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Confrontations in this direction were long, the results of confrontations - changeable.

A particularly strong influence on the collective historical memory could have the events of the Livonian war that took place in the era of Ivan IV Vasilyevich.

The duration of the Livonian War of 1558-1583 exceeded 20 years. The Livonian War ended unsuccessfully. Shocks followed, "Time of Troubles", the replacement of the Rurik Dynasty by the Romanov Dynasty.

Perhaps, after all these events, an intuitively cautious attitude toward actions on the "European direction" arose. Perhaps, there was an understanding of the need for the very "coalition", of the need for inclusion in the coalition.

The "Ottoman" direction was preferable for several reasons.

First, two important victories have shown advantage of the European military culture. A victory in 1571 of the joint fleet of a number of the European states (in Sacred league have united:Venice, Spain, the Pope, Malta and a number of the Italian states: Genoa, Naples, Sicily, Savoy, Tuscany, Parma, etc.). A victory near Vienna in 1683.

These victories - with a possibility of tactical defeats - allowed to predict total military superiority of the European coalition.

Secondly, the "Ottoman" direction created a tendency of the European coalition (or the European coalitions).

"Coalition" (the"European coalition") - as a result of the actions in the "Ottoman" direction - had their own (independent) value.

Thirdly, the state apparatus, and army, and broad masses of the population due to historical and other reasons gave a positive assessment for actions on the "Ottoman" direction.

As far as "Siberian" direction is concerned, action has been taken in this direction. With different, of course, levels of energy, vivacity at different times.

For example, the Stroganovs, who explored and mastered Ural and Siberia.

Stroganovs are active during epoch Ivan IV Vasilyevich.

Stroganovs rendered substantial monetary and military assistance to the second people's militia (to the second Volunteer Army).

The Stroganovs provided considerable monetary and food aid to Michael I of Russia (Mikhail Fyodorovich Romanov), the first Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty.

They provided great financial assistance to Peter I during the Northern War.

And not only the name Stroganovs remained in history.

On 21 October (23 August) 1727 (during the reign of Peter the Second), Russia and China signed the Treaty of Kyakhta. It established the Russian-Chinese border from Transbaikalia to the western Sayán.

15 August 1728 (also during the reign of Peter the Second), the Bering Strait between Asia and America was opened.

All events are not enumerated. But will mention, that in 1784 (during the reign of Catherine the great): the merchant G. I. Shelikhov founded the first Russian settlement on Kodiak island (Alaska).

-The singling out of these three "directions"-for what, Mr. Kamensky? - asked Ogarkov.

- And why not to put forward a working version, Mr. Ogarkov? - said Kamensky. - If to accept that long Livonian war for the "European" direction virtually without allies ended not well... If to consider , that the long Livonian war was followed by the "Time of Troubles", the change of dynasties and other adverse events...

Has the concepts of "peacefulness" (desire for peace) and "coalition" (understanding of importance of the coalition) have appeared in public consciousness (at least, on "the European direction")?

Peacefulness is largely a female quality.

Anna Ioannovna and Catherine the Great on the "European" track were quite peace-loving.

Catherine II participated as part of the coalitions in the partitions of Poland, providing a clear advantage.

The military confrontation between Russia and Sweden in the reign of Catherine II wore some "residual" character, and consisted, mainly, to the battles of the sea. It ended with a obvious victory for Russia.

The entry of Russia in 1757 in The Seven Years' War (1756 - 1763) during the period of Elizabeth Petrovna's reign can be considered as an exception of the rule. But - from what point of view to look. During lifetime of Elizabeth Petrovna this war wasn't ended. There were nice victories of the Russian weapon. But, anyway, despite long military operations, so to any positive results this war hasn't led.

It is possible to draw a conclusion that the exception has confirmed the rule.

"Partitions", if viewed from a historical point of view, also look either pointless or doubtful.

- "Women's factor" and "peacefulness" (desire for peace), - with a mild irony summed up the Ogarkov. - Plus "foreign specialists", plus "European Coalition" ... Assumptions, theories, thoughts...

- As a working version for the explanation of "women's factor", - Kamensky reacted with slight irony. - But you may remember the hypothetical "collective historical memory", the long Livonian war without allies (Russia), and the subsequent "Time of Troubles" ... These are also elements of reasoning.

- If to take into account your statements, mister Kamensky, it may will reduce "an intimate (sexual) component" in the biography Catherine The Great, - has sighed Ogarkov. - Will reduce, but not by much. It is necessary, by and large, in details to consider her personal life.

- Make "knight's move" [course of a chess horse], mister Ogarkov, - Kamensky has offered a possible way. - You can write a biographic essay about Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin.

Potemkin acted on the "main" direction - "Ottoman". Of course, You cannot do without mentioning his personal relationship with Catherine II.

But emphasize, that Potemkin was busy with strategic issues. His excellent organizational communications with the count Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev (Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky) are obvious.

So, Grigory Potemkin arrived in St. Petersburg in the late 1770 with excellent recommendations P.A. Rumyantsev. In the letter to the Empress the victorious P.A. Rumyantsev listed the merits of G.A. Potemkin. and, in particular, it was noted:

"This officer with great abilities can do extensive and far-sighted remarks about the land where the theater of war was, which by their properties deserve to be awarded the highest attention and respect. And therefore I entrust him to convey to You many circumstances related to the glory of the Empire ..."
