Russian-Japanese war (1904-1905), was far from the European Russia. Unsuccessful for Russia. On January 2, 1905, Port Arthur capitulated.
Association of almost all public forces around the idea of the need of the constitution.
On September 19, 1905 the general strike has begun.
With the participation of Sergei Witte, the Russian Emperor was given an alternative: either political reforms or dictatorship.
October 17, 1905, the Imperial Manifesto was issued. Manifesto granted Russia "the unshakable foundation of civil freedom".
On December 7, 1905 the Moscow uprising of 1905 has begun, which continued 12 days. It was armed action.'
Gorky has taken a sip of water from a cup, lighted a cigarette. .
The poetess impulsive said:
- 'At suppression of a December Moscow armed revolt very emotional scenes were taking place!'
- 'Yes!' - confirmed Gorky. - 'During this period, almost everyone understood that the Constitution, that political reforms are necessary.
On the one hand, so-called revolutionaries considered themselves absolutely rights.
On the other hand, those who shot at them (government officials) also recognized the need of reforms.
But the military men, which were shooting, felt the influence of the oath, the sense of duty, the very fact of the adoption of the Manifesto on October 17, 1905.
When were followed the events of June 3, 1907, something in the souls of these people crashed.
Time will pass, and in the diary of the Emperor there will be a record dated March 2, 1917: "Treason and cowardice and deceit are around!"'
Gorky paused.
- "But let's go back to Witte. After the adoption of the Manifesto on October 17, 1905 and the suppression of the December Moscow armed uprising, the State Duma was elected.
On the eve of opening of the I State Duma the Emperor has approved ""The code of the state's fundamental laws." Article 86 fixed the legislative power of the State Duma: "No new law can not follow without the approval of the State Duma...". This provision has been violated June 3, 1907.
The State Duma began work April 27, 1906. On the one hand, she was loyal to the existing regime. On the other hand, she put in the agenda the most important question. It was the Constituent Assembly's question - the agrarian question. Notice that in some historical works in relation to the State Duma the word-combination "Constituent Assembly" is used.
Imagine, dear listeners! The Constituent Assembly began the work long before 1917. In 1906! Albeit under a other name.
On July 9, 1906 the decree on dissolution of the State Duma has followed.
The subsequent events "clean out" the State Duma off all her "salt"!
The change of provision on elections accepted on June 3, 1907, and The other legislative "improvements", have reduced the Duma to the body which is mostly considering and approving budgetary and financial documents.
It is curious that historians, writers easily express regrets about an occasion of dispersal of the Constituent Assembly in 1917. The sailor Zheleznyak (A. G. Zheleznyakov) - very effective image. But the fate of the I State Duma special regret and strong emotions does not cause.
So, on April 22, 1906 S.Yu. Witte resigns.
"Behind" remain:
1. The safe, calmed-down country (the opposition had enough forces for the Manifesto, but not for a revolution),
2. The favourable - in general - the end of the Russian-Japanese war,
3. (It is possible to argue about words, but - we will conjecture:) The Constitution. And the Constituent Assembly - is ready and capable to resolve an agrarian question.
There is enough time for reforms: the First World War will begin only in 1914.
Such is, my dear listeners, my mini-lecture about Sergei Yulyevich Witte.'
- 'Thank You, Alexei Maximovich, for this excellent lecture. For a lecture of the eyewitness of events', - the Memoirist has thanked.
A general applause were heard.
- 'To me', - the Memoirist has added, - 'Your lecture has brought into creative mood.'
Gorky has smiled:
- 'History - a reason for reflections.'
- 'It would be desirable to speak out. I want to verify the correctness of the assimilation of what was heard', - the Memoirist has continued.
- 'Please', - Gorky has reacted.
- 'Whether it is impossible to find logical links between a December Moscow armed revolt of 1905 (and - in general - Revolution of 1905) and events on July 3-8, 1917? At the beginning of July, 1917 some parts of the Petrograd garrison, workers and other participants of events have tried to overthrow Provisional Government. Bolsheviks have well learned the lessons of 1905: and not especially interfered with events (can be, have even pushed them), but also weren't involved.
A peculiar historical test has been executed. The peculiar rehearsal. Feeler.
How your opinion, Alexey Maksimovich?'
It was quiet. Gorky admired a landscape. Beauty of Vesuvius has drawn attention of all attendees.
The evening is turning into night, Italy, Villa, Mediterrian sea, Vesuvius, silence...
May 19, 2017
Translation from Russian into English: 21 November 2017 17:01, 21 November 2017 19:59.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Витте'.
LIV. The Tale about the Academician Tarle
Gorky has joined the readers of cafe-library who have decided to exchange opinions on the read books behind cups of coffee.
- 'Alexey Maksimovich', - the Writer has addressed him. - 'You were fond of Tarle?'
- '"Napoleon", misters', - Gorky has explained, laying before himself on a table the book "Napoleon" by Yevgeny Tarle .
- 'Listen, misters! - the Builder has quickened. - 'All listened to the lectures Tarle. Who - before revolution, who - after the revolution. Who before the Great Patriotic War, who - later. Who - being the student, who - already with ranks and awards.'