Spinning heel kicks.
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Thanks to the big amplitude of the leg move and its big weight, it is a very strong kick, however not easy to execute – and that is why it is used relatively rare in Thai boxing fights.
2016-03-24. Moscow (RUS). “RAMTL FIGHT-VIII”. Abakar “Joker” Muratbekov (RUS) vs Roman “Vulture” Koshin (RUS).
Before right circle kick, left foot steps right-forward, at the same time turning to the right. Then the torso makes a strong rotation to the right, moving bodyweight from right to left leg; shoulders go ahead of the hip, and hip goes ahead of the thigh – which makes back muscles and back side of the thigh stretch.
Vertical rotation axis goes through left leg and left shoulder. Right foot leaves the floor and starts rotation movement towards the target along a circle trajectory. The kick is made with the heel and targets upper body, head or neck of the opponent. In the end of the kick, the torso is turned to the opponent with its right side, right shoulder is drawn forward. Left palm and left elbow cover the head from a counter-punch.
2015-12-11. Moscow City. “RAMTL FIGHT-VI”. Danila “Nerd” Goldinov (RUS) vs Igor “Tikhon” Tikhonov (RUS).
Since left round kick is too visible due to its large right step, it is rarely used as a stand-alone kick in a fight. More commonly, it is used after missing the target with a right round kick, or in the situation when the right leg ends up being in the front.
2015-10-23. Moscow City. “RAMTL FIGHT-V”. Rasul Vaisov (UZB) vs Arslan “Lion” Yallyev (RUS). On the left photo: A. Yallyev, T. Dzhemaliev.
Left round kick technique is similar to the right round kick technique. The only difference is that the step before the kick is longer (step with the right leg forward-left). All moves are done to another side.
2015-10-23. Moscow City. “RAMTL FIGHT-V”. Hariton “Wolf” Tuktaev (UZB) vs Elbrus “Sheick”Kaziev (RUS).
It is a mistake to think that in Thai boxing punches are secondary. Enromous amount of fights end before the final gong just because of the punch effects – even in Thailand, where boxers are traditionally strong in kicks, elbow and knee strikes techniques.
2011-06-23. Moscow (RUS). VIP-RAMTL GYM. Radu Sprighel (NYC, USA) hold at pads.
Though not being equally strong as kicks and knee strikes, punches are more precise and can reach a very vulnerable area – the lower jaw.
Straight punches (jab, cross).
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Head jab.
Jab is used to gauge the distance and probe the opponent’s resistance, coordination and defense ability. Jab disrupts the opponent and prevents him from focusing. A lot of attacks start with jab.
Execution. Body weight is transferred to the front leg, left shoulder turns to the right until reaches central torso axis, and then the hand rapidly straightens along a direct trajectory. When reached the target, the fist makes a punch through rapid quarter clockwise rotation, having palm pointed down.
When doing the punch, the boxer focuses all his strength on the forward hand movement, however when put back, hand travels relaxed and without any tension. In the position when the hand is straightened forward, left shoulder covers the left side of the chin, while right hand covers right side of it.
Jab can be combined with left footstep forward or right footstep backwards (left footstep backwards is rarely used).
Note. When punching, the fist is pointed thumb up: this will make the punch longer, however in that case it will be harder for the opponent to use his shoulder to cover the chin from the right punch.
2005-01-11. Moscow (RUS). “RAMTL in ‘Capitalism’ casino”. Juri Zhukovsky (BLR) vs Zaur “Samurai” Abdusalamov (RUS).
Head jab options.
Light repeated head jab.
Jabs of such type are made quickly and lightly. They are done one after another and are combined with step forward.Specific feature of these types of punches is their lightness. There is no need to rotate the torso while doing it – the punch is made through quickly unbending arm at the elbow and shoulder. Tactical purpose of it is to disorient, confuse the opponent, open him up.
Upper head jab.
The difference it has with the basic jab is that punching fist is pointed down (fingers pointed down), elbow is slightly drawn left up, which prevents right counter-punch or parries it.
This is a power punch and it can be used both while offensive and preventive counter-attack.
Lower head jab.
This jab is strong and quick. It is hard to protect from it due to its unpredictability and unusual direction.
2007-05-19. Moscow (RUS). Luzhniki stadium. Dzhavatkhan Atakov (RUS) vs Pavel « Kayman » Zhuravlev (UKR). Photo on the left : ____, Mike Sheppard (VW, USA), A. Vinnichuk (UKR), P. Zhuravlev (UKR)
Lower head jab is done from the position that is formed after slipping to the left, parrying to the right, rotating body to the left – not from a fighting stance. It can be done from the fighting stance only if the opponent is tall and erect.
Execution. Boxer rapidly sends fist to the target from initial stance or, for instance, after slipping to the left – which leads left hand to be a little bit behind and lower than the opponent’s head level. At the same time he rotates the torso from left to right. Left elbow is drawn down, thumb looks up. Everything else is done the same way as it was described in the basic jab. This punch is made mainly as a preventive blow and is done without stepping forward.