Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Lily was crying softly, red and swollen, pulling her hands out of the bucket of icy water.

«Sorry, you are our disabled person!» Lily held out her hand with the words hurt, on which a small vial immediately appeared, « be patient!» Thomas shouted at her, turning his attention back to Isaac and ignoring Achmet completely. « A big dick is really a Vice and a good reason, isn't it?»

«How long will I have to watch your family quarrels?» Ozan put in, opening her mouth in Thomas's pub, in his London neighbourhood, among the subordinates.

«Are you blind, freak? Can't you see that the girl burned her hands? If I don't help her, she'll be out of control in an hour!»

Ahmet chuckled nervously, trying to be patient, and rolled his eyes.

«You will find new slaves,» he said, trying not to get into trouble.»

«I will find a new half-witted Turk who is blocking my air!»

The men grappled, but no one wanted to hit each other, because a month ago they worked together, as they say, without spilling water. Their friendship ended abruptly after his set-up stunt, when sixteen of Thomas's assistants were killed, half of whom didn't even have time to marry, let alone have children. Reluctantly, Tom calmed his anger by taking the girl's hand and leading her and her guest to his office, where a revolver was waiting for him. They went in, and Tom took a first-aid kit with bandages and ointments out of the closet. Ahmet sat down at his Desk, and his companions sat on a maroon leather sofa. Thomas bandaged her hands, irritated by each falling tear and soft sob.

«Good girls don't cry,» Ozan said, « Or are you bad?»

Lily's eyes flashed as she spat out her feminine venom, her tears forgotten.

«I don't know. Ask your father about it…» she muttered, and Thomas laughed at Achmet's reaction, who frowned for a moment, then frowned, and finally grinned stupidly.

In General, people like Shulman and Ozan are not to be trifled with. If Ahmet didn't know Thomas, he would have blown her brains out on the table. And if he didn't like Thomas, he'd kill them both at the same table.

«Do you know who I am? I Am Achmet Ozan!»

Lily didn't care. She didn't know Thomas , or Achmet, or any of the other criminal groups with their fucking famous names.

«For some reason, I don't care…» she hissed through clenched teeth, but Tom cut her off with an unintentional flick of his tongue.

«A Jewish girl should behave more modestly, right?»

Ten minutes later, the car took the girl home, and Tom went back to work. Yes, she is sulking, resentful, and already cursing him in every way she knows, cursing, cursing, and sewing a Voodoo doll. But a Jew doesn't care. In this world, he created himself, his business, and his destiny. He also does it for himself and Lily, because he's Thomas Shulman and he doesn't care.

«So what are you doing here? You want to do fucking business with me and ruin my people? Fuck you, Ahmet! I've known you since you were a child, you scoundrel!»

«No, Tom. I apologized.» Ahmet tossed him an envelope containing money.

Shulman didn't even touch it. «How highly do you rate my people? What is it?» he asked, without looking up from the envelope.

«Exactly fifteen thousand. Is that enough to bury the hatchet?»

Part IX

After the bar, a white one will appear. And if he doesn't come, you can just put the powder on the table and smell it. The question is, will it be easier?

But Thomas, as a true Jew, would never have stooped to such despair. Drugs, alcohol, and slutty bitches are for the weak, right? But Thomas can't always be strong.

He sat in his office, fingers pressed to his eyes, listening to Charlie Austin's suggestion that a few more people join his pub because Ahmet was still causing him trouble. One day is worse than another.

«What do you mean, Charlie? I don't want to start a war with the Turks! The East End is in danger of being overturned! Group leaders, their pregnant wives and children will die! Too much blood. Good fucking morning.»

His fingers reached for the liquor, passing him an unopened bottle of whiskey.

«That’s life. This is business.» Charlie ended his fucking Serenade by asking the Jew to put a bullet in his face.

Thomas ran from corner to corner. Yes, he was caught between two very favourable lights. He followed the rule, of course: «to deceive a pagan is sanctity,» so Thomas went around the world and deceived everyone for his own benefit. If Shulman wasn't such a liar, he wouldn't have anything right now. «hire security from Charlie, but cooperate with Ahmet?» It's like a whore sitting on two cocks at the same time and pretending that everything is fine, simulating pleasure, while these same members RUB against each other more than necessary. On the other hand, it was a double benefit that Shulman was most concerned about right now.

«Damn it! I cut my finger!» Charlie said, pressing a bloody finger to his lips.

«What kind of blood? Period or what the fuck? Tom chuckled and leaned back in his chair, but Charlie didn't appreciate the joke and kept looking at him .

Oh, those glassy English eyes, empty and stranger. The only consolation after a lousy day for Thomas was usually Lily and her hugs, which he burrowed into like a little boy, and all Thomas had to do was pee in his pants. But she hadn't spoken to him in almost a week.

«You shouted at me! She beeped into the phone after his twenty-fourth call. Of course, Thomas yelled at her because she did what he told Lily not to do.

«I'll pick you up at three tomorrow.»

Oh, that stupid fish. A little more, and she will fall for the Jewish hook, after which it will be very difficult for her, but for now let her play pranks and twist Thomas as much as she wants.

Part X

Tom picked her up at three, as promised. He didn't want to go inside, so Tom got out of the car, admiring the view.

«This is a village….»

«Like it?» Isaac asked with a smile, leaning out of the window.

«This is the worst place you can imagine. Disgusting!»

A distant village, fields, meadows, vegetables, fruits – and no smog. It is quiet, peaceful and, it seems, even cosy. Finally, Lily left the house. Tom turned at the creak of the door and froze. Before that, he had seen a clumsy but pretty girl in an old University uniform and scuffed boots. She looked like a child whose mother doesn't take good care of her. Now the ugly duckling has been replaced by a wonderful Swan. All her beauty and tenderness were hidden under the worn-out rags and the weight of unfeminine work, weighed down by hard study. She was wearing a straight cream dress with a low waist and a short train that only reached her knees. Judging by its softness and lightness, the silk is decorated with lace. Tights on slender legs and pumps with lots of rhinestones. Makeup and short-cropped hair are very good. She came closer, and Tom swam at last, seeing her childish and so wonderfully beautiful. Lily pouted a little, saying that she was still resentful of him and a little angry. Shulman put her in the car, where a bouquet of flowers was waiting for her.

«Flowers?» She smiled, holding up the white roses that pricked her with their thorns, and piped, «Did you happen to be struck by lightning today?»

«You're still clumsy…» Tom said, paying more attention to the pricked finger that was gushing blood.

Lily's breathing was uneven, so he was doing everything right.

«Can we kiss? You're beautiful.» Thomas asked defiantly, moving closer to her lips.

Lily pushed him away, her eyes flashing coquettishly, seeking first apology, then remorse, and finally submission.

«Forgive me, naughty creature, for raising my voice one tone, right? Lily laughed, pushed Tom away, and put her hands on His chest, but he wrapped his arms around her waist, leaving a submission, «What the fuck are you looking at, pervert?»
