Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  Artyom however, counted that they will manage to do without firing though the couple of guns and was available for them. However here to carry diskolt quite really.

  Without waiting for the address the boy transferred to them:

  - An urgent task - do not send inquiries!

  Artem understood that it from his party a desperate bluff, but other exit was not. Calculation was based on reaction, in the countries where totalitarianism governs. And at such modes the habit - not to ask excess questions is perfectly developed.

  It is visible that on batteries there were fluctuations. Maybe really some special task. Especially as very clean, the most modern for this world diskolt the latest. A little for what it was sent to the white rock? Also do not ask excess questions - you will be more whole!

  To gardens whispered on an ear to Artyom:

  - Here so hold speed, they will not dare to detain us ...

  Perhaps, so it also happened. Simple bluff most and effective. But accident interfered. The truth a whimsical Pallada, worked end-to-end. The message that diskolt it is stolen, arrived to the moment when the three of runaway prisoners already jumped ridge. Hysterical peep was heard:

  - Stand, fly down!

  Artem cried out in reply:

  - We act under the personal order of Dzhabby!

  This, suddenly thrown joker, allowed to win time again. Fighters bees began to hesitate. Maybe really Dzhabba gave the order, about attack of this point on allegedly stolen diskolet. Intelligence agencies also can arrange all this.

  And their commander decided to make personal request to the dictator of planetary scale. But it is so simple not to contact the emperor. The secretary reported that he great does not want that he was disturbed on trifles. A pier you solve problems.

  With big delay, the commander demanded to stop diskolt. Artyom declared again:

  - It is impossible! The Dzhabba will tear off to all of us the heads ...

  To gardens admired game of Artyom:

  - Well, the young child, admit whom was in antecedents?

  The boy ignored. And on batteries fluctuated. The commander could not make the decision in any way. Both that, and another threatened with troubles. But if to bring down those who executed the personal order of Dzhabba then consequences will be worse than in case someone from numerous prisoners escapes. Especially, there are some rules, on an escape case ... So ...

  While below fluctuated, the edge of a diskolet was included into the soft shining field, it for a moment detained the car. Then passed in itself.

  The tender, female voice was heard:

  - In the intergalactic territory. Here the general rules and duties of the Universe work!

  To gardens with relief squeezed out from itself:

  - Really not a dream? Slipped!

  . HEAD NO. 11.

  More than a moment ago, the become stupid from frenzied rage, rowdy-dowdy boys became silent, despite the numerical superiority, began to recede slowly. Only one of them risked to rush on a female angel with a dagger. But barefoot fingers of the charming maiden threw in it a piece of the beaten-off tile. That got into a dagger handle, having forced to be deployed the weapon and to pierce in a chubby stomach. Wild shout, hard wounded hooligan, so worked on the others that careful retreat turned into general flight.

  The, delightful beauty, having approached Jesus, one movement of a hand released the connected boy. It is trivial nails unstitched a rope to pieces.

  Lowering hands, Jesus involuntarily screamed from pain, joints were turned out. The girl with a smile set them and kissed the boy on a dislocated brush. Pain disappeared, and the tumor instantly fell down. Jesus raised a hand and, having carefully put on a breast, a low voice asked:

  - You are a messenger Ottsa of mine?

  The little girl kissed in reply Jesus on a mouth and with a smile answered:

  - No ... My purpose to teach people to live and create good independently!

  Jesus suddenly frowned and pushed away tender hands of the half-naked beauty:

  - There is no good out of God, to depart to me the Satan!

  The girl did not take offense at all, in her voice medical sounded:

  - Boy ... See on it the world, on the people Judaic. Unless guardianship of your Father, made Jews though it is one contribution better, than the pagan people surrounding them? - The beauty pointed to the old woman sitting in a distance and continued. - And me you think it is pleasant when offend weak when people - grow decrepit, grow old, are ill, suffer ... No, having the real power, ...

  Instead of the answer, on the place of the barefoot marks left by the beauty on sand escapes began to make the way. Promptly expanding, they turned into bushes of strange flowers. Grandiose reddening, grew directly in the eyes, and on trees there were wonderful fruit, both terrestrial, and such that there is no name to them, with fantastic aromas, and strange beauty. Also birds - as if started singing orchestras.

  Jesus looked at this miracle, and the little girl continued:

  - On the place of deserts fantastic gardens will blossom, and people will never be ill and die any more, and the rage will disappear ... We should combine only efforts for the sake of rescue of mankind. Before Jesus there was a scene of the fire which captured the city. The little girl without restraint shouting in a flame, the boy with the burned head, the baby groaning on fire ... More precisely, the letting-out hardly audible whimpers. From handles burning children gentle skin, and hundreds of images, with the charring women, with the old men choking tormently oblazit.
