Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Мы в России.

1.      We are in Russia.

2.      We are not (aren’t) in Russia.

3.      Are we in Russia?

4.      Yes, we are. No, we are not (aren’t).

5.      Are we in Russia or America (England…Marabou…)?

6.      Where are we?

Мы солдаты.

1.      We are soldiers.

2.      We are not (aren’t) soldiers.

3.      Are we soldiers?

4.      Yes, we are. No, we are not (aren’t).

5.      Are we soldiers or students (pupils…doctors…)?

6.      What are we?

Мы хорошие солдаты.

1.      We are good soldiers.

2.      We are not (aren’t) good soldiers.

3.      Are we good soldiers?

4.      Yes, we are. No, we are not (aren’t).

5.      Are we good or bad soldiers (brave…coward…)?

6.      What soldiers are we? (What kind of soldiers are we?)

Мы в армии.

1.      We are in the army.

2.      We are not (aren’t) in the army.

3.      Are we in the army?

4.      Yes, we are. No, we are not (aren’t).

5.      Are we in the army or at university (at institute…at home…)?

6.      Where are we?

Мы танцоры.

1.      We are dancers.

2.      We are not (aren’t) dancers.

3.      Are we dancers?

4.      Yes, we are. No, we are not (aren’t).

5.      Are we dancers or singers (soldiers…engineers…)?

6.      What are we?

Мы знаменитые танцоры.

1.      We are famous dancers.

2.      We are not (aren’t) famous dancers.

3.      Are we famous dancers?

4.      Yes, we are. No, we are not (aren’t).

5.      Are we famous or unknown dancers?

6.      What dancers are we? (What kind of dancers are we?)

Мы на концерте сейчас.

1.      We are at the concert now.

2.      We are not (aren’t) at the concert now.

3.      Are we at the concert now?

4.      Yes, we are. No, we are not (aren’t).

5.      Are we at the concert or at the cinema (at the theatre…at the museum…) now?

6.      Where are we now?

Упражнения на отработку THEY ARE

Exercise 11

1.      переведите предложение

2.      сделайте из него отрицательное предложение

3.      сделайте общий вопрос

4.       краткие ответы к нему

5.      альтернативный вопрос

6.      специальный вопросОни американцы.

1.      They are Americans.

2.      They are not (aren’t) Americans.

3.      Are they Americans?

4.      Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).

5.      Are they Americans or Russian people?

6.      What are they?

Они энергичные люди.

1.      They are energetic people.

2.      They are not (aren’t) energetic people.

3.      Are they energetic people?

4.      Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).

5.      Are they energetic or lazy people (sad…merry…)?

6.      What people are they? (What kind of people are they?)

Они в Америке.

1.      They are in America.

2.      They are not (aren’t) in America.

3.      Are they in America?

4.      Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).

5.      Are they in America or Russia (England…Australia…)?

6.      Where are they?

Они вегетарианцы.

1.      They are vegetarians.

2.      They are not (aren’t) vegetarians.

3.      Are they vegetarians?

4.      Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).

5.      Are they vegetarians or omnivorous people?

6.      What are they?

Они здоровые люди.

1.      They are healthy people.

2.      They are not (aren’t) healthy people.

3.      Are they healthy people?

4.      Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).

5.      Are they healthy or sick people?

6.      What people are they? (What kind of people are they?)

Они в поле.

1.      They are in the field.

2.      They are not (aren’t) in the field.

3.      Are they in the field?

4.      Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).

5.      Are they in the field or in the restaurant (park …pizzeria…)?

6.      Where are they?

Они студенты.

1.      They are students.

2.      They are not (aren’t) students.

3.      Are they students?

4.      Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).

5.      Are they students or doctors (engineers…soldiers…)?

6.      What are they?

Они плохие студенты.

1.      They are bad students.

2.      They are not (aren’t) bad students.

3.      Are they bad students?

4.      Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).

5.      Are they bad or good students?

6.      What students are they? (What kind of students are they?)

Они в баре сейчас.

1.      They are in the bar now.

2.      They are not (aren’t) in the bar now.

3.      Are they in the bar now?

4.      Yes, they are. No, they are not (aren’t).

5.      Are they in the bar or at the lecture (at the library…at university…) now?

6.      Where are they?


Exercise 12

Та маленькая птица. Эта большая птица.      That is a small bird. This is a big bird.

Та маленькая собака в комнате. Эта большая собака во дворе.      That small dog is in the room. This big dog is in the yard.

Где те девочки? – Они на вечеринке. Где эти мальчики? – Они на стадионе.      Where are those girls? – They are at the party. Where are these boys? – They are at the stadium.

Чьи те кошки? – Мои. Эти мои кошки, а те твои кошки.      Whose cats are those? – There are mine. These are my cats and those are your cats.

Почему твое платье на моем диване?      Why is your dress on my sofa?

Какого цвета ее глаза? – Они зеленые.      What color are her eyes? – They are green.

Какого цвета ее волосы? – Они рыжие.      What color is her hair? – It’s red.

Какого цвета ее туфли? – Они белые.      What color are her shoes? – They are white.

Она красивая? – Нет. Но она очень веселая и она имеет чувство юмора.      Is she beautiful? – No, she isn’t. But she is very merry and she has got a sense of humor.

Почему у него старая машина? – У него нет денег на новую.      Why has he got an old car? – He hasn’t got the money for a new one.

Те книги на столе. Те книги на столе очень интересные.      Those books are on the table. Those books on the table are very interesting.

Тот сильный мужчина. Тот мужчина сильный.      That is a strong man. That man is strong.

Тот сильный мужчина находится сейчас в спортивном клубе.      That strong man is in the sport club now.

Это его брат. Его брат сейчас на соревнованиях.      This is his brother. His brother is at the competition now.

Ты сильный или слабый?      Are you strong or weak?

Ты умный или глупый? Какой ты человек?      Are you clever or silly? What person are you?

Они русские или англичане? Откуда они?      Are they Russian or Englishmen? Where are they from? (Where do they come from?)

Откуда ты? – Я из Сибири.      Where are you from? – I am from Siberia.

Exercise 13

Переведите на английский язык.
