«To deceive a Jew is to remain deceived by yourself,» he thought, as he slung her bag over his shoulder, while she was beaming with happiness at having received the assessment for nothing, in fact-in advance.
There's a Commission scheduled for next Friday, and if you don't close your debts on time, you'll be kicked out of the class five minutes before graduation. Do you understand?»
The girl made a tired sound:
«All right, but math and Latin… Miss Evans is like that… I mean, she just hates me. »
Tom smiled, taking the subtle hint.
«I can help you with Latin, but you'll have to make up for lost time in math. » Lily smiled at him.
Tom ate a dog on a smart ass like her and ate a bitch, which is what she's doing now in this fucking circus.
«A fucking generation willing to do anything for profit. Isn't that what I am? Who the hell do I look like?» Shulman thought to himself, carrying her bag on his shoulder like a boy, and she walked ahead of him, swaying her hips, which were just right: wide and beautiful.
«It should produce children only to Supplement the valiant and great Jewish race,» flashed through his mind.
«Is this your bus?» Tom pointed toward the bus stop.
«Ah, yes! I have to go!» Lily perked up as she took back her bag, which he carried three blocks like a camel or horseback. «Goodbye.»
The brown eyes on the other side looked directly into his, searching for answers or questions. The next moment, she started toward the vehicle, but Thomas grabbed her around the waist, his fingers brushing the soft fabric of her sundress.
«And the kiss? » her eyes widened and almost popped out of their sockets. Thomas sidestepped her insolence with his own. Her face was flushed in the may sun, and her lithe body moved slightly away from him.
«We have to do this. »
Lily sighed indignantly, looking at the bus, which seemed to be in no hurry and was waiting for a goodbye kiss just like Shulman. Thomas's inner voice was hoarse with anticipation.
«You sealed our agreement with a handshake, » he reminded her.
She swallowed nervously, took a step toward his shaggy face, and put her right hand on his shoulder, as if that would help. Tom was never patient, and he disliked waiting, leaning forward, carefully sealing their «deal» with his plump lips on the same ones, only very soft and pink, feeling the sweet taste and burning heat running through his body. She just squeezed her eyes shut, but there was no gun at her temple to make her tense.
«Now, good-bye. » he said, pulling away from my beloved lips, still holding her just above her waist. «When will you be home?»
Lily was completely bewildered, confused, and blushed even more as she struggled for words: «Well… I… In about two hours, not before. » Thomas took note of this.
«Then I'll call you at six sharp, may I?»
Part V
End of may
Thomas did not think that chasing a young girl would be so interesting and fun! Oh, it is permanent and the children's desire to see, talk to and be around! This made Thomas laugh. He and Lily young had some kind of teenage relationship. Going to the theatre and watching movies made him feel young and wild. Such nonsense he suffered only before the war very young and beaten, subsequently spoiling more than one girl. All this nonsense kept him from thinking about work. Little by little, Lily began pulling his strings, getting loans and admissions, and practicing all day at the local hospital while Thomas handled her Affairs. Here and there he gave her marks, some not deserved, but justified. After that, he would meet her in the evening, give her his hand, and lead her to the car like a little girl, kissing her only on the cheek.
«You're an obstetrician, and I can't help but ask if you washed your hands?»
Then they dined together, and Thomas, losing his appetite, listened to terrible stories about childbirth, blood, and other abominations. Lily laughed happily at the look of disgust on his face and pushed the dessert toward her.
«You look like a crocodile! She laughed, pointing to his hair, which was tousled and standing on end from her horror stories.
Tom asked himself, his co-workers, and friends, who probably thought that he had just completely and irrevocably screwed up or fallen in love.
«The Jewish half of London who sits in front of you and asks if they can go pee or fuck their wife with cancer like a real Rabbi,» it was on the tip of his tongue as he watched her amused and slightly embarrassed smile, « fortunately, I can afford to go to the toilet at any time. And if I'm going to put you in the back seat, I'm going to get real permission from a real Rabbi, honey. So stop laughing at me!» he thought, still admiring the girl. In General, Thomas was one of those people who feared blood and tried to avoid its unnecessary shedding. Blood is dirt, and everything must be clean. Therefore, her stories made the hair stand on end not only on the head, but also on the whole body.
Everything in this case had calmed down, too,so that Tom could take a breath and finally allow himself to think of something more than fighting and killing.
«Do you want to go to the lake tomorrow? Thomas asked, taking a SIP of water, wanting to eat at last, and pulling a plate of hot chicken soup towards him, « nature, air, lake. »
Lily shrugged as Tom regretfully fished a piece of slowly melting butter out of his plate.
«Ugh, » he said, pushing the soup plate away, and his eyes darted around the table in despair, knowing that he had nothing else to eat.
«What's wrong with butter? It tastes better,» Lily assured him.
«Never, never should a decent and traditional Jew mix dairy products and meat! It's a sin!»
Lily looked at Thomas blankly, demanding an explanation.
«Wait until I explain.»
Tom called the waiter to bring him the soup, and then looked back at the girl, who was obviously tense and ready to listen.
«I live by the commandments and laws that are written in the Torah, right? For me to do anything without prayer or without prayer is a sin. Just like eating something that isn't kosher is a sin.»
Lily just smiled a little, thinking that Thomas was almost a fanatic, and went back to eating. All this time, he gradually accustomed her to Jewish cuisine, replacing the usual dishes only with national ones. At first, she resisted fiercely, but then she felt the taste and even found her favorited dish-tzime. After trying it for the first time, it spat out a spoon in a napkin and made a face unrecognizable:
«What kind of carrion is this?»
Tom would have laughed if it wasn't his favourite sweet from childhood, consisting of carrots and other vegetables. His mother often prepared tzimes, leaving only good memories for the Jew.
«Is there fat floating around? » the girl shouted, looking at the yellow slime on her plate and startling the other Jewish guests, who looked at the Goy with displeasure.
«Yes, honey, it's real mutton fat!»
Tom didn't know which was more disconcerting-the basis of the dessert or his words.
«What about nature?»
Lily rubbed her temple.
«If you need nature, come to us. Because I have thirteen acres of land and three younger brothers.»
This is not how Shulman imagined their first solitude.
«You mean you were assigned to dig and plant a vegetable garden?»
Lily nodded, smearing caramel on her lips.
«I think your older brothers are exploiting you.»
Lily gripped her fork.
«Please don't touch my brothers!» she threw the device on the table, covering it with her hand.
Tom has touched something alive again, but he doesn't know what it is.
«What did I say wrong?»
Lily tried to calm down, washing down her anger with warm tea, holding the Cup between her fingers.