hell. In one of the rooms were all my "relatives". Almost all.
Like glass dolls on strings. And pulled the strings
«friends». You, too, are one of the dolls. The relative said, " leave It
their». What, nothing to say? I left you alone. I have
choice. And you? Let's part while we're good.
The "relative" sat down in his seat under the General silence. He,
still, it behaves like a rat. And they will eat the rat with their own little rats.
Its company:
"Let's get out of here." Your thoughts: "I Wonder how long it will take
time before they call me bad? Under the silence of the crowd, in
In another cafe. He and she are at a separate table.
What do you need?
- You're free after the conversation.
- In 6 months, here.
She's leaving.
A curtain.
Chapter 2. Tales from the mist (after reading burn). Theatre
Hall of bowls in an old burned-out Palace, which only empty
mirrors, no reflections. Mist and green flames in the moonlight. In
in this hall, past, present and future, time and space
turned into a single point: now. There is a custom: when a warrior
light goes to war, on the day of the battle on the table round left two
bowls of sake, with a snack.
One Cup was drunk by the warrior himself, pouring on 4
sides of the world part of sake - part of sake-gifts to spirits. And the second
left it untouched. This is the Cup of Death. If a warrior died in battle, then
the bowl was empty. The body of the fighter was burned, put into the bowl
the snack was filled with sake.
The ashes were launched into the wind, on the path
home. And the story of the warrior of light was told before his
the final journey home. This room is for his team,
white magician. Personal history should be burned. Who refuses
to learn lessons, even more terrible life lessons are waiting for you.
Part 1. Nerves let go
Fog. A ninja, a Zen master, is sitting in his underground temple.
There are two bowls in front of him, both empty. No one knows that he is a ninja, his
I think rich is a master of Zen. Living on their own island,
in the middle of its lake, with a gorgeous view of mount Fujiyama. He is in
hands holding an arrow. Deal made, but with
it will not be. Somewhere nearby, the river that flows into the lake is noisy.
Ringing silence. Fog.
He woke up in the morning 6 months later. One conversation in the evening-and
one unfinished business from a thousand years ago will be finished.
Why are there fences in the cemetery? If you have to move all the time?
Strange thoughts in the morning, it Seems, it is necessary to put two cups of sake. Soon
evening. What does he do in the city? In the material incarnations.
Serves The Light. Business trip after business trip. Does it have
illusions? No. When did the illusions disappear? Long ago. More at
atlanta. Something went wrong then. But what is unclear. Now
on a motorcycle, he goes to the city.
Games of the priests, the collapse of illusions. Atlantis.
Atlantis, a civilization created during the time of the reptilians and the
human civilization that remained after the war between
reptilians and Martians. As in any terrestrial civilization
people, among the Atlanteans appeared dark priests, who were removed.
But the illusion of world peace and the constant emergence of new ones
the dark priests, the children of the Martians, had done their work. War all the same
it happened, and the Martians were better prepared for it. And the Atlanteans
I had to fly away, leaving a couple of underground cities on the ground and a couple of
archives with information.
Scene l.
Now let us imagine the actors who play roles in this scene.
This is our main villain, and he is a dark priest,
Cruel, selfish, and was once a reptilian second.
Strategist, two dark priests. The role is small, and stupid.
The hybrid is Martian.
And the first reptiloid, the one that serves God,
Now he is an Atlantean and a General.
On force-the third among military he Atlanteans.
Officially, he's the mayor of the city.,
And few people know about it. 4th, 5th reptilians-they were husband and wife,
Its fun pilots. It's better not to make them angry, or else…
Sixth. One of the reptilians.
In this tale - the white priest.
Lazy to a fault sometimes.
And so, the trading city,
Nearby is a military base.
The city of island Atlanteans is the third.
The city is filled with refugees,
The management is already in the shelter,
There is a hidden transport.
Going around the army of Martians. Clones of humans can't
demolish at the moment. Everyone is aware of the situation, especially the General of the main pyramid.
The General looks from the balcony like two lads, his fighters,
servants of the light, dragging the bound strategist of the dark priests along
the small courtyard of the main pyramid. There is a ship in the yard nearby.
Sunny day. General to fighters:
"All done?"
- In the best possible way. The headquarters of the dark destroyed the quiet.
"Put him at the console, tie him up, and mine him." Let him see
the final of your entire army.
A chorus of laughter. Fighters drag the strategist further, to the console,
The General, going on to the great front yard, stood on his feet.
the balcony is encouraging their lads.
Later by logging in to your account. With a view of the city. No one was near.
Thoughts to myself: "How long I live, 5000 years, and all the same.
We all want peace, why war? Just what, and where is all the management? In
shelter? "Save me!"? What an army you have prepared! And that's it tomorrow
lose. How my head hurts... For whom? Cowardly fools, what
afraid of war?
Chief pilot:
"Is the ship ready?"
1st pilot:
"Flew to the temple?"
"Take a guard with you, don't you know what?"
Scene 2.
There is an evacuation from the temple of Light. Priests and archives are loaded on
the General's ship. The 1st pilot directs the loading. Next to the General and
the white priest on the steps.
General to the white priest:
"Choose the priests and stay in the earth incarnations yourself."
White priest:
"We'll be stuck…
"That's right.
Chief pilot:
"Watch everything." Priests - in the shelter, and to the pyramid, only
quietly. I-towards.
Leaves with the 2nd pilot and guards to meet the dark priest.
Scene 3.
Rock with a view of the city. There are 2 ships on the rock. Opponents of each
opposite each.
"I told you back then, whoever gets involved with the dark ones is a slave himself
stayed. - general.
Dark priest:
- V:
"Power over the Earth - that's power over the world!
"You are blind, you will lose.
"We'll see tomorrow."
G, with a grin:
- Behold.
The meeting is over, the ships are flying in different directions. Fights
will begin in the evening.
Scene 4.
A General with a guard is in the main pyramid, at a military meeting.
Watching from the balcony as his ship returns. From the shelter.