Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

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«People and Gods in the Country of Snows» is a popular-scientific book on Tibet and Tibetan culture — a region with a remarkable and eventful history of fifteen hundred years. During the period stretching from the eighth to the ninth century, it attained political dominion in Central Asia. Tibetan culture exerted a far-reaching and deeply-rooted influence on the development of several Central-Asian peoples and their culture. The aim of the authors is to describe for the wider circle of readers, including those engaged in oriental studies and other fields of research, the past of this country, its people and their rich culture. The description is based upon the most recent results achieved in Tibetan studies, both Soviet and foreign.

Orientalists conducting researches in this field are aware, of course, that in the last ten or fifteen years a series of important works, both of a specialized and of a popular-generalized nature on traditional Tibetan civilization, have appeared in European languages. There is no necessity to enumerate them here. Books on the subject have also been published by Tibetan authors, written in some cases in collaboration with European and American scholars; they reflect the views of present-day Tibetan emigrants regarding their country’s history and its cultural-historical role in Asia. As may be supposed, these have been studied with the closest attention, particularly since some are found to contain a wealth of factual material hitherto unknown, or available to only a narrow circle of readers.
