Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  And with six guns ... So at once, it is impossible to take. However, Artem noticed in it and plus: there are even no live bees need in protection to put. Everything will make the robot. And an electronic large object, sometimes it is simpler to carry out, than humanoid jailers.

  Artyom returned from work in good mood, Considerably became cheerful also to Gardens. The boy terrorist was beaten moderately. But to receive blows in the shaven head, Artyom tried it too, the head cracks also a ring in ears. It is possible also brains here so of a pootbiv. Under a barefoot heel the artful prickle got. Externally, it as a floret an aster, but here instead of a velvet as will prick.

  The calloused sole in a disgusting way ached and scratched, the mood before escape considerably deteriorated. Especially as the main task to deceive the robot, remained not solved yet. And here escape was represented already by adventure, without chances.

  To gardens began to hesitate too and even offered:

  - Perhaps to the Ibis escape! We Otmuchatsya, we will be let out from here and so!

  The boy terrorist doubted:

  - You so think?

  To gardens muttered:

  - Never I met ancient heroes or anti-heroes here ... A conclusion, not too long here pickle incorrect or villains.

  The boy, from the former terrorists, agreed:

  - And I noticed too ... But from it it is not easier for us! Can them shoot or to places it is worse?

  Began to Diskusirovat there is nothing. Artyom itself also already wanted changes. If death are not present what to them are afraid of? After a beating and a slave labor, you become more thick-skinned - well prison, so from it escape!

  When the dream at protection became deeper, children went to "hunting". Release from fetters took place quickly though and dislocated a thumb. But it is still trifles, to Gardens professionally set, and the boy, from among mercenaries, told the name:

  - Marcos I ... It is not so known in the world ... But believe, it is worse than much more famous Carlos.

  To gardens logically noticed:

  - I willingly would change the world popularity for a pure bed with the beautiful little girl near by!

  Near building it is not difficult to find the murder weapon. Heap bricks, and lomik, accidentally left, sticks out. Another matter, boar dog. There is one here, but ...

  Marcos on it noticed:

  - The dog is not dangerous when she sleeps!

  Artem grinned. It was his idea to throw the fish head to an animal. And to receive a sleepy potion from solder gumboil powder. Toxic this mix, they could be convinced of it. In the head that the insatiable creature swallowed, her or eternal, or temporary death.

  So the animal calmed down, and drones supervisors, having a little played on laptops, settled on air mattresses. And greedy embraces of Morpheus were not slow to capture them.

  Artyom, having felt in the hands lomik, first got under a wave of confidence in own forces. A pier to it all on a shoulder. But as the barefoot Trinity got closer to two sleeping security guards, heart of the boy fought more and stronger and is more disturbing. And business to set sleeping on the heads, it was represented not so simple. Even if they and insects.

  To gardens as the born murderer, felt quite surely. Though, nervous twitchings of lips of the boy dictator, squeezed out nervousness and at it once such terrible and dangerous governor.

  Marcos is a little not in himself too. Fear of cruel punishment, in case of a failure, fear for own skin and other reasons, lean, but sinewy children's legs of the experienced villain force to give away.

  Artyom hesitated for a time a little when it hanged with lomiky over the opponent. It that also is clear, to set on naked a reasonable creature hardly. Especially, when you hardly were fourteen years old. To gardens, with the dictatorial experience, had no hesitations. Having winked at Artyom, it set a pick the sleeping creature on the top.

  Dirty-brown blood and Artyom scattered, having blinked, synchronously struck. The drone security guard was in time, having used second fluctuation of the boy, to raise the head, but the edge of a lomik got it directly into a mouth. Having passed blow, the bee quietly howled, but Sadam's pick came to the rescue of Artyom. The former dictator knew where to beat and the victim calmed down at once.

  The boy, from the twenty first century, squeezed out from himself:

  - Well and a barrier before me ...

  To gardens indulgently grinned and patted the workmate sinewy shoulder:

  - Well nothing, we will consider that you already took it!

  - In the advance payment! - Indulgently Marcos added. And the boy mercenary seriously noticed. - The most difficult still ahead.

  Really, disguise was business difficult. A form much more, than the sizes of fourteen-year-old boys, quite ordinary for the age (though to Sadam, taking into account hell, already kind eighty years!). But somehow it was fastened. Most difficult with physiognomies. But here they used the chitinous cover removed from faces of the killed of insects. It at drones special, it is possible to remove from a plate ugly face as if a knightly helmet. But it was necessary to tinker, using a certain similarity of a knife. Sadam and Marcos worked professionally. The last, even decided to tell a little about the, not too known past.

  - For the first time, I killed in Vietnam. Then came to army of the USA as the volunteer. And the Vietnamese rebel fell a victim. The first, but not the last victim, though this unfortunate war already burned down. - Marcos dexterously scratched himself a barefoot, calloused foot on a hollow stomach. The fresh graze caused by rigid blow of a wire already managed to descend from it.
