Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

It is also possible to note that I am the author of the project of a standing conference of ambassadors, regular carrying out the congresses of heads of states and their Ministers of Foreign Affairs.'

- 'Mr Metternich!' - Kamensky turned to the Prince, - 'I ask You to comment on the results of the backwardness of the Habsburg monarchy in scientific-technical sphere.'

- 'The backwardness is relative. All can't be the firsts at the same time. As far as possible I promoted industrial revolution, promoted increase in education of the population, construction of the railroads.'

- 'Your opinion, Mr. Metternich, the role of hydrocarbons?' - Kamensky asked another question.

- 'Pan-European problem. A pan-European solution', - Metternich replied laconically.

- 'The opinion is expressed that absolute monarchy slows down development of the enterprise environment, and, as a result, always lags behind the most developed countries. What your position on this question, mister Metternich?' - Insarov has taken an interest.

- 'I was "a healer of revolutions". There are situations when society reaches the zenith. To go under such circumstances forward means to roll down backward.'

- 'In 1807 Fulton has constructed the first river steamship "Clermont" ("North River Steamboat") which has made the first flight down the river Hudson from New York to Albany. And in the Crimean (East) war of 1853-1856 the English and French squadrons widely used military steamships. How your opinion, mister Metternich whether this circumstance in favor of decrease in transport significance of Danube testifies? Whether confirms the union of the Ottoman Empire with the Western European countries the decrease in a role of the Habsburg monarchy as participant of the all-European security?'

- 'How to evaluate the significance of these factors? How to determine the strength of their influence?' - responded Metternich. - 'My most secret thought is that it was the beginning of the end of old Europe. I decided to die with her, performing my duty. I'm a European. The political map is changing. Europe stays!'

Interlocutors have approached the Winter Palace.

- 'Thank you for the conversation, gentlemen!' - said Metternich.

- 'Allow me, Mr. Metternich, to express You our general gratitude for Your consent to give an interview, for Your interesting answers', - Academician Tarle has said.

- 'My best wishes to Prime Minister Witte', - said the Prince.

Yevgeny Tarle, Christian Insarov and Andrei Kamensky have slightly bowed.

Metternich turned around and has gone to the Winter Palace.

Yevgeny Tarle has addressed Christian Insarov and Andrei Kamensky:

- 'Thank you for your cooperation, gentlemen. Let's say "goodbye" to each other and became to hurry to write down what we've heard.'

It seemed to writers that they heard the phrase, was spoken by the Prince: "What two-three centuries mean in the annals of history?"

May 20, 2017.

Translation from Russian into English: 20 November 2017 06:10, 20 November 2017 18:21.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Меттернихе'.

LIII. The Tale about Witte

The big family of M. Gorky has gathered in the evening in the hall of the Italian Villa. Gorky sat in a room corner, at a table. In gold eyeglasses. And he looked like an old artisan.

Outside the window Vesuvius was in the distance visible: his fiery staircase glowed in the sky.

Among the gathered persons there were a Poetess and the Memoirist. They also lived at this time under the same roof with Gorky and his family.

Someone lay on a sofa. Several people sat in chairs. On a carpet the dog lay.

The Memoirist has asked:

- 'Alexei Maximovich, read us a lecture about Witte, please.'

- 'I don't consider myself an expert on Witte', - Gorky replied. - 'Many events were connected with Sergei Yulyevich. And I can hardly characterize his work as a whole. But a mini-lecture? Perhaps.'

- 'First I will quote from "Gorky"', - Gorky smiled. - 'Let's begin...

"Shortly before the bloody events of 9 January 905, Morozov went to Witte with the delegation of industrialists, tried to convince the minister of the need for some reforms. And then Morozov told me:

- This rascal, probably, starts some crafty game. He behaves as the provoker. Talking to him was, of course, useless and even stupid. Cunning cattle.


Have decided to go to Witte...

Witte was not at home. Hour one and a half we were sitting in the library, waiting for him. finally he came and kindly invited us into his office-room.


He has started talking tone of a regret, shrugging shoulders, raising liquid eyebrows, smiling to the sliding smile, - this made him even more unpleasant. The voice sounded nasally, words were poured plentifully and easily. To me was heard in them something boastful and as though he complained. But I couldn't catch sense of words, and almost nothing was left by them in my memory. I remember only that when he has impressively told: "The opinion of ruling spheres irreconcilably disperses from yours opinion, misters..." - I have felt in this phrase something impudent, ironical...

Then he have suggested us to pass into library for a while, until he talks over with the prince Svyatopolk. We left, I heard him talking on the phone, but I still have the strange impression that he called his doorman and talked with him.

I do not know what was the reply of Svyatopolk - or the doorman - I didn't enter an office on Witte's invitation and didn't ask about it members of deputation. I in general felt not on the my place in this deputation. Besides I very much was interested in Kuzin - I saw that he was fascinated by the collection of awards in a show-window; bending over her, almost touching of her glass's surface by the button of his nose, he was looking at the awards. From his mouth thread of saliva lengthened and dripped on glass. When I alarmed him, he straightened his back and smiling to a buttered, drunk grin, said with a sigh:

- How many... have accumulated, the devil...

He sniffed with a wet his nose and wiped his face firmly with the sleeve of his jacket. All this was indescribably disgusting. I couldn't go back in the office with Kuzin".'

- 'Now, dear friends', - continued Gorky, - 'When sometimes an Talleyrand's opinion is expressed about " acceleration" of the historical process, I can look in a different way at both January 9, 1905, and the subsequent chain of events.
