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Russian losses

"Russian land forces in the course of the siege suffered

31,306 casualties,

of whom

at least 6,000 were killed.

Lower figures such as

15,000 killed, wounded, and missing are sometimes claimed.

At the end of the siege,

the Japanese captured

a further

878 army officers and

23,491 other ranks;

15,000 of those captured were wounded.

The Japanese also captured

546 guns and

82,000 artillery shells.

In addition

the Russians lost their

entire fleet based at Port Arthur,

which was either sunk or interned.

The Japanese captured 8,956 seamen.

Japanese losses

The Japanese army casualties

were later officially listed as

57,780 casualties (killed, wounded and missing),

of whom

14,000 were killed.

In addition

33,769 became sick during the siege


21,023 with beriberi).

The Japanese navy

lost 16 ships in the course of the siege,

including two battleships and four cruisers.

There were higher estimates of

Japanese army casualties

at the time such as

94,000 -110,000 killed, wounded, and missing,

though these were written without access

to the Japanese Medical History of the War."

(from Wikipedia)


2004 Russian stamp "100th anniversary of the heroic defence of Port Arthur" showing the military decoration, the Port Arthur Cross

The capture of Port Arthur and the subsequent Japanese victories at the Battle of Mukden and Tsushima gave Japan a dominant military position, resulting in favorable arbitration by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt in the Treaty of Portsmouth, which ended the war.

The loss of the war in 1905 led to major political unrest in Imperial Russia (see: Russian revolution of 1905).

Resource: Wikipedia:


The final end.


The Port Arthur returned back to be a part of China land as Chineese

Lüda" (Luda, Lyuda, Louda), Dalian

as Lüshunkou District / Lushunkou District / Lyushunkou District in China


Also known as

Lüshun Port / Lushun Port / Lyushun Port

Also known as

Port Arthur / Port Artur / Порт-Артур (on Russian) / Порт Артур (on Russian)

Also known as

Ryojun (from Japan)



So, plenty died wounded soldiers from two side of a war conflict

as the final result, plenty died men from all sides of this conflict 1904-1905 year.

Russians had a loss of the trust to their power and highest social class ability, which moved Russians to Revolution 190, Revolution 1917, and the end of Russian Empair and all social classes, plenty people had been killed after already in Russian land via Revolutions, with a losses of lives and properties.


But this old conflict had some hidden stories and facts and secrets.

There were not plenty poems about this as patriotic poem to up, as usual style of any war, and just one poem had been known.

(Please, compare to poems of WWII times and poems during Port Arthur battles).

May be, some Russian felt as wrong to attack other lands of another country? As Jesus Christis asked never to take other people property in own pocket?

But it was some more hidden secrets and some secret information.

The fight for a town named as Port Arthur in a name of some British man? a Noble British man? British? English-speaking man from far away country?

Russian town Ekaterenburg, Peterburg were on names of Russian Royalty, - Russian Tsarina Ekaterina II, Russian Tsar Peter The Great, people, whom ruled as a main power.

Look, this is a great misery, mistic story to see to find a huge loss of Russian military Army and Navy staff as a fight for whom, really? For a town of Arthur? Port Arthur town? named to honor some ENGLISH-SPEAKING MAN FROM ENGLAND? British man?

Military people, The Artmy, The Fleet, they fight always for their own state, country, for their own TOP POLITICIANS IN POLITICAL POWER.

This fight of Russian military men and Russian navy men for a town Port Arthur as for their own town with name of their own country and state, had oppened a hidden secret of some hidden history about some state and a country where Arthur was a name of the Top Politician, ruled as Royal.

This mark and sign of some hidden fact when Russian and English speakers were being citizens of some huge Empair with their KIng Arthur or Emparator Arthur.

So, British people saved this fact in British legends about King Arthur, while no evedences of his grave, graves of his closed families, relatives, half-sisters, kids, nephews, castles of ruins of castles, no evedences of his decendents or decendents of his closed relatives till present time.

Plenty people listend legends of King Arthur, Wizard Merlin, Knights of Round Table, Caliburn, sword, Excaliburn, Guienevere, his wife. his son Mordred from Morgana, his half-sister.

The island England is not a huge place ot be able to search it to find ruins of castles or castles, Christian cemetery, graves.

Plenty locals lived in some places for centuries, making graves locally in their local cemeteries near churches and inside churches for Nobles, riches, and priests.

All graves now searched to make DNA genetic testing, this common for all.

It would be suprising to find a loss of memory of a place of grave of a famous King Arthur as King on England and King of British tribes and a loss of location of graves of all his relatives too.

We may easy find Roman Empair buildings, colones in island England for a time more deep in the past, saving, known locations. And ... no information for King Arthur and his relatives graves in British people memory or legend stories?
