Translation from Russian into English: January 1, 2018.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рождественский рассказ".
8. The Sketch about the Literary Dispute
- You see, ...classics ... So ...
- It is clear. ... Interest of readers. And not only at the airports and at stations before boarding on the airplane or on the train.
- ... order ... And before him - hundred days.
- You must think on a more substantial scale. Hundred years before the order. And a grant - yours.
- In the morning a grant, after hundred years - chairs.
- Be a realist. Twice two - four.
- Full privacy of deposit!
- Send oranges by packets!
- Daladye is the head!
- On the battery there are no shells any more.
- It is necessary quicker on a bend.
- Sail! Have torn a sail!
- I repent! I repent, repent!
January 7, 2018 23:44
Translation from Russian into English: January 7, 2018.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Скетч о литературном диспуте".
9. The Short Story about the Bottom
The religious protagonist in a pit sits. Together with the wife. It's damp, cold, heavy.
He have decided to distract. He have turned on the laptop. Have gone out in Internet.
Browse: news. The fight. The incident. The razborka. "u-u-Yes...". The Molotov cocktail ... "Is what cocktail, the wife? To which in long dresses come?" What to answer the wife? She jokes in reply: "In clothes black ...".
The religious protagonist looks further: website of newspaper. On the first page even the writer - classic is represented. Russian-Soviet. The protagonist has remembered: "At the bottom". He have sighed. He have gained strength, He have begun to read.
"We, such-those, support!..."
The wife has approached, has looked because of a back onto the screen: "How long, father?"
From surprise the religious protagonist has lost the speech. The question was left without answer.
January 19, 2018.
Translation from Russian into English: January 19, 2018.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ о дне".
10. Dialogue of colleagues
Диалог коллег
Dialogue of colleagues
После неприятной истории с Радищевым Екатерина II выделила деньги из государственного бюджета на поддержку литературного творчества.
After a unpleasant story with Alexander Radishchev Catherine II has allocated money from the state budget for support of literary creativity.
Составили смету. Устроили очередную книжную выставку.
Have calculated the estimate. Have organized the once more book exhibition.
Люди все уважаемые. Рядом оказались за соседними столами бывший пресс-секретарь одной из организационных структур в звании генерала со своей книгой о резонансных, всем известных, громких преступлениях и новационный журналист со своей книгой "Все тайны петербургской бани".
People - all the respected. At the nearby tables are sit the former press secretary of one of the organisation structures in the general's rank with the book about resonant, all the known, loud crimes and the innovative journalist with the book "All Mysteries of the St. Petersburg Bathhouse".
Экс-пресс-секретарь смотрел вокруг, иногда бросая взгляды на соседа.
The ex-press secretary looked around, sometimes darting glances at the neighbor.
А тот сосредоточился на своей книге, на экс-пресс-секретаря как-то совсем не смотрел.
The neighbor has focused on the book, somehow didn't watch absolutely at the ex-press secretary.
Мероприятие было недолгим. Стали все подниматься. Волей-неволей журналист бросил взгляд на экс-пресс-секретаря, кивнул ему и что-то буркнул.
The action was short. All began to stand up. Willy-nilly the journalist has darted a glance at the ex-press secretary, has nodded to him and has muttered something.
"Так было нужно, коллега" - послышалось экс-пресс-секретарю.
"It was so necessary, the colleague", - the ex-press secretary seemed, that he heard.
Журналист направился к выходу.
The journalist has gone to an exit.
"Нужны новые подходы, новые пыжи в писательской обойме, новые литературные величины." - мудро подумал генерал.
"The new approaches, the new corks in the writers community's clip, the new literary organisms are necessary." - the general has wisely thought.
1 февраля 2018 г. 15:05
February 1, 2018 15:05
Translation from Russian into English: February 1, 2018 15:10. ("Russian and English" version of the presentation).
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Диалог коллег".
11. The Short Story about Progress in Fishing
- Can I speak to Monsieur Maupassant, please?
- Hello. Maupassant speaking.
- This is the Head of Cultural Panel calling. Let me inform You about the cultural overturn. In the past, men used to write about women. Today, now, versa, women are writing about men. ... Your congratulations? You - as the old yacht seaman - are wishing a progress in a yachting and in a fishing ? Thank you! Good-by.
- Bye-bye.
February 16, 2018.
12. Dialogue of Stop Down - Start Up
- Make the list of the forbidden books!
- Develop new model of a space rocket!
- Develop the system of blocking of the websites!