Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

This course contains no calls for suicide; on the contrary, the entire course is designed to work with one's consciousness in order to improve the perception of the world and find life goals. If you are prone to suicidal behavior, we kindly ask you to immediately discontinue your participation in this course.

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Part 1. Practical course on past life recall training

The spiritual self-development group presents:

The practice of conscious development of your higher self. A practical course of exercises.

The course is created based on the author's methodology.

What you extract from each difficult life, you will gain for eternal times.

Michael Newton

To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books.

Manly Palmer Hall

The reason for the existence of all sentient beings is to enhance awareness.

Carlos Castaneda. The Fire from Within

A man is dying. At the moment when his physical suffering reaches its limit, he hears the doctor pronounce him dead. He hears some kind of ringing and, at the same time, he senses himself moving very rapidly through a long, dark tunnel. Suddenly, he finds himself outside of his own physical body.

Raymond Moody. Life after Life

Chapter 1. Preparation. Stopping the inner monologue. Three techniques

1. What is the inner monologue

Normally, a person mentally talks to themselves, even in complete solitude. Many people don't notice this constant «chatterbox» in their head and believe that they hear their own thoughts, that it's their inner voice. There are those who say they don't hear their inner monologue, but when, with an effort of will, they pay attention to it, they can easily hear it.

So, some voice that we are accustomed to considering «our own» constantly comments on what is happening around us, our memories, or dreams. When attempting to stop it with willpower, it becomes uncomfortable for a person, as the habit of talking to oneself has firmly rooted itself in our consciousness. We constantly hear within ourselves: «I need to go prepare lunch; tomorrow at work, I'll first do this, then that; my nose is itching; how nice it is outside; finally, spring has arrived…» and so on.

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The internal monologue becomes especially strong when a person feels hurt, anger, worry, or other intense emotions. Sometimes we repeat the same thing several times, especially if we are preparing for an important meeting or lacking self-confidence. If we ask psychologists, they will say that it is normal: verbalizing our thoughts is a habit, a common trait of consciousness. However, the more we observe our internal dialogue from an outside perspective, the more we notice that the chatter in our head becomes a wall that separates us from reality. It's as if we retreat inside ourselves and fail to notice anything around us.

In old age, the internal monologue turns into constant muttering "to oneself" and often a person talks to themselves out loud, even when alone.

In Carlos Castaneda's books, the wise Indian Don Juan explains to Carlos that the internal monologue is our first enemy on the path to freedom because it does not belong to our consciousness but is the voice of the embedded mind of a mental «parasite». This topic deserves a separate book. However, within the scope of this training course, we need to understand one thing: in order to delve into the process of recalling past lives and clearly see the images of other worlds, we must first learn to stop the internal monologue, even if only for a short period of time.

2. Why is it necessary to stop the internal monologue?

This needs to be done for two reasons.

Firstly, it is needed in order to maintain a goal you have set for yourselves. For example, if you want to see your first life on Earth, being in a state of inner silence will help you achieve that. However, if the internal monologue interference and you start discussing sensations in your body, your extraneous thoughts and so on, the entire picture will disintegrate.

So, stopping the internal monologue is necessary for concentration during the process of recalling. Secondly, the absence of chatter in the mind helps to remember past life events wit at maximum clarity and to ask pre-planned questions while browsing that life. In other words, it's about gaining control over the flow of memories and your awareness.

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There is another benefit to mastering this simple technique: it provides a respite from your thoughts. Sometimes it is helpful to simply sit in silence, disconnect from problems or unnecessary emotions. Inner silence is like a flow of revitalizing energy that helps you to rest, feel new strength within yourself, or gain clarity about your emotions.

Over time, when stopping the internal monologue becomes a familiar practice for you, you can use this technique not only as a starting point for remembering past lives but as a standalone meditation. Twenty minutes without the internal monologue can fill a person with strength and joy – it has been verified repeatedly!

3. Conditions necessary for this practice

Preparation for stopping the inner monologue: necessary conditions

1. Privacy

In order for you to be able to stop the inner «chatterbox», you need privacy, at least for a short time. If there is no such possibility in your house, for example, loud sounds interfere, then you can use meditative music and turn off the «sounds of the world» using headphones. In extreme cases, if you are still being disturbed, for example: the phone rings, your relatives are talking or a noisy animal lives in your house, – you can go for a walk, preferably in a garden or a square and walk there in silence, using the third technique of stopping the inner monologue. In fact, if you firmly and persistently explain to your family that you need half an hour of silence, they will understand you and give you time for your exercises.

2. Twilight

Another optional but desirable condition is the presence of evening light or twilight. In a bright sunny day or under bright artificial light, it can be somewhat more challenging to disconnect from the world around us compared to the twilight, when objects appear blurred in the semi-darkness and our perception of the world naturally shifts, moving away from the familiar picture of reality. Take advantage of these benefits when mastering the techniques of stopping the internal monologue.
