Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

I knew as nobody had left alive here in particular this place during Middle Age time of Black Death by local historical records and facts, - no one!

Each local (a man, a women, a child, a monk, a rich, a poor) had been died "from The Black Death", viziting locals and their local villages.

No one had been left as a survivors by records, no one.

So, these two "true-born in UK local British females" had lied me defenetly, their ancestors lived locally over 600 years as locals.

Not, they were not. Nobody survived alive here in Middle age time, The Black death had finded each local to visit.

And so, a question, a so, a question, as a logic question to know to ask:

from what places and areas were all others as new coming crowds of new-locals?

For example, the official history of England is keeping records of Rome Empair presence in Enland island as Rome Legion males.

So, a huge amount of military soldiers and officiers of Rome Legion would left plenty true-local kids with a mix genes of locals and males of Roman Empair and Roman Legioneers and plenty Chritian Priests, whom were Italians males.

But when we see plenty look of British women and men, they did not look "Italian genes mixed".

Scottish men tried to joke on "true-British" to show a naked bottom to them, as a silly stupid joke about a possible way of a sexual use of true-born British by Rome Legioneers soldiers men (as homosexual gays sex ways of a sex, what way was apopular in Rome Empair time for males between them).

But the study of Rome Legioneers showns as plenty kings of tribes around gave their sons to serve as foreigners in Rome Legioners (as a true born Rome Empair Citizens were lazy to serve as soldiers themselves).

And so, habits of Rome Empair Citizens as a homosexual habits were nothing to spread to their servants and their military servants as people from other Ethnic and tribes.

But, British genetic pool would mixed with genes of Rome Empair and Rome Legioners too.

Rome Empair covered a huge area - Europe, France, Germany, Poland, ..., England, Egypt, Israel modern land, ... and so, Rome Legioners had been an international mix of this all men, males, plus traders, which were Jewish, probably.

I hope all data of locals DNA will be more open for studies (without names or with surname,s on a choice of people themselves).

This way to open a real history to see. we are adults to see a real history of real events.

The genetic study may prove the oficial history, or to add missed facts and links or to re-write to the official real history for adults to know things.

I know and saw a modern way as scientists took DNA samples from graves to study to know a real DNA or a real locals living before us in different places.

The huge collections of DNA popuations making links to see ways of migrations in the past.

The Old Kingdom collapsed or something and people moved.

The evedences of Great Flood and the turn of Poluses location had been known to see these facts.

This means some survivors of family, tribes, old Ethnic groups, old countries might spreaded to live where they were on a final surving days, not returned back as probably no ways was.

British people, talking on English language may open they look and their genes closed to Slavonic Russian genes look from Siberia or Ukraine, for example.

Look, if a Gigantic waves came, plenty died, some survived as their personnel chance, and if in a boat, they leaved this were they find the land, a coast, a soil to leave.

People of one family might lived far far far away, some started be Russians, some English or Scots or Europeans.

I am Russian Ethnic, birth in Russia, my ancestry from Siberia, and from Denisova cave in Altai Mountants too, and Tibet and Pamir and Alpes Mountants and mountants in Tadzhikistan.

Some of my ancestors were being Neadertals from Denisova case in Siberia, some Neaderthals from Horvatia cave in Europe (I have 3.8% DNA of Neaderthals of Horvatia cave in Europe), some Denisova race from Denisova cave in Altai Mountants in Siberia in Russia, some from Malta old village near Baikal lake in Russia.

Some humans as a genetic mix of Neaderthals and Homosapiences, Neaderthals and Debisova race and Homo Sapiences.

Some from a village near Cambridge, 6 people, a family, living here 2,300-1,300 years back in time, near Cambridge in England.

Some in Scotland, Ireland.

Some Hungarian, some Brazilians.

By geological maps of the past, climate zones, soils, the look had changed plenty times.

There were a warm zone in a modern Sibiria, plenty humans lived here, plenty animals and plants too.

A climate changes, The Ice Age, and time of melted Ice, making sea of a fresh water, and mudy places.

People moved all times to survive for their best, mixed, moved, and again. The way of a life. We all mixed, so.

So, old legends about King Arthus may be a true folklor stories, saving for us from the past.

Arthur as Artur

English "a" article, a map, a tour

a tour - A'r'tour - Artur - Arthur

a traveler, a tour, Arthur.


Turkmenia and Turkey country with Turks.

A Turk -- A Tur A Turk - Arthur

Ar - a half or a circle

a Rainbow look as "Ar", Ar-Ra

[Ara] = old people used hourses to make their family trips in a wagon (a cart, a wagon, a carriage) on a power of horses.
