Dark ships are coming in from all sides. The battle is unequal. His
there's no chance of a pilot. Silence.
On the Ground, the lads, the light fighters, thinking that the General is on Board,
prepare an anti-aircraft gun for battle.
The next moment the ship
the General, firing from all the guns, flies into the thick of it
enemy's. The lads are also firing on the ground. And before
the next moment is a ringing minute's silence. The explosion of
city from edge to edge... and only 5 enemy ships survived. And
the ones that were lucky-they left on time. Ringing silence. General
come to himself. Silently. From a severe headache. In the hands -
a broken Cup. Everyone is silent. The 2nd pilot runs out of the corridor.
"What happened?" "what is it?" she asks excitedly.
"Nothing," the General says.
With a gloomy look, all are silent, looking at those who are in the military
Scene 5.
The 2nd pilot's ship is at the shelter. The last shipment was moved
refugees'. General to the 2nd pilot:
- Check the locks inside the shelter.
And while the 2nd pilot checks the locks from inside the shelter, the General
closes the shelter from the outside and activates the security system.
"No one else will go there. And the outputs are in a different place.»
She got the message. Shock, all claims to fate. Inside already
the vault cannot be opened.
The General flies away on the ship of the 2nd pilot to the rock from which he can see
all the city. There are fights.
Meanwhile in the city…
There are fights, and the black Sands destroy everything in their path. Which of
khlopchikov remained in the city, they knew what they had agreed to. General,
watching everything from the cliff. Presses the button, and the dark priests strategist,
booby-trapped, explodes the main pyramid. Follow the chain
the whole city explodes and burns down. Along with everyone who is there:
black Sands, an army of dark ones, flappers…
The boys knew what they had agreed to.
The General is watching. Sees the 5 ships that
they attacked his ship and survived. And specifically attracts them
attention. They fell into the trap. The 2nd pilot's ship, the same one,
where the General is located, mined. Enough to blow up
the city once again. When lined up in positions in the air, the General
presses the button. All 6 ships were burned. In glow. At midnight.
And the city is washed away by a tsunami.
Just before the explosion, in the cockpit. General:
"Understand and forgive me for what I will do now," pressing the button."
Chapter 3. The game of immortality.
Part 1.
When something went wrong in his team, back in ancient Egypt,
that's when he met his Queen, What happened then
they buried one Pharaoh. This time he and his team were
white priests of Egypt. That's when two people stole the Book.
Magic and rebelled. The authorities wanted to. The result is a mountain of corpses, and
two of his team - without goals - are the ones who stole the book.
White Palace (General). With its own Marina and
constant security. In the lion enclosure his Queen sleeps on the lions
"The White Priestess." The lions roared when they saw him. The Queen is awake.
"Darling, where are you going?"
"What do you do with them?" They listen to me, but they are afraid of me.
you - as manual.
"I'm good," she said, smiling.
"You'll be bad," he says ironically. "The Atlanteans are leaving.
Wait for the slave revolt. People will have to calm their heads again.
"All right, dear.
The white Priest descends to the Wharf to Board his ship.
Part 2.
He stopped at a small cafe in the center of the city. Next to
central street. Here - a small cozy corner. In the shadow
trees, with a view of the city. The sun is shining high. See you later
several hours. While you can drink coffee and bask in the sun
after the winter, looking at the bookstore. Thoughts about yourself:
"How many books! And each with human stupidity can
get in the way like a stone in a Shoe. Do they see the main one
a book? Even if they do, their vanity will blind them. What's this
"Clowns" - the same, and the squeal of children around. He recognized them-two
from his team. They recognized him, too.
- A comedian? - in surprise.
- That. Afraid of what? Me?,- with irony.
"Yeah, and you're so" kind." Will you be at the cafe tonight? Been long
"I will."
Says goodbye, goes on.
Meanwhile, thoughts to myself:
"Adults are blinded, fearful, and afraid to see. Especially
the look of the neighbor, the Children-that's who has a chance. to give children
chance... When did clowns get scared the first time? in South America,
Maya. Games of immortality.
When the hero leaves the stage, clowns appear. Now
let's imagine a hero. And the first our hero this plays such - Prince
cities, poet and warrior. But more, he is a poet (1st pilot). And something about it
then it happened. Prince Of The Dark City.
The second heroine-Princess (2nd pilot), Princess of Light
Cities. Smart, beautiful, proud. For that and received. What
Ruler of the city. And dark serves, from self-interest. Will be deceived
they are in the final. Stupid, cruel, vain.
A dark priest, just like the ruler.
Ruler Of The White City. White magician. But lazy and important ... Wife
ruler's. White priestess, and keeps a school for pupils
decent. And God have mercy on them to offend!
White mage (General of Atlantis), his troops hold the entire city
under control.
Astrologer, serves light, and the map he keeps, the one that many are looking for.
Scene 1.
Veranda of The white City Palace. White ruler with his wife and
Princess on the veranda. The white Palace is guarded. White Man's Wife
The ruler and the Princess study expensive fabrics. Overseas.
- Phi... - capriciously - that fabric is better or what not? Where is it
Prince, is it so long?…
White Ruler's Wife:
Wait a minute, and the fabric is good.
The white Ruler, observing all this, "decided" to look at
a comet in the night sky.
White Priest:
- Venus at the Zenith. Comet in the sky. Wait for the war, Governor.
White Ruler:
White priest:
- Soon, everything is ready.
Scene 2.
Burned border post of the city of Dark. Burning down
buildings. Dark mages without heads are burned.
The white Priest and the White Ruler observe this picture.
White ruler: - What's wrong with the Prince?
White priest: - soon will. A son is not a father.
White ruler: - What you asked for is already in place.
Scene 3.
A group of dark mages attacked a small town in the
where the White Priest is located. The civilian population has disappeared
on time. The White Priest's guards are exclusively military
criminals'. And killed. The group was small. In the centre
burning down the village is a Magician. Next to the cage.
In the cage - "Princess". Dark priest:
"With such a small force, are you guarding the Princess?"
White priest: - You were not expected!... What are you doing here?