As to possible(probable) unconscientiousness of the sellers (or простоватости of the buyers),, how it is visible from the description of a situation, the lack of masts has come to light after in Brasil ' have removed(taken off) фор стеньгу and эзельгофт '. As far as the dismantle of the ship was usual at his(its) purchase (in England)? For whose account and whose forces such dismantle in England would be carried out(spend)? And up to what "'depth" it be necessary such dismantle to carry out? And in general,maybe, it was better to build the new ships? Only such construction how many would cost? And what time she(it) has required? And whether the navigation as early as years through 50 was held? From the description of expedition(dispatch) it is visible, that for the period of parking and repair the personal structure of expeditions(dispatches) hospitably met by the Portuguese authorities, has managed to have a rest, to be typed(collected) of forces. (' the hospitable reception was rendered to Expedition(dispatch). ... the lieutenant Colonel of the Portuguese service дон Иозеф де Курада, потомок of the famous seafarer Васко де of Din, was extremely hospitable ' [Нозиков Н. Н.]).
By what image Ю. Ф. Лисянский has got the experience which has allowed it(him) to execute preparation expedition(dispatch): to buy and to repair the ships?
' There has come(stepped) spring, and Лисянский has set off on north. It(he) has visited in Нью Йорке, Нью Port. It(he) was interested by(with) shipyards, docks, statement of shipbuilding business ' [Фирсов And. И.].
Similarly it(he) behaved and in other countries. An example: ' On advice of the ambassadorial officials Лисянский and Баскаков at first наведались in Greenwich, but then have got over in the London suburb Комбервелл. (...) the First trip have made in Вулвич, have examined thoroughly famous shipyards, workshops, storehouses ' [Фирсов And. И.].
Let's note, that on the first round-the-world expedition(dispatch) 1803-1806 years the process of organization distant sea плаваний has not stopped; have followed new, And. Ф. Крузенштерн accepted in initiation and preparation of a number(line) of such expeditions(dispatches) most active participation.
It is possible to assume, that on the moment of a beginning of preparation of expedition(dispatch) Ю. Ф. Лисянский was most prepared for round-the-world travels from among the Russian citizens: as корабел, as the organizer of expedition(dispatch), as the battle(dashing) seaman, as the navigator, as the man having knowledge, concerning to round-the-world плаваниям, as the man owning the English language and able to orient not only in the British society(community), but also in local environment(Wednesday) of Russian embassy in London.
Let's note, that as the navigator and as the commander of the ship And. Ф. Крузенштерн had also excellent(different) experience. To compare battle(dashing) preparation Крузенштерна and Лисянского it is inconvenient; anyway, in Russian America Ю. Ф. Лисянскому, but not And. Ф. Крузенштерну, it was necessary to apply battle(dashing) skills.
It is possible is proved to assume, that on the moment of a beginning of preparation (began preparations of expedition(dispatch), instead of beginning of the navigation) only Ю. Ф. Лисянский was capable to decide(solve) the put and arising tasks.
Some judgements we shall state and concerning the period direct плаваний.
In what the functions And consist. Ф. Крузенштерна as chief of expedition(dispatch) - clearly from information sources it is not clear. The joint navigation of the sailing ships not always was convenient: it required(demanded) significant time for coordination.
And "'Victoria" under a management(manual) Хуана Себастьяна дель Кано, and ' Gold лань ' Фрэнсиса Дрейка финишировали in loneliness.
The format partly of joint navigation, certainly, rendered some psychologically stabilizing influence on the captains Крузенштерна and Лисянского.
The author has no an opportunity to familiarize with the text of the instruction, определявшей of power And. Ф. Крузенштерна, but from information sources follows, that on the fact it(he) carried out fragmentary coordinating functions.
Most interesting consists that from the formal party, And. Ф. Крузенштерн - like - was not the chief of expedition(dispatch).
' On July 10, 1803 Н. Item. Резанов was nominated by the Russian ambassador in Japan. The instructions authorized Александром I. (...) In general since were given to it(him) was found out, that Резанов will participate personally in expeditions(dispatches) both the seaman have appeared as though in a shadow ' [Штейнберг Е. Л.].
' The First skirmish has taken place in Copenhagen, where Резанов has refused to take in the retinue Лангсдорфа. But obstinate Крузенштерн categorically insisted, and, not wishing to aggravate the attitudes(relation), the envoy has conceded ' [Фирсов And. И.].
' ... After some weeks after departure from Kronstadt Резанов have declared the rights on a management(manual) of the First Russian round-the-world expedition(dispatch). Thus it(he) has showed(presented) Крузенштерну the instruction authorized Александром I. In it(her) the following was spoken: ' Сии both vessels with the officers and служителями, in a service of the company taking place, it are charged to the heads to yours '. However this instruction was latent from Крузенштерна. For the first time it(he) has seen her(it) on Тенерифе, when the ships were far from coast of Russia.
In turn at Крузенштерна there was an instruction Российско of the American company, which assigned to him(it) a management(manual) of expedition(dispatch) and general(common) командование by the ships. The application Резанова, announced on Тенерифе, that it(he) ' the chief of both courts ', deeply has exasperated Крузенштерна, and it(he) has refused to obey the envoy. However on an island Св. Екатерины Резанов again has started talking about the rights to a management(manual) of expedition(dispatch). Крузенштерн has put about these claims in popularity Румянцева and Чичагова and has addressed with the vast letter to Александру I, in which informed, that "'противоборствовать" to all attempts Резанова will interfere with his(its) management(manual) of navigation and. Never will agree to recognize legitimacy of the instruction of the envoy. Intense conditions created from behind the claims Резанова, it(he) continued, ' exhausts forces human '. In Петропавловске on Kamchatka Крузенштерн was going to hand over командование by courts to other officers. It is the ultimatum ' was [Пасецкий In. М.].
' Крузенштерн dissembled. It(he) perfectly knew about the decision Александра I. In Kronstadt it(him) has informed Резанов about highest will. The government of the company in the instruction wrote to it(him), Крузенштерну, about Резанове, that ' authorizing his(its) complete master's person not only in time вояжа, but also in America ', obliged Крузенштерна: ' you will not leave to be guided by his(its) advice(councils) in all ' ' [Фирсов And. И.].
So, we can ascertain, that on expedition(dispatch) three centres of authority (троецентрие) were objectively created.
Itself многоцентрие, but in a format not троецентрия, and двоецентрия, at all is not than that unique. In depth of a history we notice, for example, two Roman consuls. In epoch Александра I, ambassador of a beginning of Domestic war of 1812, we see concerning equal in rights Багратиона and Барклая де Толли. Probably, it is possible to recollect and commissioners, which in some periods could cancel the orders of the commanders.
С. Item. Мельгунов has named the book ' Александр I. A sphynx on престоле '.
In троецентрии we can see a mysterious smile of a Sphynx.