Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she dug up the kitchen garden or the yard (garden…field)?
What has she done?
What has she dug up?
Who has dug up the kitchen garden?
Она посоветовала мне поехать в Швейцарию. She has advised me to go to Switzerland.
She hasn’t advised me to go to Switzerland.
Has she advised me to go to Switzerland?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she advised me to go to Switzerland or to The USA (Russia…Australia)?
What has she done?
What has she advised me?
Who has advised me go to the Switzerland?
Эта девочка нарисовала (карандашом) большого крокодила. This girl has drawn a big crocodile.
She hasn’t drawn a big crocodile.
Has she drawn a big crocodile?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she drawn a big or a small crocodile?
What has she done?
What has she drawn?
Who has drawn a big crocodile?
Она восхитилась этой картиной. She has admired this picture.
She hasn’t admired this picture.
Has she admired this picture?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she admired this picture or this boy (scenery…film)?
What has she done?
What has she admired?
Who has admired this picture?
Она проехала на своей машине через всю Сахару. (to drive) She has driven by her car through the Sahara.
She hasn’t driven by her car through the Sahara.
Has she driven by her car through the Sahara?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she driven by her car through the Sahara or Siberia (Canada…England) ?
What has she done?
What has she driven across?
Who has driven by her car through the Sahara?
Она допекла его. (to annoy) She has annoyed him.
She hasn’t annoyed him.
Has she annoyed him?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she annoyed him or them (you…her)?
What has she done?
Who has she annoyed?
Who has annoyed him?
Она накормила ее собаку. She has fed her dog.
She hasn’t fed her dog.
Has she fed her dog?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she fed her dog or cat (child…husband)?
What has she done?
Who(m) has she fed?
Who has fed her dog?
Она зааплодировала громко. She has applauded loudly.
She hasn’t applauded loudly..
Has she applauded loudly?
Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.
Has she applauded loudly or quietly?
What has she done?
How has she applauded?
Who has applauded loudly?
Exercise 7
Эти девочки привлекли внимание тех мальчиков. These girls have attracted the attention of those boys.
These girls haven’t attracted the attention of those boys.
Have they forgotten attracted the attention of those boys?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they attracted the attention of those boys or the police (dogs…men)?
What have they done?
Whose attention have they attracted?
Who has attracted the attention of those boys?
Они простили ее за это. They have forgiven her for it.
They haven’t forgiven her for it.
Have they forgiven her for it?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they forgiven her or him for it?
What have they done?
Who have they forgiven for?
Who has forgiven her for it?
Они запретили нам курить здесь They have banned us to smoke here.
They haven’t banned us to smoke here.
Have they banned us to smoke here?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they banned us to smoke or to drink (to play…to stand) here?
What have they done?
What have they banned us?
Who has banned us to smoke here?
Цветы в саду замерзли. The flowers have been frozen in the garden.
The flowers haven’t been frozen in the garden.
Have they been frozen in the garden?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they been frozen or faded (bloomed…disappeared) in the garden?
What have they done in the garden?
Where have they frozen?
Who has been frozen in the garden?
Они повели себя не очень хорошо. They have behaved themselves not very good.
They haven’t behaved themselves not very good.
Have they behaved themselves not very good?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they behaved themselves not very good or good (bad…excellent)?
What have they done?
How have they behaved themselves?
Who has behaved not very good?
Эти люди получили очень много денег. These people have got very much money.
These people haven’t got very much money.
Have they got very much money?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they got very much or little money (little…a little)?
What have they done?
What have they got?
Who has got very much money?
Они благословили нас. They have blessed us.
They haven’t blessed us.
Have they blessed us?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they blessed or cursed (praised…deceived) us?
What have they done?
Who(m) have they blessed?
Who has blessed us?
Они проанализировали все. They have analyzed everything.
They haven’t analyzed everything.
Have they analyzed everything?
Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.
Have they analyzed everything or nothing (anything…the project)?
What have they done?
What have they analyzed?
Who has analyzed everything?
Exercise 8
Переведите на английский язык:
1. Что ты получил? 1. What have you got?
2. Что восхитило тебя? 2. What has admired you?
3. Почему твой нос замерз? 3. Why has your nose frozen?
4. Что он тебе посоветовал? 4. What has he advised you?
5. Я не простил ее. 5. I haven’t forgiven her.
6. Она не забыла меня. 6. She has not forgotten me.
7. Я не согласился. 7. I haven’t agreed.
8. Мы не проанализировали эту ситуацию. 8. We haven’t analyzed this situation.
9. Ты достала (допекла) меня. 9. You have annoyed me.
10. Я извинился. 10. I have apologized.
11. Туча появилась на небе. 11. The cloud has appeared in the sky.
12. Она аплодировали мне. 12. She has applauded me.
13. Она улетела. 13. She has flown.
14. Мы нашли выход из пещеры. 14. We have found the way out of the cave
15. Я высоко оценил твою красоту. 15. I have highly appreciated your beauty.
16. Она одобрила его действия. 16. She has approved his actions.
17. Полиция арестовала этого вора. 17. The police have arrested this thief.
18. Они задали ему интересный вопрос. 18. They have asked him an interesting question.
19. Он прикрепил эту картинку к двери. 19. He has attached this picture on the door.
20. Они подрались. 20. They have fought.
21. Что ты почувствовал? 21. What have you felt?
22. Зачем ты накормила эту ленивую кошку? 22. Why have you fed this lazy cat?
23. Свеча упала. Странно. 23. The candle has fallen. It’s strange.
24. Кто съел мое яблоко? 24. Who has eaten my apple?
25. Кто выпил мое молоко? 25. Who has drunk my milk?
26. Зачем она пересекла на машине Сахару? 26. Why has she driven through the Sahara by car?
27. Что ты нарисовал своим карандашом на моей двери? Скажи мне правду. 27. What have you drawn by your pencil on my door? Tell me the truth.