn it on too loudly. You may use a recording of a shamanic tambourine.

You should sit or lie in a comfortable position. Shamans use the «non–doing» during practice; that is, they put on some unusual clothes to show the spirit that they are in an altered state of consciousness. For the first session, you can also put, for example, a bandana on your head. Any unusual action helps the attention to concentrate, which generally facilitates the practice. But you can dispense with it. It's also good to use crystals that you can hold in your hand while traveling into the past.

Entering the shaman's cave

Close your eyes and listen to the music or the silence around you. Stop the inner monologue. At this moment, you should neither think about everyday things nor mentally comment on anything that is happening. Now imagine a cave in the mountain. It may be a real cave that you've seen before, or one made-up by yourself; this does not matter. The cave is a secret entrance to your subconscious. If you see only one cave, then you have managed to open one entrance so far, but it may turn out that there will be several caves in front of you, each of which leads to a past life. This implies that your subconscious mind offers you a choice.
