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But may be this a point that KIng Arthur was a real man living in some another land far away from island England? so, his grave and his relatives graves were being not in island England?

We all know, for example, legends of Chingis Khan, as he worried to hide his grave from others.

By legends of historicans, Chingis Khan ruled Russians, Slavs during 300 years.

Russian genetic study had not finded traces of this mystic rules of Mongolians in local Russian genes of Russian men and Russian women.

Russian men had their YDNA as R1.... not as Mongolian YDNA types, shown no evedences in genetic tracing for any "Mongolian Power Invasian of Russia during 300 years".

Look, any men had a sex with some women, more riches powerfull and ... no evedences of sex Mongolian men with local Slavonic women during 300 years, while all Historician drew pictures of men on horses, a wild men, liking food, women, money, fightings.

300 years of such powerful rule and no any kids? no boys? no girls? no children? no condoms? and so, no sex of men in a wild character, on horses?

If some army came in your country, with plenty men, they defenetly would had a sex with some local females, living their kids from them.

But if they teached you this, and genetic study show clearly NO EVEDENCES of any genetic traces of presence of "some men coming abroad in a huge amount in the past", you see, some one lied and lie to you, saying "the local history facts and events" as "the local official stories" and "the history".

Your conclusions may be that

1. or the official history lied saying a lie to you and all, hidding the real history facts

1A. But if so, a curiosity to find a real history facts and events? to know the truth as this was all?

2. or the official history saved the real history facts but for people whom had lived here before you and dissapired suddenly all in one day, nobody left, to make the genetic traces in DNA to prove their old real history.

2A. But if this would be a truth, a question what was with all locals to disspare suddenly all?

2B. But if so, a question about whom are living here now as "locals", "true-locals" as their origine places for their ancestries and resons to leave to come to other lands?

3. The question of a mass loss of a memory about ancestors, origins, would be here too.

4. and needs of genetic studies to see a real genetic biological links and events, to know the real history.

5. To be an adult, to be able to know the truth.

6. To a small child to live, knowing what your parents and teachers said to you as "appropriate to your age group to know".

Plenty people grew enough to find the lie of official doctrina and history.

For example, the excavation of old building of 15-19 centuries had oppened the hidden secret of hidden ground floor and first floor levels in buildings which underground,

as underground areas, covered by some mess or a river soil mud.

This fact openned the Great Flood and The Flood events in the past, when a water lever with soil mess came, covering all ground and first floors in buildings, churches, castles, houses.

So, some building with underground small windows look were more highest, and underground modern areas were ground and first or second floors here.

Russia had plenty photoes and video to show (youtube channels) for Russian towns Peterburg, Moscow, Omsk, Saratov, ...

The analises of cemetries and rebuilding the front doors areas in churches put the information of the change of orientation North-South, East-West, as old graves had been orientated in a specific way to the East (The Sun came from The East).

People filmed cemeteries with changes of orientation of graves and the changing of location of a front doors areas in churches too, as a fact of changes location of "The East" as "The place of Sun came as sunset".

There two facts had shown

1. the fact of change of the location of The East Polus orientation.

2. the fact of huge "The Great Flood", "The Flood" evidences, covering grounds, first and second floors levels in building, as old building and churches of 15-16-and 19 centuries too, as a final result following to a modern time.

This means nobody survived if this came suddenly as The Gigantic Wave or The Wave.

This scenario as a flood with pelnty died people suddenly and covered land and buildings by a river and other soil to stay as underground areas.

In this scenario, new people coming to live, saw empty buildings and towns, to occupate empty accomodations.

if some things had been left, they were theirs as their new property.

If people came to occupate other people property, as died or missed owners properties, they disliked this to mention to say to pass for others to know, as a fear of some newcoming survivors, saying this

- "This is mine! My father (uncle, grandfather, mother, grandparents, my husbad) owed this!"

So, first they do, they shout as they are locals, they are a true-locals, as their relatives and ancestors had loved in this land, this village for 600 years! 500 years! and much more long time!!

For example, one local woman 28-38, some as her mother had shouted me this, as their ancestors had lived in particular "this small British village for 600 years and more as a true-locals! on theor true-local land!

Unfortunity for them both, I had a great curiosity to find the information as a geological, historical facts.
