Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Although when you win victories in this, then the whole charm! No fear!

  Natasha sings loudly;

  The fascist executioner pulls out his shoulders,

  Here is the rack, tongs, drills at hand!

  He wants to cripple the body of the soul,

  A worthless monster, but seemingly cool!

  It promises money, steamboats in the sea,

  What even the title can give!

  Actually let you in expenses

  After all, for him you are just a corpse and a game!

  He wants to know about our business,

  What new chain to chain the poor!

  Therefore, chasing generously I get on,

  To forget the father and even the mother!

  But we will serve the Motherland hard,

  We do not break the cruelty executioner!

  The branch will bend by the wind,

  And babies bare crying is heard!

  Yes, I lost the first difficult round,

  But to recoup the Almighty will give a chance!

  And after that I will send the enemy to the knockout,

  My fist tight jaw reptile will give!

  Motherland gives me such strength

  What pain can all the torture overcome!

  And come out of this bottomless grave,

  So as not to gobbled up, angry bear!

  A little more and salvation is close -

  We will achieve victory over the enemy!

  To live under the cover of the light of communism,

  So that the sun flooded the house with gold!

  . CHAPTER number 1.

  The boy-child prodigy Oleg Rybachenko showed his girlfriend Margarita Bulgakova an intricate drawing made on the tablet. The girl, blinking blue eyes in bewilderment, said:

  - These are some scribbles ...

  The boy shook his head in reply.

  - Yes, no ... This is the original way of moving in parallel universes. As you do not understand, I made a discovery!

  Margarita laughed and noticed, pointing her fingers at the tablet:

  - Until I see in reality, I will not believe! You are not yet thirteen, and you are claiming to be open to the academicians!

  The light-haired boy with a haircut halfbox confidently stated:

  - I know what I do! You can go to my country house and I will show it really works!

  A tall girl with a quickly forming figure shook her long hair and answered, after a short pause:

  - Now we will go ... What time to pull!

  Oleg nodded to the girl, and politely suggested:

  - Follow me!

  Margarita went for the boy. Oleg Rybachenko was the pride of the school: a round high achiever, the winner of many olympiads, an athlete. But at the same time, it is disliked by many schoolchildren for their dissimilarity to the rest. In particular, in the classroom the boy wrote fantastic stories, which sometimes sadness in magazines, but their plot was often very elaborate. Often the boy didn"t say the smartest jokes. Often spoke negatively about the authorities, and in general was a black sheep.

  Perhaps that is why Oleg and worked hard on boxing, not to become an outcast, and not to be beaten. The boy's knuckles are full and large. The face on the contrary is round, pretty, and kind.

  Margarita is also an excellent student, and she loved to write different stories. The boy and girls became friends and went to the disco together. But at the same time, they often quarreled.

  But now, on the way to the courtyard, Oleg and Margarita were blocked by the high school students. They began to growl wildly and make vulgar jokes. The boy, without thinking twice, snatched a plastic pistol, and drove it along the offenders with an electric arc.

  The bugs fled in fear. Margarita showing them the tongue, and shouted:

  - Here you will be!

  And scared, she whispered to Oleg:

  - Get out sooner, otherwise you will get into a special school!

  The boy shivered. He really was almost shut in a beetle, for various skirmishes with high school students. Not only has already come home the policeman. Put the handcuffs on the child, and brought him into the yard, so that everyone could see.
