Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

– Friends! – Zeke Rider addressed the puppies of his heroic team, and six brave dogs – Sturdy, Marshal, Rocky, Zuma, Sky and Chase – answered together:

– We are all here! The puppy patrol is ready to fly!

The team of Puppies did not yet know what was ahead, upon arrival at the International Station, they were also in for a surprise – a meeting with a group of British researchers, underwater rescuers. They temporarily decided to change their underwater Octobase to a spaceship, deciding to help in the exploration of outer space. Have you guessed who it is? This is also a well-known team of Octonauts together with their commander, Barnacles the polar bear.

Suddenly, the commander of the Umka ship noticed stowaway "hares" on his spaceship:

– It is not clear how they were able to secretly get on the ship? – the commander was surprised when he saw them on the control monitor screen. Meanwhile, the Hare and the Wolf were hiding in the cabin of the ship under the seats of the chairs. The wolf was full of indignation:

– It's all because of you, why did you get on this ship? And, as always, he let me down. Now we're trapped! Well, Hare, wait! Let's go home, I'll deal with you! – the Wolf whispered to the Hare.

–Why were you chasing me?" So, I had to, as always, to escape from you, run wherever my eyes look. In a hurry, I didn't even notice how I got to the cosmodrome, and to the ship that was ready to take off into space.

– Did you hear the announcement that the ship will soon dock with the station that is in orbit? So as soon as everyone leaves this ship, we will immediately kidnap him and return on it back to Earth. This will be our secret with you, so keep your mouth shut, Hare! – The Wolf said menacingly.

– No! I won't let you do it, even though I'm afraid of you, but I'm not a coward! – whispered the Hare, trembling all over. But then all these travelers will not be able to return to Earth in time, and they may all suffer! So I'm against it!

The wolf wanted to grab the Hare by its long ears, but....

While the Hare and the Wolf were arguing, the ship meanwhile docked in orbit with the Druzhba station.

– Welcome to our base! – the owners of this station greeted them. After docking, all the astronauts and their guests gathered in a large mess hall. The Wolf and the Hare, too, as they thought, sneaked in there unnoticed. In whatever situations the Wolf and the Hare did not find themselves, we remember it well, but in order to get right into space like this, they could only dream about it in a dream or in our fairy tale.

– You need to run back, let's agree, – the Wolf whispered, right into the Hare's ear. And then…

– Aha, here are two more assistants, – a bearish bass sounded right above their heads, – So, "hares”, welcome to our team.

The Wolf and the Hare crouched down in surprise. That's how the Wolf's plan immediately failed, without even having time to begin.

"Well, now we'll have to work, too," the Wolf grumbled, walking with a lazy gait behind the commander of the ship Umka.

And on the International Space Station, work did not stop for a minute. Each astronaut was busy with his own business. There were a lot of big and small stars shining around. The astronauts were watching them. From here, from the station, the stars were much closer and it was easier to see and photograph them. And also, it was possible to describe their condition and make calculations.

The space station was flying at high speed along its orbit, set by scientists. With the help of a powerful telescope, it was possible to view all the planets of our Solar system!

– Look, Steklyashkin, here is our planet Earth, it is blue, – the Expert explained to a friend. – She's one, two, Three from the Sun! See how beautiful it is, though not the biggest. From here, its atmosphere is clearly visible, which protects our planet from meteorites, space debris, from cold and harmful cosmic radiation. That's what this Earth's atmosphere and its magnetic field are necessary for our life on Earth.

– And now, let me take a look at this little planet that flies around the Earth. – asked Steklyashkin.

–Didn't you recognize her?" It's a satellite of the Earth, the planet Moon," laughed Znayka. Steklyashkin pouted in resentment at the Expert.

– Just… I just wanted to check if you remember the name of the Earth's satellite? – the friend justified himself.

– Better let's remember the names of all the planets of the Solar system, it will be useful for our new friends. – He noticed that the Wolf and the Hare, who came with the commander, were listening to them with great curiosity.

– And so, the first planet from the Sun is the planet Mercury, the second is Venus, the third is Earth, the fourth is Mars, the fifth is Jupiter, the sixth planet is Saturn, the seventh is Uranus and the eighth is Neptune.

– Are these all the planets of the cosmos? – the Hare asked the Expert.

– No, of course, look out the window, do you see how many stars are shining? – Znaika explained— – There are countless of them! There are many planets among them, but they are located in other Galaxies, and we have now named only those that are in our Solar System, next to our planet.

– But, after all, there are also satellites of planets, they are also part of the Solar System, but we will not talk about them now. It will be difficult to remember everything at once. – added Steklyashkin.

– You see how interesting it is here, how much we have learned new and unknown for us. So I'm glad I got here! – said the Hare. And then, on the radio, they announced the launch for the ship and listed the names of everyone who would fly back to Earth. Among them, they did not forget to mention the Wolf and the Hare, so they were already flying back not hiding, but sitting proudly in chairs – after all, not everyone is given to visit space!

Stargazer and the starry sky

There was a Man who lived in a magnificent kingdom. He was one of the most educated subjects of this kingdom. From the very early morning until late at night, he was engaged in the exact science of mathematics.

Gradually, there was nothing left in this state that was not taken into account and not recalculated.

Now he knew the exact number of buildings in the kingdom, how many windows and doors in these houses, how many people lived in them, and also knew how many trees and flowers grow, how many squares, streets and animals.

And so, when everything was already counted and rewritten, he was left without his favorite thing. He even lost his appetite and sleep!

One night, when he couldn't sleep again, he went out on the balcony. His gaze was directed to the night sky … it was clear weather and the dark firmament was strewn with shining stars!

They were big and small, bright and not so bright. And then, as if an inner voice told him: "There are boundless starry expanses in front of you, you need to watch the stars and study them!"

He really liked this idea! "First, I will count them, then I will give each star its own name."

That's how he changed the profession of a mathematician to the profession of a stargazer. And as soon as a clear night came and the first stars appeared in the sky, our Astrologer climbed to the roof of the highest tower of the royal palace and from there conducted his observations of the stars.

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