Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Пожилой человек поставил книгу обратно на книжную полку и подошел к столу.

The elderly man returned the book on the bookshelf and came toward the table.

Лист бумаги лежал перед ним.

The sheet of paper laid beside him.

Его взгляд несколько мгновений неподвижно фиксировался на отпечатанных фразах:

His look was for some moments fixed on the phrases, typed.

'Иной народ мог бы сказать Правительству: вы не оправдали наших ожиданий, уходите прочь, мы поставим другое правительство, которое заключит мир с Германией и обеспечит нам покой. Но русский народ не пошел на это, ... и пошел на жертвы, чтобы обеспечить разгром Германии.'

'The another people could to say their Government: you are - the loosers! go down off! We will create a new Government, which will sign a peace treaty with Germany, and so we will guarantee us a calm life. But Russian people didn't took such a choice. But Russian people decided to straggle - with a great victims and casualties, - and to win Germany.'

В кабинет вошел помощник:

The assistant entered into office-room^

- Прибыли коробки со списками. На Ваше имя. Отправитель... Название отправителя... - необычно написано...

- The boxes with lists are arrived. Addressed to You, personally. The sender... Name of the sender... - is written uncommonly...

- Коробки? - пожилой человек усмехнулся. - Дополнительно проверьте адрес.

-'The boxes?' - the elderly man has smiled slightly. - '...Check the address'.

Помощник вышел из кабинета.

Assistant went out the office-room.

Пожилой человек сделал несколько шагов вдоль стола. Передвинул документы. Подумал: 'Тоже - списки'.

Elderly man made some steps along the table. He moved the documents. 'Also - lists'.

Нашел в списке фамилию. Рядом лежали листки с Автобиографией. Взгляд заскользил по тексту:

He fixed in the list one of the candidates. Sheets of paper with the autobiography laid near. His look was scrolling down the text.

'Родился ... в семье служителя культа (священника). ... Отец ... продолжает оставаться служителем культа ... и по настоящее время...

'Was born in the family of a priest... The father continues to be a priest now...

[Окончил в январе 1915 года экстерном костромскую духовную семинарию].

[Graduated from seminary of Kostroma city in January, 1915, - by external way].

В январе 1915 года зачислен в Алексеевское [юнкерское] военное училище (г. Москва) и 1 июня 1915 г[ода] по окончании его выпущен прапорщиком... Последний чин - штабс-капитан.

In in January, 1915, was enrolled in Alekseevsky [cadet] military school (Moscow). Graduated from military school with rank of прапорщик (ensign, warrant officer) on June, 1, 1915. Before demobilization of exEmperor's Army I realized military service with rank of Stuff-Capitan.

Октябрь 1937 г[ода] по настоящее время - начальник 1-го отдела Генерального штаба РККА...

Since October, 1937, to present time - I head of 1-st department of General Staff of Red Army.

Подпольной работы против царского и других буржуазных правительств не вел...

Wasn't included in illegal activity against Tsar's government and others bourgeois governments.

С подпольными организациями и отдельными большевиками революционерами связи не имел...

I had no connections with illegal organizations or concrete Bolsheviks revolutionaries...

...27 октября 1938 г.'

...October, 27, 1938.'

Прочитав слова насчет 'отдельных большевиков революционеров', пожилой человек усмехнулся. Подумал: 'Петровская школа'.

Elderly man read the words about 'concrete Bolsheviks revolutionaries'. Smiled. 'Peter's traditions!' - he had thought.

Написал напротив фамилии: 'Подготовить назначение на должность начальника Генерального штаба'.

He made a record in list near name: 'I order to prepare the appointment of this commander on the post of the Head of General Staff'.

30 ноября 2017 г. 22:23

November, 30, 2017 22:33

Translation: 1 December 2017 - 10 December 2017

LX. The Fairy Tale about Literary Connoisseurs

Lev Davidovich received fresh newspapers: "Finally!". He dialed Edouard Daladier's number.

- "Mr. Daladier! I greet you with revolutionary greetings! King Alfonso XIII of Spain stepped back off power. The republic was proclaimed. The day of glory has arrived! How is it sung in Marseillaise: "To arms, citizens, // Form your battalions, // Let's march, let's march!". There is a good chance of our meeting. Political groups invite me to Spain."

Edouard Daladier got sick with teeth. And he grabbed the cheek.

- "Of course, Lev Davidovich! "Freedom will greet us joyfully at the entrance. [Alexander Pushkin's words]". France is a country of reading."

Edouard Daladier relieved to hang up. And then he picked it up again. Dialed the number.

- "Mr. Francisco Franco? This is Edouard Daladier. I read the other day the so-called Columbus's diaries. Admiral swam to the New World, but never forgot about Spain. "The charm of the morning hours was a great pleasure, and it seemed like there was not enough only the nightingale's singing." "The weather was like in Andalusia in April." And what about Morocco? Is the heat overwhelming? ... This is our work ... Classical traditions of French and World diplomacy ... Good bye..."

- "Joseph Vissarionovich? This is Edouard Daladier. You, of course, know that King Alfonso XIII of Spain stepped back off power. I will not touch details: You are aware of the matter ... We are planning a policy of non-intervention ... You are supporting? So! But... will this be enough?.. You are urgently sending advisers?.. That's so! By the way, recently published in Paris a book of Your compatriot Boris Nikitine ... You are already know? You have read it? I understand! That's so! Good bye..."

Stalin has put the telephone receiver. "What did Cervantes write about Don Quixote? But about this later - a little later. "

He lit a pipe. "King Alfonso XIII of Spain, Trotsky, Daladier, Franco ..." The thought suddenly became focusing on the name "Daladier" and began to move associatively: "Daladier - France - revolution - the guillotine ...". "But to transport the guillotine there?.. They will decide on the spot." The thought arose: "Whether not enough concerns in Central Europe?..".
