The book of the Phantom, - about the conscience of moral choice, about who you really are, questions to yourself listen to the book
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You don't like our methods, but you left us no choice...
(Agehara Of Hahira.)
The Phantom Book. What to do for a dead man in the city. Laughter in the night
}"We will call the dead to a feast and make the }deceased} dance.»}
Sometimes, when we find ourselves in dreams, we may find ourselves in a strange place.
place. Only later do you realize that this is a world between worlds, and there
there are strange dreams. This is the story of a Ghost. I don't know, I
did you dream a story or not, and what is reality, and
what is an illusion. I may have dreamed the whole story, but it's not the point.
this. Question in other. You look or see for yourself, and what
it's actually happening. Things are not what they seem. No
nothing worse than unfinished business.
Vision. Most people think that there is one world
material. And they know him well. There are many worlds, however. And
to avoid being trapped in one world, you can live between
worlds, existing in the material world. Until you get to
Nirvana. The question is what for so many incarnations? The answer is simple-but
not for people's egos.
For one moment, when you can get into Nirvana and
become a part of God
Infinities. The one who saw
Infinity, it is difficult to live in one world. Life between the worlds -
this is not Nirvana. This is a dark forest where trees and Islands fly over
water in the fog. And in the center - "airport", from which you can
get into any of the worlds, at any time, and Nirvana-at will
From the point of view of people, there is nothing alive here. The town is among the
dead rocks, in the fog. In this city - timelessness. And meet
here only to settle old scores. At midnight many
they see this city. In dreams or non-dreams. And many have disappeared in the
the city and the forest, without waking up in the material world.
So, the market is located between worlds. Two angels go in
fog. Noise, DIN. Who trades, who sells..
Pseudo-teachers trade
energy of their followers, themselves refusing to understand that their
they sold their souls long ago. It's only about the time of payment for
contracts (with demon friends). However, the free
Nothing personal, just business. And souls are cheaper. Two angels
they look around, masquerading as white magicians. Near
Windows of one of the shops selling showers.
"Oh, there's the pseudo-teacher. Remember this one?
"I remember, I remember, and still not in hell?"
"The pseudo-teacher's existence has become a living hell. And soon his
removed from the world.
"And who?"
Remember this one?
- Looks like everyone's going to have fun again…
Both angels, like mirages in the air, disappeared. This no one
I didn't notice, the Trade continues as long as people look and don't see.
Or they see what they want to see instead of what is actually happening
The same time. The buyer of the trade in human souls
sitting in an office that looks more like a fortress and a prison
at the same time. Near The Colosseum. And shakes with fear. He cheated
one pseudo-teacher, sold a fake card. And not knowing what
the story ended at dead rocks. Meanwhile, in the circus, in
show another performance. The more cynical, the better
interesting. And funnier. At one point, the door flies off its hinges.
Two appear - the pseudo-teacher and his monster. And raises in
the buyer's air by the scruff of the neck. The buyer is in fear.
- You live? the buyer asks in surprise and fear.
"Where's the map?" I lost to him again.
"I don't have a map."
The pseudo-teacher kills the buyer. Looking for a map. And it doesn't. In
rabies is removed. Silence. In fact, the map is long gone. But
fakes won't help.
Some time before that. The buyer made an appointment at the bar
for dark entities. By The Dead Rocks. Who's waiting? White magician,
which serves the light. In fact, he is an angel, but he has become cruel
beyond measure. For this I received another business trip,
White mage, approaching the table. Thoughts about yourself:
- Dark bar, one of many. What am I doing here? Meeting.
What am I doing here? - is a sight to behold. "What a situation." In
the cutting shop and get a better one. And then the bloody clowns cut up
sectarians of all stripes. Almost in the middle of the room. There's nothing here
order. I wonder how much a pseudo-tutorial fried in the oven will cost.
your own juice? However, I was distracted. Where is he? What do you want,
buyer? Or are there not enough showers on the market? I hear there are too many slave souls
The buyer, thought to myself:
"Who makes you angry, it's better to be polite. »
- I need help from a pseudo-tutor. Protection.
The white mage is in shock.
"From me? Ow... " Out Loud:
"What am I, the salvation army?"
- I sold the map and…
"And you want me to remove it?"
"With pleasure."
The buyer runs away. A bar with everyone inside, the white magician and his
the squad is burned. The extra witnesses. During the battle of MS squad
the dark ones are destroyed. The pseudo-teacher and the monster escaped from the battlefield. Fog.
The white magician, there in the fog. "Do you want to find the one who overshadows
your life? Go there, and you will find your most negative
memory. A strange mist. It's very thick today.
Silent village. Under a large tree sits a five-year-old
boy. Doing something. Only the child's eyes are not human.
A white magician appears. Gray hair, tired eyes. Appearance
southerner, for 30 years. In the hand of a gun, pointed at the child.
I told you all about it when I refused the deal,
M said
"You could rule the world," the 5 - year-old guru replied
"Why do I need the world?" My home is waiting for me, and my soul is more important.
"You took the map and the book. Where are they?
- Stop.
BM and guru speak in nonhuman voices in a ringing
The guru throws something aside and a monster appears.
Two shots, the monster and the guru start burning from the head.
An empty doll without a head is a corpse without a head. A vile centipede.
The whole dream burns in a fog in a ringing silence.
Chapter 1. The world of the sightless.
In the world of the blind
Kings of the earth
Exalting yourself,
They kill their own children
And seeing the works of the earth
On the edge of the abyss,
They will cry to God
For mercy,
But the blind will become mute
And they will fall with them humiliated by them,
For they wanted to rule in their place.
He woke up in the morning and looked wearily at his watch. 9 a.m.
next incarnation, the next morning, Strange dreams...
weapons under the pillow, two bullets are missing, or not dreams…
Who is he? Nobody. Many people know him. But they are afraid to come close.
To see something "human". But no one could