Bulgakov was not that to object to it. Really, to what to limit a flight of fancy, so far as concerns such fine subject as stars. About the entities which are throwing up light with the unique shades and fibers awakening desire to create.
The enormous hall where there had to be a magnificent feast, struck with the luxury and abundance of jewelry. And, each decoration, real masterpiece of the fine arts of the unique image of drawings. Possibly, really created by the most talented masters of the planet Earth who received a new haven in hell.
The Lucifer remained a boy in a garrison cap and with a red tie. Only boots disappeared from legs. The girl who arose from air hardly covered with threads from jewels began to mass to the Satan of a heel and anklebone. That, zaurchav from pleasure, presented the girl:
- This is the world famous countess Genoveva de Sez. How many innocent souls ruined because of animal jealousy!
The countess bent, submissively kissing Lucifer in brilliant as if luster, a foot and whispered:
- Very much I regret for it great messir!
Unexpectedly, malchik-Satana caught fingers its nose and having slightly squeezed, said:
- Jealousy, this feeling of people defective! They are weak on reason, them it is even a pity for the poor!
Bulgakov, and itself being rather afraid of Omnipotent Mephistopheles, despite his very thoughtless image of the pioneer in shorts, having hardly overcome itself, noticed:
- Can too, for the lady?
The Lucifer burst out laughing and, having released the girl, indulgently said:
- Its it is not sick, and from the master of the Universe underworld such joke is not offensive.
The countess Genevieve too, quite sincerely, agreed:
- Messir is kind and taught me to love for the neighbor!
Bulgakov strongly was surprised:
- And it still as?
The Satan boy nodded supposedly tell. The girl was accepted, tinkling bracelets and brightly sparkling beads, to be filled in with a nightingale:
- The last night before the death penalty was the most awful. Took off a rich dress and all jewelry from me, took away even footwear and forced to dress a dress of the simple peasant. My bare feet strongly froze in a crude chamber, the stomach clenched for hunger as I for dinner was given only not too pure lokhanka. But the most terrible, is even not physical suffering and not in a disgusting way the rats peeping in a condemned cell. The most terrible, it was the wild horror before hell. Especially, the padre on a confession so browbeat me with him .... Moreover and "The divine comedy" of Dante. So terribly there all this is described. - The girl even turned pale and on her pretty face there passed the disturbing wave. - I was kneeling and violently prayed. And before dawn, shivered and weakened, fell asleep. And I dreamed an underworld, huge as the Alpine mountains tongues of flame and a Satan. Such terrible, horned that I cannot even describe it. And when it pierced through me long as a knightly spear a claw, I screamed and in horror woke up. The message that I am already conducted on execution, apprehended nearly with relief. Especially as a condemned cell, dark, in the cellar and very cold, especially for my coddled legs. Before, I was in one of the best rooms of the Bastille, prison for rich people and generally could not complain. And here a terrible jail with rats to whom, however, I did not pay attention.
My stiffened legs turned blue from cold and it was very sick to go. I strongly limped and sighed, jailers supported me. When left in a court yard, the sun stood quite highly and cobble-stones got warm. And then the legs which froze in the cellar, began to ache even stronger, to be poured by blood and to be ill. And me shook on warm air from a fever. On custom, me brought quite big cup of strong wine. I greedy nestled to it. Up to a body began to flow, more precisely, even pleasant heat spread. The fever was gone and terrible leg pain ceased. I could get into the vehicle independently. In my head from drunk rustled and the fear was gone in hop. The peasant's dress that I was graciously given out, was short. I think, can it purposely truncated to steal fabric, and at the same time to humiliate more the prisoner. I went by the open vehicle, showing all naked, red from the flowed blood of a leg and a hand. Let on shoulders hair down, graciously allowed not to cut them. And in general, for my crimes much more cruel and painful execution, than the otrubany heads relied.
I, then one more of the most beautiful women of France, bare-legged and in too frank dress. On me were all eyes, some pointed a finger and, that stood closer, pulled greedy and lewd hands.
Be I sober, probably would burst into tears with shame that I stand as the whore offered for auction: before commoners and the torn-off poor boys. But the wine drunk on a hungry stomach and without snack, awakened in me the demon and extinguished shame. I even purposely pushed bare feet and allowed to touch them. And the piquancy of a similar situation even brought me, touches of rough, dirty hands caused a tickling when ran on fingers, I even zaurchat from pleasure.
Did not pay attention to various insults, as if shouted not at me, and on some it is made other young woman whore. To me even it seemed that it abruptly to show naked legs to hundreds and even thousands devouring me with views of oglodavshy wolves of men, and to allow it me to concern.
But when, at last, the scaffold, with the fleecer of huge growth effortlessly shaking a pole-axe where in one toporishche there is not less than a pood of tempered iron loomed. A mighty giant, I recognized legendary Samson at once (there their whole dynasty of executioners!), me began to rock for fear again ... And painfully pulled out. Wine poured out from an empty stomach, hop evaporated as dew at midday and ... At once the shame returned. I densely reddened, and desperately drew in the naked legs, and in general shrank in shoulders, trying to cover broad cut on a breast. It not too well it turned out, and I tried to cover nakedness of a bust with hair. And here noticed the gray-haired lock which appeared for the terrible night spent in a basement condemned cell in a red shock. And me it became even more terrible.