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Practical Course. Past Life Recalls - _4.jpg

4. Three techniques of inner silence

The first technique is the most challenging yet the most effective. Let's call it «Strong-willed effort» In solitude, find a comfortable position that works best for you. This can be lying on your back or sitting with crossed legs. The posture should be as comfortable as possible so that you can sit for 15-30 minutes without needing to change it. If you are sitting, make sure your back has support and is straight.

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An exercise to stop the inner monologue

Close your eyes and relax your body. If it doesn't work right away, just mentally observe your body, your hands, feet and the sensations in them. Then release all the sensations. Now concentrate on your thoughts and observe them flow (or inner monologue). You need to imagine yourself as if you are splitting into two consciousnesses. One consciousness continues to think and chatter as usual, commenting on everything that is happening. Especially in this moment, for example, such thoughts may come to mind: «I won't be able to sit in this position for long,» «What if the phone rings now, I'll have to answer it,» «What if I can't do it,» «This is a silly idea, it's better to go have dinner…» and so on.

The other part of your consciousness silently observes the monologue. When you realize that the monologue can flow on its own, without your participation, try to stop it with an act of will. All these exercises are actually easier than they seem, you just need to have the intention to do it.

So, you have managed to stop the flow of thoughts for a short period of time.

At first, it may only be for a few seconds, but even that is an achievement. Don't give up, continue to stop the internal stream of commentary, giving a clear command for your thoughts to quiet down. Gradually, with each attempt, increase the time without inner conversations. Your consciousness will like this simple exercise because it brings energy and a sense of strength and freedom on its own.

This technique can be practiced not only while sitting in a room but also while lying in a warm bath or taking a twilight walk in a park or garden, as long as there is no one else nearby. The best results are achieved in a forest, garden, or by the seaside, where there are no people or loud music. If this technique has helped you and you have learnt to turn off the internal monologue, you can proceed to the process of remembering past life.

The second technique is called «Counting»

If the first technique is difficult for you to perform or you are unable to turn off the inner monologue, try the second technique based on number counting. In time with your breathing, start counting to yourself from 1 to 20. If at least one extraneous thought comes in the process of counting (and at first it is quite possible), start counting again and so on until the result is achieved. Then you may increase the score to 50 or more. As a result, you will achieve a state of inner silence that does not require any effort to maintain it. The same method is used to enter a lucid dreaming, a state between sleep and reality, which can be called a trance.

The third technique. The Gait of Silence

There is one more technique for stopping an inner monologue. It is suitable for those who do not have silence and privacy at home. Let's call it «Dynamic Practice».

It is necessary to find a corner of nature near your home where there are no large crowds of people. As a rule, for small towns these are: parks, gardens, arboretums, fields on the outskirts of the city. And if there are a lot of people walking in the parks in the middle of the day, then in the late afternoon, at dusk, you can always find a quiet corner. For residents of large cities, this can be a problem, because there are a lot of visitors in public parks. Then there is only one option – to go out of town, to the river or to the mountains. Set a goal to find such a place and it will definitely be found.

When you find your special place (a «power spot»), walk slowly, with your eyes half closed. After some time, when you find a comfortable walking rhythm, cross your eyes to the bridge of your nose and continue walking. You can also touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue. Through all these unusual actions, the inner dialogue in your head may naturally come to a halt. In addition to this method, you can apply the first technique, effort of will, while walking. After a couple of such exercises in nature, you will notice that the duration of stopping the internal monologue increases. After the walk, you will feel cheerful and refreshed, as if the world has infused you with new energy.

Summary: if practicing one of these techniques, or by applying them all at once, sooner or later you will be able to learn how to stop the inner monologue. Someone needs only a couple of days to get a tangible result, someone will have a result in a week, and there are those who will have to practice during a month. If you have an unbending intent, sooner or later you will stop the voice in your head that is used to commenting on everything, because this is just a habit, and through these simple exercises, we are creating a new habit of inner silence to successfully focus on our set tasks.

Now your consciousness is ready to move further along the path of self-knowledge and look into the mystery of your past birth.

Chapter 2. The practice of past life memories

1. Keeping a diary

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To record what you will see when viewing past lives, you need a diary.

After a few months, it will be useful to go back to your records and reread them. What was unclear at first will later form a whole picture in your head. Therefore, it is necessary to record events, names and dates, but it is even better to describe in detail everything that you have seen and remembered.

Returning later to your diary entries, you will be able to get answers about the purpose of your life, your destination, how to make the right choice and which way to go to achieve happiness and wealth in all its senses.

How to keep a diary?

All our actions, beginning with stopping the inner monologue and ending with recording the memories of past lives viewed, must be treated with impeccability. Any business can be done by half or haphazardly and then there will be no result. You can make an effort and perform your actions perfectly, that is, use one hundred percent of the available force. But there is another approach to solving any problem – to act not by fifty or one hundred percent, but by a thousand percent, that is, to constantly surpass oneself. This is called the impeccable action. Then the result is guaranteed.
