Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Under guard, in handcuffs, they took the boy to the institution. Here Oleg really scared. What is it really sent to a real prison only for children? Brought to the institution itself behind barbed wire. And forced to undress, squat stretched out his arms in front of a mirror. Then a police lady in rubber gloves put her fingers into her mouth. It was disgusting and humiliating.

  After various measurements, photographing in profile, full face, weighing. And then his hands smeared with black paint and forced to play the piano.

  It was all humiliating, embarrassing and scary. After that, he also shaved his bright head with the head off as a felon, gave off a robe and broken shoes that were not the size. Led along the corridors. Everywhere openings, grilles, mesh. Horror ...

  And then the camera itself, where he opened the door. There on the bunks slept the boys.

  Externally, however, not so scary. The room is spacious for eight people, there are several pictures hanging, and even a TV can be seen. The boys woke up. About his age, with short haircuts. Only who is older than fourteen years in tattoos. They asked a few questions. The eldest said:

  - Well, now to sleep ... here is the most terrible climb at six in the morning ... Postponement on the day off! Like a normal kid!

  Really flooded early, drove to the gym. It looks like a summer camp, but not very comfortable. But educators in police uniform and strict. The food is quite normal, not worse than in a regular camp, even oranges were given. Study in general from the bald, work only a few days a month ... In principle, you can live ...

  In the evening, even with the boys watched TV, frolicked on computers. I slept normally at night - children's sleep is strong. Oleg Rybachenko stayed in a special school for two days, and was returned back. It"s certainly psychologically unpleasant behind bars, but you can live. And the boy after that even became more impudent. In any case, classmates in front of him began to experience fear.

  The teachers appreciated the intellect and great abilities of Oleg, who knew several languages and pulled out the school at the Olympiads. But the episode with the special school really was. The biggest, albeit temporary loss - hairstyles. Although with a shorn skull, the boy has a much more awesome appearance.

  In the courtyard, they mounted motor scooters ... Formally, it"s still too early to drive such a car, the guys are quite large and smart, the police did not slow them down.

  Rushing down the street, the boy and girl were still talking on cell phones.

  Margarita asked Oleg:

  - And what did you really move in time?

  The boy nodded confidently.

  - Yes, and I saw something interesting!

  Margarita was curious and, she asked:

  - And what exactly?

  Oleg Rybachenko said with a laugh:

  - Well, I have seen so far only the past of the planet Earth. Including the Great Patriotic War.

  Margarita asked in surprise:

  - Was there also a Great Patriotic War in a parallel universe?

  The boy nodded his light blond head.

  - Yes, it was! And even worse than in our ...

  Margarita whispered:

  - Our country is still far away, tell us a little what you saw?

  The boy eagerly began to tell the girl, seen in an alternate universe.

  - The Germans abandoned plans to attack Stalingrad and transferred the burden of hostilities to Africa. Already in June 1942, a dozen fascist divisions were deployed on the black continent. And in July, the Germans defeated the British in Egypt, seizing Alexandria. In August, the fascists were able to break through to Iraq, where with the support of the local population they took Baghdad. At the same time, the British base in Malta was crushed.

  In September, the Nazis took control of the Middle East. A series of defeats showed the weakness of the British against battle-worthy German units. In October, the general German offensive began in Africa. Soviet troops tried to attack near Rzhev, but did not achieve significant success.

  November was held in an attempt by the Red Army to break through the defenses in the Kharkov region. But even here the Germans managed to press only a few kilometers and they withstood ...

  The boy fell silent and whistled to the lips. The girl noted with dismay:

  - But after all, so allies could fail at all!

  Oleg nodded and confirmed:

  "Most likely, but ... I did not see what happened next." And then everything could be extremely interesting.

  Margarita nodded and sang:

  There are many ways in the world - you won"t collect bones! Oleg Rybachenko sighed heavily ... Not all Shrovetide cat. Of course, it would be interesting to see how this alternative story will end. Is Russian warriors can not cope with Fritz and without unreliable allies?

  The boy, meanwhile, continued to tell:

  - I saw another universe in which they could not kill Rasputin and another bifurcation occurred.

  Margarita excitedly nodded to the little boy:

  - Well, let's tell!

  Oleg Rybachenko began to briefly state.
