From 1824 the Russian-American Company's board of directors was located at 72 Moika in St. Petersburg. The Northern Society of Decembrists often held its meetings here. K. F. Ryleev, the company's director in 1824 and 1825, also lived in this building.
Throughout its existence, the Russian-American Company sponsored geographic and ethnographic studies of Russian America-for example, by M. D. Teben'kov, V. S. Khromchenko, A. K. Etolin, A. F. Kashevarov, L. A. Zagoskin, and I. G. Voznesenskii. It helped introduce grain and vegetable cultivation and cattle breeding in several areas.'[7].
After reading these phrases, I want to jokingly comment:
'Some board (of directors)... What for board? And where nobility, where serfs?"
And a similar article from the GSE (1926-1947) adds:
'In 1812, near the Bay of San Francisco was founded the first Russian settlement 'Ross' (Fort Ross). In 1816-18 the Russian-American trading company did attempt to place settlements in the Hawaiian Islands.'
It is difficult to imagine the Gogol "The Government Inspector" (Ревизор, Revizor) or the poem "Dead Souls" in relation to San Francisco or the Hawaiian Islands.
I will hypothesize, that and a fast Khlestakov, and an advanced one in the task of Chichikov after a a multi-day journey of land and sea (or only by sea) would come to the destination by other people ('Whither, then, are you speeding, bird sailboat? Whither? Answer me!').
They (Khlestakov and Chichikov) and in the Ross settlement or on the Hawaiian Islands would not meet the people who appeared in the works of Gogol.
But not all at once, at first it is necessary to understand. Shares, furs, incomes ... At the beginning, it seems, has increased prestige ... First everything looked attractively.
And Alexander I began the reign with good hopes and plans.
Generally, the future was solar.
How difficult was a circle of the questions connected with the organization of the first round-the-world expedition it is possible to draw a conclusion, for example, from the following fragments.
"Alexander I created "the Committee of formation of the fleet". And the President of this Committee was appointed not Mordvinov, but - in defiance of him, - decrepit count Alexander Vorontsov, the brother of Ambassador in England.
The tsar has instructed committee - "to define any excess, to transform everything into possible brevity and clearness".
What did Vorontsov think up, who had not served even for a one day in the Navy?
"For many reasons, physical and local, Russia cannot be among the leading maritime states. Yes, in fact neither necessary nor good is not expected. The mighty and the our strength should be in the land forces... "
Winter London met seafarer with cold. Vorontsov was already aware of the purpose of Lisyansky arrival and has treated him coldly.
'Is it not too early to compete with the enlightened mariners, sir?' - skeptically said Vorontsov. - 'British sailors, as James Cook, are highly experienced and have great knowledge. Russia has no decent ships"'[2].
But the project of the first global cruise has been approved by the emperor Alexander I, and subordinate officials couldn't cancel this project. Haven't cancelled it and objective circumstances (as it has taken place at Catherine II).
Will make a few remarks, concerning the relation of the emperor Alexander I to the round-the-world expedition which has taken place during 1803-1806.
Alexander I in connection with the direction and return of the expedition behaved like a man of wide views and very worthy.
Firstly, he approved the project and facilitated the direction of the expedition.
Secondly, he agreed with the appointment the seafarers (Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky) the managers of ships; - the seafarers, who were able to cope with the task at hand - to go around the world.
Thirdly, equipping one of the ships he took on his own account.
In the fourth, has personally arrived to ships, to moment of starting of the expedition.
We will mention also the period after completion of an expedition.
Fifth, he personally arrived on "Neva", after returning the ship from the expedition. Respectfully tried the fleet food. "Having tasted corned beef, crackers, the tsar drank water, taken in tropics, and smacked his lips approvingly" [2]. At heart, probably, it was good; success was historical, world-level.
In the sixth, commanders of the ships of an expedition have received honorary and weighty rewards (awards, pensions, lump-sum premiums, assignments of the next ranks, appointments to worthy positions). Other participants of an expedition also have been awarded.
One expedition, two circumnavigations
Expedition - as the project and as an organizational action - there was one. But round-the-world floatings was two.
Initially the "Hope" and "Neva" ships have been loaded counting upon two rather independent ocean marches.
"Hope" under the leadership of Kruzenstern should reach coast of Japan and Kamchatka, but her visit wasn't planned for Alaska.
"Neva" under Lisyansky's guideline has been given a task to visit Alaska. As for Japan, swimming of "Neva" to coast of this country wasn't planned.
However after the solution the "Hope" the problems on Kamchatka and at coasts of Japan, and the tasks of "Neva" - on Alaska, they (both ships) had to meet in China, in the Canton.
After the solution of commercial tasks to continue a joint way to the European Russia, to St. Petersburg, to Kronstadt.
"The plan and a route of an expedition have been already finally defined. The government instruction assigned the following tasks to it:
To supply in the Russian colonies in America various goods, resources;
to transport from America to the Canton furs for trade operations with the Chinese merchants;
to deliver to Japan the Russian Embassy" [3].
"In floating "Neva" was three full years, without two days. Ship have passed more than forty five thousand miles for this time. Two thirds of this way our sloop-of-war floated independently, without our co-seafarer "Hope"" [2].
"One more important circumstance the writer historian V. Nevsky in the book "First circumnavigation of the Russians" has allocated half a century back: