Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Love for the homeland is one thing, but living like a human being and being happy is quite another. Therefore, we all need to unite the Motherland and quality life in it together with the help of IOS PHR.

The quality of life of citizens and inflation in IOS PHR can be tracked automatically. By purchasing power of wages and pensions in the city / region / country per 100 goods and services of everyday demand. The quality of freedom - according to the "cannibalism" of articles of the AK and Criminal Procedure Code.

6-Slogans on technology and formation

technological сyber-marxism 

Лозунги по технологиям и образованию

Admins, architects, AI, developers of applied software and hardware - we are with you. You are our hope and support! The smart digital world cannot be built without your heads and hands. Help us!

Smart people are people all over the world who use social networks, instant messengers, remote services and other Apps. Let's create and promote IOS PHR together for a better life in the country and in the entire digital world.

All other "digitalization", except for IOS PHR, is the way to the digital prison of the authorities' supervision over the people! Only smart supervision of citizens over public officials and budget businesses will save people from sliding into digital feudalism.

No state support to parties and associations, including religious ones. They only receive open help from sponsors, including foreign ones.

Genuine Smart Voting and Official Reputations are the main differences between the new digital people's self-government (digital hyper-democracy) and any other pseudo-democracy in the 21-st century.

It is necessary to create, through upbringing and education, an active and responsible smart person whose primary values ​​are diligence, freedom, humanity, reason, analysis and creativity. And not the possession of luxury, domination and joy of violence against people, robbery and other analogous savagery.

The quality of education is about managing the future of the country. Its place in the modern highly competitive and scientific and technological global world.

Education in IOS PHR is pseudo-paid, with a targeted supplement up to the per capita minimum wage in the family. Secondary and higher - credit, with compensation for future employers. Science - with grant funding and from sponsors. Knowledge control (exams) - in test centers of the country, with the involvement of AI algorithms.

In the senior grades of schools and in universities of the IOS PHR, the teaching of natural science and technical subjects is in English. Health, knowledge of law and the ability to defend one's point of view in two languages ​​- in the native and in a foreign one - were valued.

At IOS PHR, free national and international subject courses were hosted in the Digital Content Library (DCL/BCC). It was an integral digital platform for educational services, helping educators and authors' businesses.

7-Slogans on public health and ecologies

technological сyber-marxism 

Лозунги  по здравоохранению и экологии 

Greens, environmental leaders and parties - we are with you! Only in unity with you can a more humane and mutually stable world of nature and people be built! Help us!

Remember - living people - you are only a temporary small part in the interconnected living nature of the entire Earth.

The planet is not only our home, but the place of life for future generations! Let's save it for posterity!

The Earth is the home of all living diversity that has been created over billions of years. Let's not overestimate our exclusivity and significance.

Enemies of nature are enemies of the people, therefore they must be severely and everywhere persecuted!

In IOS PHR, medicine is personal-insurance, with any doctor in any medical institution in the country. The medical card of treatments and procedures is one, genuine, open to the patient and the doctor. Open reputations of doctors and clinics. Medical account - inherited, children and the poor are treated for free.

The doctor must treat the patient, and the reports must be kept by the AI ​​machines of medical statistics, issuing it to doctors, supervisory services and the country's Ministry of Health.

8-Slogans technological

Smart-Internationale and Tribunal

Лозунги технологического 

Смарт-Интернационала и Трибунала

Owners and developers of global social networks and messengers - we are with you! You cannot build a prosperous digital world without your help. Help us unite people around the world and stigmatize managerial neo-feudalism!

Smart people of all countries unite! In IOS PHR and smart-international - TSI, with a reputational tribunal of all the rulers of the world!

Smart-people of all countries unite! In IOS PHR and smart-internationale –TSI, with reputations by tribunal of all potentates of the world!

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, shedding blood, once won freedom, prosperity and privacy for us. Let's not hand over their achievements to the new “digital strangler of freedom”!

People! Fight against digital state enslavement! Be vigilant and reasonable, help old people and other less successful people, whoever they can! Remember that our "digital mass", if we are united, will sweep away any enemies of human freedom!

We will suppress the actions of "wild rulers" by the global networked technological smart-international (TSI) and the world Reputation and Judicial Tribunal (RJT/PCT).

It is necessary to skillfully and technologically oppose both the local polit-oligarchic clans and the world global geopolitical "hegemons". Otherwise, their totalitarian informational control over people and small businesses, destroying the freedoms and prosperity of citizens, will turn developed countries into an "Orwellian" digital prison.

A global information-united techno-developed humanity of "higher biblical values" than ever before has already appeared. Smart people are criminally controlled in the old way.

The time has come for all smart people to supervise, purify and educate with “digital humanism” all the currently ruling “savages”!



technological сyber-marxism 


For more details about new digital state formations (IOS PHR/IOO PNS), cyber-Marxism and smart-automated states of the 21-st century, see the works - "Cyber-Marx roams Europe!", "Smart-digital Bulgaria", "Manifesto of cyber-Marxism". There is an English translation - "Smart-digital Bulgaria" and "Manifesto cyber-marxism".
