Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  To go out of the vehicle and to climb up the wooden, badly pared down scaffold steps I did not want. Then the big-bellied and broad-shouldered assistant to Samson, seized me by the right hand and dragged to an executioner's block. I desperately resisted, but the executioner's helper in two me was heavier. On oak steps, in a thumb on the right leg the splinter deeply pierced. I cried from sharp explosion of pain, and then the second assistant, more harmonous and nimble rushed to the aid of the companion.

  I was dragged up to the executioner's block and put before it. Strongly swayed, my legs absolutely weakened, maybe for hunger, and from drunk. There was a wish only that rather all this came to an end. But at first to the people and notable public began to read the list of mine of a crime. It is opposite to listen to similar as if to you with each word stick the heated needle in a brain. It seemed to me almost infinite. Then the priest approached, asked if to me what to tell. I whispered pale, almost blue lips that I am not present. He allowed to kiss finally a silver crucifixion and waved, begin a pier.

  I hurried to kneel and rested a stomach, on carefully washed from blood, an executioner's block oak. It became a little easier and lips whispered a prayer.

  The executioner did not hurry, his axe very big, and is sharply perfected. But for some reason me not the tool of execution, but a slanting, lilac scar almost in half of rassekshiya frightened the person of zaplechny affairs of the master, rough, brown, similar to a theatrical mask, more.

  I fell face down, trying not to look towards the giant Samson and again whispered, with all the might prayers. And infernal, reddish fire began to seem to me. So terribly, and I wanted to delay embraces of a flame of Hades at any cost. I prayed and prayed, then prayed again.

  The priest began to glance at an o'clock of a city head and impatiently muttered:

  - Give, start! She plays for time!

  The skilled executioner nodded, the bull neck with a scratch shook:

  - I understand!

  Also brought over me the axe. I in fear was interrupted and tried to jump. But both assistants dexterously seized me by hands, without allowing to tear off the head from an executioner's block. And such second, long for my frightened perception, later, fell upon my neck, something heavy and heated. Before eyes, brightly flashed, intolerable pain flew from a nape, to my barefoot heels, and then the consciousness grew dim ...

  Genevieve interrupted the story, Lucifer whispered something and in hands of a she-wolf arose engraved by a cube with orange wine. The countess took couple of sips, her face reddened and she is grateful looked at the Satan. Then continued:

  - I wakened lying on a magnificent grass, in paradise to a garden, such beauty that on Earth nothing is similar it is impossible to present. Air is filled with strange aromas, warmly and miraculously. I am itself, as well as on execution barefoot, but clothes almost weightless as if the Indian silk and sparkling as if sewed from stars. And the body changed: from the adult woman I turned into the young girl, even more beautiful, than was when that.

  Genevieve, having shy been lop-sided on a messir, quietly continued.

  - I did not believe the eyes: cannot be that the murderer deserved paradise! Or me all this, including also execution, only dreams, and actually I lie on a small group of rotten straw in a condemned cell and just about the rough hail of the jailer will interrupt my dream.

  But it is valid, all it seemed quite real and pleasant, and I took several steps on this paradise. And suddenly I hear someone's crying. And it as shock, in paradise cry too. Turned and see the little girl, with a tear-stained face, and a poor, shabby dress. She turned the scared face to me and by the shivering voice said: - the Aunt, for what you killed my mother?

  Genevieve choked and again greedy nestled to a diamond glass. Convulsively took a sip and continued.

  - Here then I understood that the real hell, it is not obligatory when executioners to you unscrew joints on a rack and fry heels. Maybe it is more terrible. Then I saw the hungry, thin boy who pulled to me hands and asked the same question: For what you killed also my mother? And new children appeared, all exhausted, in a tatter, tear-stained and unfortunate.

  The countess has a little cry and, with very sad look, continued.

  - I fell on knees and began to ask from them for mercy, forgiveness, kissed them brought down about sharp stones (and where they were in this infernal paradise?) legs. Itself started howling, having begged, asking let better me will give to the most cruel torturers, than to suffer similar ... And then to me It was ... Beautiful, radiant angel of light of Lucifer. Its thunderous voice and, at the same time tender and sad, told me:

  - Your fault is big and crimes are cruel. But I never set as the purpose to punish angrily for the sake of the punishment or revenge. The principle, an eye for an eye, is opposite to the highest reason. And punishment has to correct first of all the criminal, but not cripple him ....

  Genevieve bowed towards Lucifer and continued:

  - Therefore make one thousand kind acts, concerning unfortunate, unfortunate and oppressed. You will be forgiven!
