Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  - It is necessary to intensify the process of forming units of the former Soviet citizens in the occupied territories. It is necessary that local forces fight the bandits. In the police should take the former felons, all sorts of scum and scum. We will destroy the bandits with the hands of bandits!

  Himmler indulgently stretched out and reported:

  "This is already being done by my Führer!" More than a million former Soviet citizens were accepted into various, first of all, police formations. Priests of all denominations are invited to cooperate. Especially actively formed nationalist brigades in Ukraine and the Baltic States. Our recent success in the Crimea, led to the fact that the Tatars have become very willing to join the local formation. In general, to push the Soviet citizens together a lot is being done!

  Lame shorty Goebbels confirmed:

  - Propaganda is actively working. We shot several films for residents of the occupied territories. We distribute all kinds of tales about how well it will live under the auspices of the Reich. I even have an idea to create in Ukraine several exemplary settlements that it was rumored how to live well under the Third Reich, how nourishing!

  Hitler grimaced in displeasure.

  -It can be done! But best of all, our fighting power keeps the people in check. And I have to say an unpleasant discovery was that we are lagging behind the advice in military technology. Especially in tanks. I gave the order to our designers to create cars that are superior to Soviet designs. And on my birthday new Tigers were shown. Now the question is small - when will they start en masse to go to the front?

  General Designer Porsche modestly replied:

  - We are working hard my Führer. But the "Tiger" was too heavy. Because of this, a more powerful seven hundred horsepower engine was needed. Its fine-tuning and slows down the work.

  The Fuhrer interrupted, waving his fists:

  - We need a more powerful tank. And the average as a competitor to the Soviet T-34-76. Where is it? Shame on you!

  And Hitler splashed juice from the glass in the face of Porsche. He only snorted and bowed to the Führer, having babbled:

  - Oh, the greatest, will be ready soon! Our tanks will be tested and fire and sword at the front.

  The Imperial Minister for Arms and Ammunition Speer desperately confirmed:

  - The release of technology is rapidly increasing my Fuhrer. The economy is being transferred to a war footing. So everything will be in full openwork. A formidable Focke-Wulf with six firing points is ready to fight the enemy bombers. The newest Yu-188 bomber is unmatched in flight performance. I promise that due to the use of slave labor and the resources of Africa ahead of the enemy, both in quality and quantity of equipment produced!

  The Fuhrer nodded confidently and said:

  - We have enough slaves to repeatedly increase the production of weapons. Much is being done in this direction, but this is not enough! I will demand more!

  And Hitler stepped on the bad leg Goebbels. How desperately howled this shorty. As he began to jump, like a scalded dog. And the Fuhrer laughed wildly. He caught the girl-maid by the foot, tickled her bare heel, and blinked:

  - We must have a lot of just such slaves! They will serve me and bow! Already in the Third Reich twenty million slaves work, but they produce too little.

  The girl smiled and chirped:

  - I am ready to work my Führer!

  The fascist dictator bellowed: - So let it be the work of aerobatics! We will show everyone our valor! Let all our pilots, such as Marcel, to whom I hand over the Order of the Knight of the Cross, an iron cross with oak leaves, swords and diamonds ...

  The Fuhrer did not have time to finish speaking as a powerful explosion followed. Torn TV showing the past of the parallel universe. A pair of the cleverest children came under the blow of a temporary tornado and spun in a whirlwind of eras ...

  . CHAPTER number 2

  Rommel offensive developed successfully. Pal Tolbuk, the British fled in panic. On the eastern front, the Red Army suffered a brutal defeat near Kharkov, finding itself in a boiler. But the decision to develop an attack on Voronezh was not followed. The Germans, having achieved private success in the east, switched to active defense. The liberated forces went to Africa with the aim of conquering the black continent and incrementing new resources. A kind of alternative war plan. The Red Army, having suffered several defeats, temporarily defended. May and early June turned out to be unfortunate for her. And the whole burden of fighting was transferred to the Black Continent.

  There are actively deployed reinforcements. Including something beautiful and unique in the grace.

   The company of girls from the special SS battalion "tigress" flew on a Me-323 transport plane to Tunisia. The girls-warriors were all as on selection, young and not yet married. Mostly high sports blondes, the color of the German nation, its blood and juice.

  Two girls honey blonde and fiery-red stand out among other warriors, who are also, by the way, worthy of the catwalk for their beauty and seriousness in their eyes. If all the other warriors were from among relatively experienced fighters who had time to smell gunpowder in France, Russia and the Balkans. But not so much that too much, for the transience of hostilities and not the desire, to send the girls into the thick of it. They had already fought, then the two were very young, almost girls the very last moment, replacing those killed during the air raid. Of course, they were also trained with all the German thoroughness, but such innocent ones were barely sixteen. Real roses thrown in the desert.

  The fiery redhead "tigress" asked her blonde girlfriend:
