Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Already it becomes easier, and a second wind opens in the trained lungs ... The sun is already declining towards the sunset and the suffocating heat recedes. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, but retreating!

  Redhead Christina also suffers, but attached. She and Magda were old friends, even the beds in the girl"s barracks were next to them. Often they sparred with each other. Two friends deprived of childhood and matured early. However, life is a struggle, an eternal struggle. And perhaps the greatest tragedy for humanity and for each individual person will be when there is nothing to fight for!

  For the first time, Christine saw Hitler at a rally; when she herself was only five years old or even a little less. Then he was not yet the Fuhrer of Great Germany, but just one of the opposition politicians. But in something felt, something special: the inexpressible charisma of this leader, with a small mustache! What exactly the future Führer was talking about, Christine did not remember. Adolf Hitler spoke very emotionally, energetically swinging his fists, often saying the words: Great Germany, valor, honor, chivalry, strength, dignity! And the whole crowd just growled in indescribable delight. And what was the applause. And even then Christine realized that God was incarnate before her!

  So she remembered that day! Her parents adored the Fuhrer, long before Hitler came to power. They joined the party in the late twenties, when the chances of the Nazis to come to power seemed slim, and the Nazis scored two to three percent of the vote! Well, well, the Führer was already then a Führer and a true leader! But it took a brutal crisis that shook the foundations of society to the ground, so that Germany would find its leader in it. The girl grew up in the harsh conditions of an elite barracks, where she spent eight years, but never in her heart hated the Fuhrer.

  Even when she and other girlfriends were cruelly flogged with wide belts (so as not to cut the skin!), Or sent to a punishment cell, where they had to push the wheel in front of them. The punishment invented in the SS is also sophisticated. You spin the wheels, and the body is stuck with sensors, of which it beats the current. The faster you twist it, the weaker the electricity, and when you slow down more. A kind of mixture of punishment for misconduct and physical training. They were tempered and trained in the style of ancient Sparta, which was admired by Hitler and his chief policeman, and the executioner of the Third Reich Himmler!

  As the Führer said: "A German boy must, from childhood, endure beatings and get used to cruelty!" Well, Himmler spread the same thesis to the girls! So he liked to quote Nietzsche - cruelty, cruelty, and once again cruelty cementing the nation!

  A distance of fifty or even a little more than kilometers has already been covered, an enormous load in this heat and with a load for such little girls. Magda, Christina no longer felt their bodies, they ran like somnambulists, feeling something tearing muscles, and a dull pain in the head. But now comes the command:

  - Go to step! For the first time enough!

  The girls are slowing down and are already walking fast. Heels start to itch, even stronger. Magda whispered to Christine:

  - From hell to purgatory!

  A friend did not agree:

  - From purgatory to paradise!

  The stony ground is over and the bare, exhausted legs of the girls enter the soft, emerald grass. Magda exclaimed:

  - And how bliss, after torture with prickly stones, and the burning sands of the desert, walk like a velvet natural carpet!

  This time Christina willingly agreed:

  - Of course, this is really paradise! After such a harsh march! But I think it will be even harder.

  When the tigress girls finally came to the landing, Margaret stopped them and ordered them to lie on their backs. She rudely felt the top ten female footprints and said with obvious satisfaction:

  - Charming! And the skin does not peel off, and there are no blisters on the sole. And even the heels are not dusty, they remain pink, as if you just left the bath! - She grew up Margaret, paused, and suddenly with a speed of lightning threw a dagger. The blade flashed like a sun-bunny as a schoolboy from the mirror, and the point nailed a large, black scorpion. The voice of the SS officer became rougher, and the beautiful features of the girl's face hardened. - Tomorrow we will run from morning to evening. What crooked faces - are you Aryans or not? If so, we must endure those who fall, we will shoot on the spot! On the first, second, calculate.

  After the recalculation, the girls were still forced to do push-ups, and to press, and then mercifully sent to bed. While you can relax.

   Magda dreamed that she fought in the Germanic horde, against the Roman legions. In a rage, the girls are attacking the warriors of Rome. Female warriors only slightly covered breasts with plates, and thighs with loincloths he suffocates of pressure and splashing, of swift swords swinging. And the Roman soldiers, hacked into pieces, with felled heads, fall.

  Magda screams at the top of her mouth:

  - I'll be the champion!

  Her sweeping sweeps, slanting movements are irresistible. Here falls a Roman centurion struck with a sword. Magda shouted deafeningly:

  - Evil spirit - go to hell!

  The girl dodges the swing of the sword, and kicks in the groin. The enemy falls. And the beauty bellows:

  - My true in language!

  That falls roman flag cut down by Christina. Girls trample him with their bare, slightly dusty feet. Graceful traces are left on the canvas.

  And overlap the ranks of the Romans. The warriors fall, and the girls scream at all times:

  - Puck! Washer!

  Magda received a heavy blow with a sword and flew back. She was attacked by a mighty legionary. The girl struggled to fight off his long weapon. The blonde, slightly receding, made the opponent miss. He roared like a buffalo. Made a wide scope. And the edge of Magda"s sword, for a moment, beating the burglar, plunged into his throat.
