Chapter III
Well, now we are all convinced that Polkan did not dream up anything, and now someone will have to apologize to him, Rex told the cats. Ginger lowered his head, he felt very uncomfortable, he remembered how he had offended Polkan today.
– How do we fight these aliens now? Timofey asked his friends.
– It is necessary for all cats and dogs to unite and act together, the only way we can expel these Cats from our village, and from our planet in general.
– Yes, but not all dogs are friends with us cats, – Timosha noticed.
– We will have to temporarily forget about our differences, and start making friends and helping each other, as they say: one for all and all for one! And at this time, the Coffs entered the courtyard. Rex, noticing them, became worried about how he alone could cope with five large Coffees and how to protect his two weak friends. The dog shielded Ginger and Timosha, and assumed an intimidating pose, spreading his paws wide, straining all his muscles, while raising his withers and grinning menacingly, showing his strong teeth. In an instant, strength and malice intertwined in him.
– No, I will not give you my friends in the claws, my teeth will be able to cope with you! Rex shouted and growled menacingly.
Hoping, in this way, to prevent the attack of the Kof, and to give his friends the opportunity to retreat, and bring him help. The Coffs stood in confusion for a while, but when they heard the call of their leader, they moved towards them, ready to use their formidable weapons, powerful claws. And at this dangerous moment for Rex and his friends, Polkan ran into the yard with a pack of dogs.
– Hold on friends, we are coming to your aid! one of the dogs shouted. The Coffs, hearing the numerous growling of dogs behind them, began to retreat. They ran right into a high fence, the Cops were very scared, and the dogs were determined to deal with them. But Polkan decided to prevent this interplanetary fight. He came forward, holding a small Kof in his teeth, he was squeaking and calling for help from his mother. The dog gently lowered him to the ground. The whole pack of dogs and Cows were ready for a big fight, but the helpless squeak of the baby kept them in place.
– Whose baby? Take it away! I caught him in the dark on the road, and there are cars driving there, and it wasn't safe for him at all! Polkan shouted, staying in place and thereby setting an example to the rest of his brethren. One of the Cops could not stand the crying of his baby and rushed to him.
"Thank you, you found and saved my son," Kof said. The aliens huddled together in anticipation of reprisals against themselves. But noticing that the dogs changed their minds about attacking them, they calmed down a little. The leader of the Kof stepped forward and said: "Earthlings, we have become ashamed of all our bad deeds that we have done here, and if you can, then forgive us! We wanted to conquer you and your planet and become the masters of the Earth. But I have now made a different decision, to return back to my planet Kof, but this can only happen when you can help us."
– And what happened there? Rex asked, rubbing his wounded nose with his paw, and trying to curb his anger.
– For some reason, our on-board computer has stopped working, and we can't take off without it, – said the leader. The dogs were at a loss, they did not know how to help the Dogs.
– We don't know what a computer is, and what it looks like, the dogs confessed. And suddenly there was a quiet voice of the cat:
– Let me try to help you, it was Ginger who came forward. I'm a little familiar with the work of a computer, maybe I can do something," said the cat. Everyone looked at their furry friend in surprise.
– Yes, don't look at me as if you're seeing me for the first time, he looked around with a playful look and jokingly said: hello, I'm Ginger, the savior of our planet and aliens, – he introduced himself. Everyone immediately became amused by this, and they agreed to meet the next day at the spaceship.
The next morning, the cats Ginger and Timosha with their best friends Rex and Polkan went to the spaceship that landed near the village at a high cliff that stretches to the sea. Friends quickly got to her, but the ship was not there.
–Where's the ship?" Maybe he has already left without our help? – looking around, Ginger exclaimed.
– Friends, come here to this path that leads behind the rock. I seem to have picked up the trail of aliens, called all the Polkan.
–Is there a passage between the rock and the sea?" Rex asked, I've never seen him here.
– Look, this path appeared here when the tide began to ebb, the water receded and now you can walk around this impregnable rock.
"Now we'll have to get back before the tide comes in, before the water floods this passage again," Ginger warned his friends. And they hurried along this shaky, drenched path, behind the rock to the ship.
– And here she is! What a huge rocket, like a second rock by the sea! The whole company stopped and stared in amazement at the alien spaceship.
– It looks like a big, thick drill, you see, there are hollows on the sides with a screw, – Rusty showed with his paw. While they were looking at him, the hatch suddenly opened and the leader of the Kof came out of the ship.
– Hello, I am waiting for you with great impatience, we need to leave your planet as soon as possible. We are running out of solar charge. We didn't manage to recharge the batteries here, although you have a hot sun shining here. They went inside the ship, and Kof pointed to the computer. It was very similar to our earthly one. There were, of course, differences, but the power button was in the same place. Ginger pressed on it, and the computer started downloading the ship's control program. After starting the program, the cat found a button with a map on the screen and pressed it with his paw. A star map of the ship's flight unfolded on the screen. Ginger carefully scanned their flight route, and indicated the trajectory of the ship's flight in the opposite direction to the planet Kof, setting the time of the rocket's takeoff. Then he invited his friends to leave the ship. The Coffs thanked them for their help, and began to prepare for takeoff.
– Ginger, did you do everything right? "Is this ship really going to take off," Rex asked. They moved away from the ship and after 5 minutes its engines started working. The spacecraft broke away from the earth and soared up, gaining altitude, headed for its planet.
– Hurrah! We did it! Long live Ginger, the savior of our planet! That's how friends, when one for all, and all for one, you can turn mountains! Polkan said. And our Ginger became a real hero, the hero of another fantastic story.
Space station
Starting the countdown:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1… Start!
The spacecraft, controlled by a team of astronauts, launched from the Skazka cosmodrome and headed for the International Space Station, where a team of cosmonauts from other countries was waiting for them with great impatience.
The commander of the crew on this ship was a well-respected polar bear named Umka. Yes, yes, this is the same little white bear with a black button nose, but now he has grown up and even became the commander of a spaceship.
Znayka and his friend Steklyashkin also flew with them, and the two of them will also participate in this space exploration team on the International Space Station.
There was also a group of tourists on board the ship – and this is a well-known to you (and even beloved by many children) team of the Puppy Patrol, led by Commander Ryder. They just participated in our festival “Teams of rescuers" and, becoming the winners in it, were awarded a ticket to a spaceship.