Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  The whale, as if thrown to the ground, threw a fountain of blood and began to collapse.

  Magda grinned and roared:

  - This is how tigresses fight!

  Then I chirped:

  "That means the war is going on ... The bad aunt and the bitch is she!" - The girl jumped, played the turntable in a jump, knocked out the Roman and continued singing. "But without her, it's so boring on Earth." Battles affectionately found in a dream!

  The girl was hacked by the Romans, cramped on legionaries. The warriors fell, and the warriors fell down with them. There was an offensive of the German maiden army. Christina struck the opponent's heel in the bridge of her nose, and broke it, forcing her to let a trickle of blood. The girl chirped:

  - We are warriors of Attila! And very nice!

  The first legion of the Romans was almost completely interrupted. His remnants fled. But two more selected legions joined the battle. The girls flew darts, and the warriors began to suffer losses. But still, with fierce fury, they pounced on the Romans. Those used the construction of "turtle" and literally shook under the girl's onslaught.

  Magda picked up the blade of the tortoise and snarled:

  - I am a warrior of light! Warrior of snow and wind!

  She managed to cut off a brush to a Roman soldier, a dart landed in it. The girl hissed:

  - It will only make you worse!

  Warriors, stumbled upon a turtle, slightly confused. But the fighting spirit of the beauties did not die out at all. But they resorted to tactical deception. They rushed to run, flickering with bare heels. And counting on the fact that the Romans will rush to pursue them.

  So it happened. The enraged warriors of the empire threw after them. In addition, the sweaty girlish bodies too shone seductively for the legionaries who were hungry to caress. But it was just a tricky trap. The girls easily jumped over the stakes, and when the Romans ran heavily, the stakes rose and sank into their chests.

  . CHAPTER number 3.

  Oleg woke up, finding himself in a broad meadow. Next to him lay Margarita. Although the children did not receive any burns or any other injuries, they still felt dizzy. The boy-wunderkind sat down and in order to appease the pain in his head he tried to meditate ... Immediately there was an idea about the time where he pleased ...

  The end of June 1942 ... There is a temporary lull on the fronts, only Meinstein storms Sevastopol. The Germans abandoned the offensive, and accumulate power. Battles take place in Egypt, where parts of Rommel gain one victory after another.

  And they were somewhere in the German rear. Stupid of course. Now, however, the very top of the summer is hot ...

  She woke up and Margarita. The girl was up, jumped up, but then sat down, too, dizzy. So they sat back to back. Something, reminding Alice and Pashka from the works of Cyrus Bulychev. Unfortunately, this classic died before it became fashionable to send popadans to the Second World War. Otherwise, surely there would appear a work in which Alice her friends would fight the Germans.

  Oleg from these thoughts was fun, and the boy burst out laughing. But my head was spinning with laughter. The boy suggested to Margarita:

  - Let's try while the sun has a little sleep. And then we'll see ...

  The girl agreed:

  - God will give the day! God will give food!

  Oleg lay down on the mugs and almost immediately fell asleep ... He dreamed of a wolf's den and a fascist sit-in.

  Fascist Germany, the capital of Berlin, the building of the imperial office. A low-spirited man with a small mustache and cold eyes of a piranha nervously paces through the luxurious cabinet. No one else in the history of mankind has ever caused such strong emotions. Nobody hated so fiercely, and so ardently loved. A person or even a beast that shook the entire planet, which many considered to be the antichrist or the devil in the flesh. The one who has achieved unprecedented success and even more amazing defeats. The torch eclipsed all its predecessors and scattered into dead ashes. In the spacious office hang portraits, Frederick the Great, knight-emperor Barbarossa, Bismarck, several German Kaisers, Charlemagne, and a large unfolded map of the world. On it all countries are lined with semiprecious mosaic, and the Third Reich itself is rubies. The USSR on the map is a brown color from selected amber. The nervous man stopped and poked his fingers in the chest, a tall, fat dork with Marshal's epaulets and a hog face.

  - You're Herman just fat beast! Because of your miscalculations, it was not possible to break the spine, the British shabby lion. Now he snaps and pushes our allies to the Italians. But the most important thing is still to come!

  The face of Hermann Göring, despite the threatening tirade of the Fuhrer, remained complacent and dull, he replied in a languid voice:

  - Our pilots showed miracles of heroism and valor. Aces fought like lions, showing the superiority of our aircraft over the British. New fighters Messerschmitt-109 modification "G", have no equal in the totality of combat indicators not with one aircraft of the world.

  The Fuhrer twisted his nose and asked:

  - And the characteristics?

  Herman happily answered:

  - Three air cannons in 20-millimeters and two machine guns in 13-millimeters. This machine is superior to the Soviet counterparts. In Russians, only MIG-3 has five fire points, and then they are all machine guns.

  The Fuhrer softened a bit:
