Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Direct power to the people, not in the sense of direct execution, but through the people's reputation control of the entire chain of executive, legislative and other powers. And the possessions of officials and oligarchs.

At IOS PHR, each citizen can safely express their opinion, create a group, analyze and discuss with like-minded people how to manage the territory. And then vote with the whole world - this is smart democracy.

Discussions should be de-anonymous, by bio-numbers or full name, text and video conferences, with the regulation of the number of likes, speeches and comments per day, week, month. Smart voting is multistage, anonymous, open, linked to the temporary voting code, person's bio-number and place of registration.

Territory management in IOS PHR  is forum, open and accountable, including collection and consumption of taxes. Today, you cannot trust the management of cities to party leaders. The ruling government official must be outside the party, since must serve all citizens.

3-Financial-economic slogans

technological сyber-marxism 

Финансово-экономические лозунги

Globalists - we are with you! In unity with you, with your experience and knowledge, you can build a more just, stable and humane world of people! Help us!

Internet platforms and smartphones have made the human world unified and interconnected! We need to help and educate each other, work interesting and creatively, receive investments and income from the sold ideas, goods and services all over the planet.

All citizens of the country are equal owners of the state, its structures, communications, land and natural resources, and not only the political oligarchy and their "clan associates". Everyone should receive annuity from the resources sold abroad, monthly to his own account. Technology already allows you to do this.

IOS PHR is an ideal example of the functioning of a new digital economy model in the 6th global technological order. Due to digital platforms, smart automated government and business services and people's control, in developed demstrans in the 21-st century.

In IOS PHR, it is possible to reduce officials at times, minimize the number of state employees and sharply cut taxes, directing them to support only those who really need. Raise salaries and pensions at times. Then investments will come from all over the world.

The super rich (10%) should support the super poor (10%). The middle class of the country (80%) must pay a minimum of taxes (personal income tax up to 5%), self-govern and take care of the prosperity of their territory!

The financial banking speculative system is overblown and damages producers of goods and services. With the transition to digital currency (full non-cash), banks must be nationalized. There are enough 5 digital banks throughout the country. Investments from all over the world should be handled by the managers of the Ministry of Finance.

The world is overflowing with investor money. The ruling elites who do not know how to use national and world money to develop their city / country are flawed in their professionalism and therefore must be replaced.

In the IOS PHR, city officials can be paid the minimum wage, and let the head of the city pay extra bonuses, to whose account the interest from the turnover of businesses is received. Then the chain of command, an incentive for development, will be primary and corruption will be legalized.

4-Judicial-legal slogans

technological сyber-marxism 

Судебно-правовые лозунги

Liberal Democrats - we are with you! Together, we will build a more just and humane world of people! Help us!

Law in the IOS PHR  is the will of the people, elevated into law, and not the will of the ruling class, as in other formations.

Presidents, governors and mayors come and go, clans of media propagandists, legal and power support are replaced, but the people, in this territory, remain. It is he who is invariant, because his life, voice and rights must be primary.

Every living person is equal in rights and differentiated in duties, according to positions and possessions.

The right of people to a free private life, to business, to property, to personal identity is indisputable if it does not infringe upon the rights of others.

Traitors, enemies of the people and swindlers, especially from the political and financial elites, who have caused damage to citizens, businesses or the state, must be identified, condemned and prosecuted around the world until the damage is repaired.

All actions and possessions in the IOS PHR are tied to a person, his bio-number with authentication in the EIPSS. An individual, in the Register of Citizens of the country, is determined by an electronic passport with multidimensional biometrics, info-history and a personal smartphone.

Business, government agencies, media or other organizations are identified by a number in the tax register of businesses. Where is stored an unchanged (added) set of information about this organization, main owners, managers and other information.

Law enforcement by one police force is ineffective and corrupt. In the OSI PNS, to help district officers, detachments of armed vigilantes for the protection and control of the territory are attached. They are the ones who carry out operational law and order.

5-Trade-union slogans

technological сyber-marxism 

Профсоюзные лозунги

Owners and employees of social-digital platforms-trade unions of mass private businesses and joint ownership systems - we are with you. Without your work and Internet resources, you cannot build a competitive OSI PNS. Help us!

Today, possession of super wealth is primitive and criminal, since there are not enough material resources for everyone. Better temporary use of expensive things, car sharing or rent.

Smart working people in developed dem-countries are no longer "subjects of sovereigns" and not "trembling creatures" of the past centuries, but are the source and the most supreme power in the country!

Technologies are already making it possible to form a true popular assessment-rumor-reputation of every official, public person and owner of a large business. Which is impossible not to wind up, not to turn off (blockchain).

Work, freedom, prosperity and comfort of life for all working people and their families in the global digital world.

In IOS PHR, a “business under control” is needed, when all violations are recorded by citizens and by the Smartphone Application are automatically sent to the police, prosecutor's office and digital notary. Administrative violations can be blamed on AI forensic machines. Part of the fines should be transferred to the account of the controllers.
