Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Potemkin insisted on the reinforcement of the army of the Danube by new reinforcements from Russia and on the unfettering this army off instructions.

Thus, Potemkin was not only the favourite. He has appeared in the capital of the Empire as the competent representative of those forces which acted on the "Ottoman" direction.

Potemkin often wrote the letters to the Empress. This correspondence allowed to draw conclusions about literacy, knowledge and Potemkin's outlook.

Focusing on writing a biographical essay about Grigory Potemkin, about his glorious accomplishments, You, Mr. Ogarkov, will be able to tell about activities of Catherine the Great without further details about her personal life.

- So, to write about Potemkin? - showing hesitation, said Ogarkov.

- Write about epoch, mister Ogarkov. Write about historical processes, about events, about свершениях. Interest the reader! And if you're not willing to delve into intimate details, so to characterize the assumptions, the historical versions, reflections. An essay - not dimensionless. Displace stresses and accents.

- You are right, mister Kamensky, - Ogarkov has made the decision. - I will focus on Grigory Potemkin's biography and on his affairs. I will tell about Catherine the Great, about her predecessors on a throne. If it is pertinent, then I will mention also historical versions. I thank for a conversation.

Writers shook hands with each other.

May 28, 2017 - May 29, 2017.

Phased translation from Russian into English. Supplementation of translated text, amendment: 10.10.2017 09:40, 10.10.2017 22:30, 13.10.2017 07:04.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о Екатерине Великой'.

XXXII. Διάλογος για τις προοπτικές τέχνης

Ο ιστορικός τέχνης συζήτησε με τον γλύπτη:

- Λοιπόν, λοιπόν. Λεοπάρδαλη. Λαγός. Κάποιος άλλος ...

- λεοπάρδαλη ... - επιβεβαίωσε ο γλύπτης.

- Μετά - λύκος. Έτσι δεν είναι; - έψαχνε ακρίβειας ιστορικός τέχνης.

- Ναι, - ο γλύπτης συμφώνησαν.

- Τώρα - Ο Κέρβερος, - ιστορικός τέχνης 'πιεσμένος' γλύπτη 'στον τοίχο'

- Κέρβερος, - ο γλύπτης αναγκάστηκε να παραδεχτεί.

- Και ποιο είναι το επόμενο;-ιστορικός τέχνης ολοκληρωθεί το ερώτημα και παύση.

Ο γλύπτης σκεφτόμουν...:

-Πάω να πάει στο βιβλιοθήκη-καφέ (Cafe-Βιβλιοθήκη) του Μαξίμ Γκόρκι. Για βιβλία σχετικά με την μυθολογία!

-Το σωστό προοπτικές! - εκπνεόμενο ιστορικός της τέχνης. - Φειδίας!

16 Οκτωβρίου 2017, 20:51

Πειραματική μετάφραση από τα ρωσικά γλώσσα στην ελληνική γλώσσα (Экспериментальный перевод с русского языка на греческий язык): 17 Οκτωβρίου 2017, 03:51

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о перспективах искусства'.

XXXIII. Dialogue about the prospects of art

Art historian spoke to the sculptor:

- So. Leopard. Hare. Someone else...

- The leopard ...- the sculptor confirmed.

- Thereafter - the wolf. So? - said the art historian.

-Yes, - the sculptor agreed.

- Now - Cerberus? - art historian "pressed against the wall" the sculptor.

- Cerberus, - the sculptor was forced to admit.

- And what's next? - The art historian ended the question with a pause.

The sculptor for a while was thinking, sitting in a chair...:

- I am planing to go in M. Gorky's cafe-library. To read books about mythologies!

-The right prospects! - historian of art exhaled. - Phidias!

October 16, 2017, 20:51

This translation from Russian into English: October 17, 2017, 07:20

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о перспективах искусства'.

XXXIV. The dialogue between Diogenes and Croesus.

Croesus made a sign with his hand. His entourage has placed a huge gold coins on special supports.

Diogenes looked at the coins. The philosopher Diogenes was the son of the money-changers from Hycesia. Once at Delphi, he inquired of the Oracle what he must do, received the answer: "revaluation of values". Initially he understood this saying as "coin minting". However, he realized his calling in philosophy.

- Coins of pure gold. Each weighs several kilograms, - Croesus recalled with pride. - They made a splash in the ancient world. Best people dream about them.

- Yes! - Diogenes was captured by memories.

- Look at them! Take a look! And tell me which one you prefer. Maybe you like it all! -assumed Croesus.

Diogenes sighed and lowered his head.

The persons accompanying Croesus brought the coins closer to Diogenes.

The face of Diogenes became even more sad.

- Do not prevent me from reading the philosophical works. - Diogenes displaced his look from the coins to the book with philosophical writings.

- Think! - said Croesus.

Diogenes has squeezed by fingers the philosophical book.

18 Oct 2017 12:53

This translation from Russian into English: October 18, 2017, 13:41

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог Диогена и Крёза'.

XXXV. Alexander I, Ivan F. Kruzenshtern, Yuri F. Lisyansky, Nikolai P. Rezanov. Polycentrism of a successful project. Essay.

1.And whether there was Washington? Short preface

Almost 210 years have elapsed since the completion of the first Russian round the world navigation of Kruzenshtern (Krusenstern) and Lisyansky (Lisianski).

Many publications was written About this expedition (a bibliography is given, for example, in the books of V. M. Pasetsky and I. I. Firsov [1] [2]).
