Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Margarita became even more curious and she asked the boy:

  "Well, show me something."

  The boy smiled and began to turn the levers and push the buttons. An image appeared on the screen ... At first, rather muddy, and then it began to become clear.

  Angular, small tanks appeared. They moved through the spring fields and fired. It was a real fight. Shreds of smoke rose into the sky, trenches burst.

  And planes roared in the air. Someone twisted spirals ...

  The image on the TV now and then jumped, and jumped up ... It was impossible to consider anything.

  The boy turned the lever again ... It became a little clearer. Now you can see how Soviet guns shoot at German tanks. Flashes blaze near German cars. Here is one got a projectile on the tracks. She stopped and began to shoot - a German in a rage. On it again lupanul. The armor cracked, and Hitler's mastodon caught fire ...

  Oleg Rybachenko sang:

  - The brightest flame bonfire,

  My love is burning ...

  Though the enemy is treacherous and cunning,

  But he will be broken!

   Margarita was curious and, she asked:

  - How does this story differ from ours?

  The boy grinned and with a pleasant smile on his lips, answered:

  - It differs a lot! Now I'll show you the last entry.

  And the boy turned the two levers and pressed the button.

  The image has already painfully familiar man with a mustache. He spoke German, which Margarita did not know, but simultaneous interpretation followed.

  The Führer of Germany, as always, pronounced his long monologue:

  - Our troops were already near Moscow itself, and they saw the Kremlin through binoculars. But the hardest frosts forced us to retreat. We won not Russian guns, but nature. Not a Russian soldier, but Russian frost! But spring comes.

  At the cost of heroic efforts, the German people gathered new divisions. And now we are faced with a choice - who should be put out of action first: Britain and the United States, or Russia behind them. So gentlemen, I decided that after all the Leo's empire is much more important to crush. The Russian bear will still not be able to quickly develop its industrial potential. And we, in turn, will be able to quickly overcome the north of Africa and the Middle East from Britain.

  Every day, the British and Americans are releasing more and more tanks and airplanes that press us. No doubt this should be done as quickly as possible.

  Therefore, I command, reflecting the blows of the Soviet troops in the eastern direction, to refrain from conducting large-scale offensive actions, and to concentrate efforts on the Black Continent and the Middle East. It is from there that victory will come to us!

  Rosenberg politely asked the Führer:

  - And if the Russians will attack us?

  Hitler confidently answered:

  - Answer the active defense. We already have the newest T-4s with long-barreled guns that are not inferior to the Soviet T-34s. There is something to answer the Red Army. And soon there will be tanks and heavier, which will decide the outcome of the war in the east. In the meantime, promotion in Africa will decide the outcome of the war.

  Field Marshal Keitel enthusiastically remarked:

  - Rommel is a very talented commander. And if he is given more power, and not just two divisions, he will perform miracles. So the decision to attack in Africa, and not to go into the Russian open spaces should be considered reasonable. In addition, the attack in the Caucasus, which was proposed to us by the OKW, is operationally too risky. Since the councils can from the area of Stalingrad hit our troops in the rear. And this is fraught with the appearance of a boiler in the Caucasus.

  The Fuhrer drank a glass of orange juice in one gulp. From his saw like a typical drunk. Then he croaked deafeningly. - We will break them all! This is not a game for you to play ...

  Then the fascist number one moved his dog to the side - a blond shepherd. The animal rushed to hell, and knocked down a crystal glass. Ice cream, fell on the uniform of Hermann Göring. Fat Reichmarshal screamed desperately:

  - Sentry!

  The Fuhrer retinue burst out laughing. Everything looked extremely funny. Especially when Goering thick hands, began to smear on the uniform of the cream. From this, he only became dirtier. Female servants jumped and began to wipe the second man in the Third Reich.

  Hitler giggling, said:

  - And my successor is a jester!

  Himmler supported the Fuhrer:

  - Just some kind of clown!

  The Nazi and the people turned to his chief executioner and quietly asked:

  "Why does guerilla warfare grow in the territories liberated from the Bolsheviks?"

  Himmler timidly replied:

  - The Bolshevik propaganda is dumbing out people's brains. For twenty years of their domination, the communists so washed their heads of their citizens that they could not distinguish black from white ...

  The Fuhrer took a piece of cake from the golden tray, swallowed it, drinking it down with his favorite orange juice and rationally noted:
