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A tale of winter mittens

Once one the village lived people, was a tradition they harvesting the fall and a winters went to visit each other. The residents hoped beign together for them the cold winter would be easy and fun. The village in which they lived was the most ordinary one, the fall them everyone was busy. Parents to work snd children went to church school. One summer day, not far from the village grandfather and his granddaughter walked along the path towards the forest. They went out to a beautiful forest edge, where they saw a lot of mushrooms and berries. Having collected, full of baskets, they went towards the house. Aida, that was the name of the girl, was fond of helping her grandmother with household chores. Therefore, upon returning from the forest with her grandfather, she went into the yard. There she began to help her grandmother until late in the evening.

In the morning Aida woke up and completely forgot about her studies. Together with her grandmother, they began to collect things and prepare notebooks with books. After collecting everything she needed, Aida set off towards the school. On the way, she saw the freands and they went to the lesson together. The guys began to tell that a new girl with the beautiful name Azalea appeared in the class. She is the daughter of a carpenter and their family has just arrived from a neighboring village. At school, the children went to their places and Aida noticed a new girl in her class. Aida offered to sit together at the lesson. The new girl was in a beautiful dress and with beautiful blue eyes. After the lesson, the girls went to visit Azalea to get to know her parents. When the girls entered the courtyard, Aida saw a nice clean courtyard and the neighbors' children. They ran and played with toy swords and shields. Having heard about the new carpenter, the guys immediately came running and asked to make them toys. The home Azalea introduced Aida to her mother. She was a dressmaker and sewed things. Aida traditionally invited all of their family to visit for a holiday on Harvest Day. To which Azalea and her mother said a big thank you, and that they will come with great joy. Then Azalea's mother invited her daughter to decorate the recently sewn mittens with a beautiful pattern in honor of the holiday. But suddenly she realized that there were no threads. Aida offered to take the threads from her grandmother. They have a farming family and her grandmother often spins yarn from wool. Then Azalea's mother said that she could even knit two pairs of holiday mittens. Then the joyful girls ran for yarn. The farmhouse, it wasn't as clean and tidy as Azalea's yard. Next to the house there was a large barn for animals and little pigs and sheep were running. This a little alarmed Azalea, but she did not show it so as not to offend Aida. Then the girls went to the house where Aida's grandmother found beautiful yarn in her dressers and gave for Azalea. The girls said goodbye and began to prepare to meet the coming harvest day.

Autumn, meanwhile, turned into the first cold weather. The villagers gathered their last harvests. The animals were shuttered in the barns and prepared for the frost. It started snowing on the first winter day, to everyone's delight. And everyone took up household chores, waiting for the guests to meet on a holiday. Aida, waking up as usual, began to help her grandmother in business and was preparing to meet the guests. Suddenly she saw Azalea in the window. She was in a beautiful snow-white fur coat, and in her hands she had new mittens. Aida ran to meet her friend. The girls tried on new clothes and got ready to go play. But Azalea said that she can't to visit Aida. She was afraid that the animals on the farm would stain her fur coat and new mittens. Aida thanked for the mittens and walked towards the house. Azalea saw that Aida was very upset. Looking after her, noticed Aida's yard. It had already been removed, there was snow everywhere, there were no animals. There was only smoke from the chimney, which spoke of a warm and cozy home. Then Azalea realized that she was mistaken and how much she offended her friend. Grandmother noticed the upset Aida and decided to immediately help her granddaughter. When they talked, they suddenly heard a knock. Grandma went to the door and saw guests on the threshold. It was Azalea and her parents. After Azalea apologized to Aida and the two families began to celebrate the holiday together. The end!

Рассказ про пастуха

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В одной деревушке произошла история про мальчика, который неожиданно обрёл друга. Звали мальчика Ваня. В его семье мужчины были пастухами, как и сам Ваня. Мать и отец никогда не волновались за своего сына, он был хорошим пастухом и хорошо знал своё дело. Отдаленная деревня, в которой они жили, была маленькая, жителей было немного и Ване не хватало друга. Но однажды летним днём, когда Иван возвращался домой, он вдалеке заметил собаку. Это был большой пёс. Он знал, что в его деревне собак не было, люди сами пасли овец и коз и всем хватало дел по хозяйству. На волка пёс тоже не был похож, отец рассказывал, что у волков хвост всегда прижат к телу. Ваня решил позвать собаку, но она не обратила на него внимания. Мальчик подумал, что пёс убежал или его прогнали из соседней деревни. Так прошла их первая встреча.

На следующее утро, когда мальчик пошёл в поле, он задремал и не заметил, как козы и овцы подошли близко к лесу. Вдруг из леса вышел волк – это был серый хищник, который нацелился на добычу. Ваня проснулся от шума и увидел, как большой пёс стоял напротив волка и лаял, защищая животных. Когда волк испугался и скрылся в лесу, пёс убежал в сторону деревни. После встречи с волком Ваня стал замечать эту собаку рядом с деревней.

Следующая важная встреча произошла зимой. Из-за долгой осени и сильных дождей лёд на реках был тонкий. Мальчик спустился на к речному мостику, чтобы набрать воды. Когда Ваня подошёл к реке, он заметил, что пёс захотел попить и шёл прямо к проруби. У самого края лёд треснул, и пёс соскользнул в воду. Ваня взял коромысло и подал барахтающемуся псу. Тот сразу ухватился зубами и выбрался на берег. Ваня решил отвести спасённого друга домой, чтобы отогреть. Мальчик решил дать прозвище спасенному животному и назвал его Пастух. С тех пор два друга никогда не расставались. Конец!

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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